Chapter 94: Broken Watch

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I walked inside the agency.

Oh wow. They fixed the ceiling and roof.

I go to my desk and sit down.

"Y/n." I hear someone say from behind me.

I turn around and see Kunikida.

"Care to explain why you decided to skip work?"


"Y/n was only with Sc/n for the morning. She spent the rest of the day finding evidence about the shootings." Dazai said.

"Oh, you were?"

"Yeah, sorry. I couldn't find any evidence.."

"That's fine. Thank you for helping with work then." Kunikida walked out of the agency.

Once he was gone, I looked at Dazai and mouthed the words 'Thank you.'

He smiled and nodded.

I see Ranpo eating snacks at his desk.

"Oh, you're back already, Ranpo?" I asked him.

"Yeah, the cases in Tokyo didn't take long. One of the cases was so strange, who just casually murders someone dressed as Mickey Mouse in America and flees to Tokyo?"

"Mickey Mouse..?" Atsushi looked up.

"It's a cartoon character from America." I say. I look back at Ranpo, "Why was someone dressed as Mickey Mouse?"

"It took place in Disney World." Ranpo explained while opening one of his snacks.

"Oh, that explains it." I say while facing my computer. I looked at the work I needed to do.

...Now I have to write a report about the case so far?

I also noticed the only people in the agency were me, Atsushi, Dazai, and Ranpo.

I sighed and started typing.

~Time Skip~
I yawned and stood up from my desk.

"Where are you going?" Dazai asked me.

"Getting a coffee." I say and walk out.

~Time Skip~
I walked inside the cafe and spot Lucy. She was wiping the tables.

"Hey, Lucy. Can I get a coffee to-go?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll be right back." She said and walked away.

I suddenly felt the Deja Vu feeling again.

I brushed it off and see Lucy walking up to me. She gave me a coffee.

"Thank you. See you later." I say and walked away.

~Atsushi's Pov:~
"Ranpo, are you in?" I hear a familiar voice say.

"Hey, Poe! It's you!" Ranpo waved to him.

I look at the door and see Poe.

"How's your new mystery novel coming along?" Ranpo asked.

"I'm here today to challenge you with a riddle." Poe said while walking over to him.

"It's not your new novel?"

"These are the documents." Poe said while placing a few papers down. "A former security firm doctor is suspected of killing his co-worker."

Me and Dazai moved beside Ranpo's desk.

"Manhasset Security?" Dazai asked.

Ranpo put his glasses on, "This is an interesting case, indeed. But the doctor isn't the murderer." Ranpo said while grabbing a photo from the desk, "It's the chairman."

~Y/n's Pov:~
I sipped my coffee and walked inside the agency. I see B/n talking to Ranpo. Poe was leaving the room with Karl on his shoulder.

"Hi, Poe." I say.

"Good afternoon, Y/n." He said and continued walking.

B/n turned around to face me.

"Oh, hey, B/n." I say.

"I found more evidence on the shootings."

"You did?"

"There was another one near the port. But I also noticed something."


"At the first shooting, I found a man wearing a watch. The watch had been on the time 3:49. A bullet had broken the watch."


"We heard the gun shooting at 8:35."

"Maybe his watch broke before?"

"Nope. Now I've noticed every single dead body with a watch I've found, had the time at 3:49 whenever it broke."


"So those people didn't die whenever there was shooting in front of the agency, or any shootings after that." Ranpo said, "It also explains how we were never there on time."

"So... They died before we even heard the shootings? But how? The bodies were still fresh." I say.

"That's the weird part. Even though everyone died at the same time, the bodies still looked as healthy as a dead person could be." Ranpo explained.

"Is that all you found out?" I asked B/n.

"Yup. We aren't making so much progress.."

"I guess you can say those shooting noises were similar to Junichiro's ability." Ranpo said.

So.. all we know is that these shootings have been fake? But not the dead bodies?

This is getting nowhere..

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