Chapter 54: The Truth

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I open my eyes and see Dazai reading a book. His coat was off. I look around and realized I was in a hospital bed at the agency. I noticed I was in pajamas?

I sit up. Dazai shuts his book with one hand and looks at me.

"You're awake." He says. "What happened?"

"Where's F/n?" I ask.

"I asked the question first." Dazai looked serious. "What happened?"

"I-I just got tired and felt nauseous again!" I lied.

"Whenever you feel nauseous, you don't stay unconscious for two days." He says.

"Wait, two days?" I ask, "You're joking."

"Now, answer the question. Truthfully." Dazai says. "What happened?"

"I don't have to answer if I don't want to, it's none of your concern." I say.

"It is my concern." He looked like he was getting frustrated, he looked at the ground, "You left without a word, F/n found blood in the sink, and then you fainted on the street! What happened?!"

"I'm not answering." I stay stubborn.

"Y/n. Answer. Now." Dazai looked at me.

"You can't force me!" I also start getting frustrated.

"Is it so hard to say what happened?!" He shouted, "You're being difficult!"

"And you're being forceful!"

"I'm being-"

Someone opened the curtain. It was Kyouka.

She looked at Dazai, then back at me.

"I wanted to check on you...." Kyouka mumbled.

I sighed, "I'm fine, Kyouka. Thank you." I nodded and smiled.

She nodded and closed the curtain, she walked away.

Dazai sighed and stood up. He walked over to me. He sat on the right side of the hospital bed.

He was dead silent. He only stared at the floor.

I looked down, not saying a word either. I felt an awful pain of guilt in me.

It was like this for about 20 minutes.

"Y/n..." He finally said.

I looked at him.

"Have I ever told you my previous job, before I joined The Armed Detective Agency?"

"No.." I mumble. "You haven't..."

It was silence for about 30 seconds.

"I actually used to be in The Port Mafia." He said.

I act like I'm surprised, "You did?"

He nodded, "It used to be me, Ango,......... And Odasaku."

"Wait.... Odasaku?" I ask.

"You probably recognize the name from that grave we saw once." He said.

It was another silence.

"He died because he had been shot." Dazai mumbled.

He finally looked at me.

I noticed tears in his eyes.


He hugged me.

He sobbed, "I can't lose you too.."

I felt his tears on my shoulder, my eyes started watering as well.

I hugged him back.

I buried my face in his shoulder while I let him cry it all out.

I felt him hug me tighter.

After a while I fall asleep while he was still hugging me.

~Atsushi's Pov:~
I was typing on my computer, Kyouka was still staring at her desk.

I look over at her. "Kyouka, what's wrong?"

"I just had a very awkward moment with Y/n and Dazai...." Kyouka mumbled.

"Really, what happened?" I asked.

"They were arguing, I walk inside and they both got quiet. I think I really messed up the moment...."

I sigh, "Let's go see how they're doing now."

I stand up from my chair.

Me and Kyouka walk inside the patient room. We peek through the curtain in the back and see Y/n and Dazai.

Dazai was laying down on Y/n's bed, with his arms wrapped around her. Y/n was doing the same.

"W-woah!" I said in surprise.

Kyouka saw as well.

"Wow, Kyouka." I look at her, "You should walk inside rooms uninvited more often."

Kyouka was blinking in surprise.

I close the curtain and we walk out.

Lucky and Unlucky {Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now