Chapter 73: Concern

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{Flashback} ~Dazai's Pov:~
"Hey, have you heard about that blood moon the other night?" I asked Kunikida.

Me and my partner, Kunikida were on a case about a murder at a restaurant in Yokohama.

"Of course I have." Kunikida said. "Why are you asking me this?"

"Well, I heard if you die during a blood moon, your body will stay fresh!"

"That's nonsense." Kunikida says.

"No, seriously! Write it down!"

He started writing in his notebook.

I look ahead. "I'm messing with you."

He looked up at me furious. "If we weren't in public right now, you'd be dead!"

"Whatever you say~" I was smiling.

I suddenly bump into someone.

"Oh, sorry about that!" I say while scratching the back of my head. I look at the woman in front of me.

Woah... she's.. beautiful.

I get on one knee. "Would you do the honor of commiting double suicide wit-"

"Dazai! Quit bothering this lady!" I hear Kunikida say. He hit me with his notebook. He looked at the lady standing in front of us, "Sorry about my weird friend here..."

"It's uh, fine...." She mumbled.

She had H/c hair and E/c eyes. She was wearing a beige sweater a similar color of my coat, except a little darker. She was looking at us in surprise.

"Kunikida!" I stand up, "How could you?! It's not like everyday I bump into a beautiful woman!"

"Whatever." Kunikida mumbled.

"Oh!" I noticed a suitcase in her hand, "Are you new here?"

"Uh.....Yeah...." She said.

"Where you from?"

"The United States...."


"I clearly caught that...." Kunikida mumbled in an annoyed tone.

"Let's show you around!" I exclaimed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Aren't we on a job?" Kunikida looked at me.

"So?" I ask, "She can tag along!"

"I don't even know your names......" She looked at me.

"My apologies!" I said and stopped wrapping my arm around her, "I'm Dazai Osamu! And this is uh, Kunikida..." I said in a not so excited tone.

"And who are you?" Kunikida questioned her.

"Y/n," She said, "Y/n L/n."

{Flashback Over} ~Y/n's Pov:~
Where am I?

I open my eyes and see that I'm in a hospital bed in the agency's patient room.

I look around and remember what happened.

I killed someone.... I actually killed someone.

I sit up and notice I'm wearing pajamas.

Where's Dazai?

I remembered what had happened when he was impaled by an icicle.

I immediately get out of bed and look for him. I opened a curtain and saw him laying on the bed.

I sighed in relief and walked over to the bed.

He's still unconscious..

I grab a chair from the corner and set it beside his bed. I sat down in the chair.

Lucky and Unlucky {Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now