Chapter 34: Elise's Birthday

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I was typing on my computer, until I heard someone knock on the door to the agency.

"I'll get it!" I say and open the door.

No one.

I step outside in the hallway and close the door. I look to my left.


I slap him.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Chuuya says.

"Get. Away." I glare at him while pointing my pocket knife at him.

"Hey! Jeez... I just wanted to give you this.."

He gives me a letter.

"What's this?" I look up at him.

"Look, I don't want you to think The Port Mafia is still trying to kidnap you, we're over that. It's an invitation for Elise's birthday."


"She's Mori's kid or something like that." Chuuya explained. "He forced me to come here and give you guys an invitation, just because Elise wanted you guys to come. Got it?"

"Okay.... Thanks?"

"Don't thank me." He walked away.


I walked inside the agency.

"Who was it?" Naomi asked.

"That Chuuya guy." I say, "He gave me this."  I showed them the letter.

Dazai immediately got up. "Let me see!"

I gave him the note.

"We are here to advise you, that The Armed Detective Agency is invited for Elise's birthday party. Please, if you have the chance, meet us at the location on the back side of the letter. The Port Mafia."

"I'll get the president." F/n said.

"What's going on here?" Fukuzawa asks.

Dazai gives him the letter.

"A birthday party?" Fukuzawa looks at us.

"Can we go? Please?" Dazai asks.

"I'm not sure... We aren't on the best terms with The Port Mafia." Fukuzawa says.

"They told me they're not interested with the whole idea of kidnapping me anymore." I say, "So... I think we're in the clear."

"Will there be cake?" Ranpo asks.

"There's usually cakes at birthday parties...." B/n looks at him.

"CAN WE GO?!" Ranpo shoots up from his desk,"PLEASE????"


"PLEASE?!" Everyone asked.

He sighs, "Fine...."

"YAY!" We all exclaim.

"But you all need to be on your guard." Fukuzawa said.

~Time Skip~
We go to the location and see where it was.

"A bar?!" I look at Dazai, "For a little girl's birthday party?!"

"That's an odd location...." Atsushi agrees.

We walk inside.

I look around the bar and spot The Port Mafia. We were the only ones in the bar.

"Fukuzawa, so nice for you and the agency to join us." Mori smiled.

"Oh! Is that the girl you told me about?" Elise asked Q.

"Yes! Hi, Miss Y/n!" He waved at me.

I smile and wave back.

Lucky and Unlucky {Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now