Chapter 105: The Masked Assassin

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~Y/n's Pov:~
I feel warm..

I opened my eyes and saw Dazai. His arm was wrapped around me. His eyes were open.

"How long have you been staring at me..?" I mumbled.

"Not long.." Dazai said. "Maybe.. 2 minutes?"

"What time is it?"

"I already checked your phone whenever I woke up... It was 6:26.."

"My head is pounding.." I mumbled, "When did we get here? All I remember is drinking too many painkillers.."

"I think Atsushi took us home if I remember right... I don't really remember, it was all a blur."

"Me neither.."

I suddenly heard my phone ring. I sat up and saw my phone on Dazai's side of the futon. I reached over him and grabbed it. I answered it.

"Y/n!" I heard Junichiro say, "The president's been attacked!"

"Wait, what?!"

"Get to the agency as fast as possible!" He hung up.

"Who was that?" Dazai asked.

"The president's been attacked!" I looked at Dazai, "We need to get to the agency now!"

~Time Skip~
Me and Dazai ran inside the agency.

"The president was attacked?!" I asked.

I suddenly heard the door swing open from behind us and Atsushi ran inside, "Is it true the president was attacked?!"

"Yes and yes." Kunikida sighed as he leaned back in his chair, "He survived, but he's unconscious and suffering mysterious symptoms. He isn't improving, even with Yosano's abilities."

This seems familiar..

"Huh... Now that I think about it, there have been similar attacks like this recently..." Dazai mumbled. He placed his finger on his chin. "Gifted being attacked with no one around to see. Some have even died."

We looked at him.

"Junichiro." Kunikida said.

Junichiro looked at him.

"What do we know about the attacker?"

"...All we know is that they have an unknown ability and like to wear a mask." Junichiro said.

"A masked assassin.." Kunikida mumbled.

Wait... Where have I seen this..

"But, the attacker may be dead before we start running around.." Dazai mumbled.

I...I don't know.. I can't remember..

"Atsushi." Dazai said.

Atsushi looked at him.

"Which organization do you think stands to lose the most if a killer were to go on a massacre in town?"

"....The Gifted Special Operations Division." Atsushi said.

Dazai leaned against Kunikida's desk, "In this town, it's the opposite. It's the Port Mafia. For the Port Mafia, masters of the night, the relentless killing of the gifted on who their existence depends is an insult akin to having a knife swung at their nose. If one of the Port Mafia were to fall victim..."

"Their credibility would come tumbling down." Kunikida finished his sentence. "But will they take action before there are any casualties?"

"The first one to make a move wins. That's what Mori would always say. I guarantee they will act. They may have even discovered the attacker's hideout by now."

I felt my hand start shaking.

Why can't I remember? It's in the back of my head.. where have I seen this before?

I felt something soft touch my hand. I realized it was Dazai's.

"Are you feeling well, Y/n?" Dazai asked.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine." I said, "Might be after last night. Maybe I'll go get some tea from the cafe. I'll see you all later." I walked out of the agency.

~Time Skip~
I wasn't actually going to the cafe for tea. I was leaving to go for a walk.

I walked down Yokohama.

I don't know why I'm even thinking about this...

I looked at the ground.

What can't I remember?

I heard two people bickering with each other. I looked ahead.

"Rintarou! Rintarou!" I see a girl say.

Holy shit.

I stopped walking and looked at them.

Elise was trying to get Mori's attention while Mori was busy on the phone.


Mori finally looked at her.

"Are we going to the sweets shop yet?"

I sighed and continued walking.

"We're almost there, Elise~" Mori got down to her level. "But first, one more place!"

"Another clothes shop?!" She looked angry. "This is the fiftieth one!"

Great... I'm gonna have to walk past them.. they're the loudest ones in the street.

"It's a short distance by car." Mori said. "I could die happy, right now if you came with me.

"Fine, I'll go. Happy?" Elise was walking to the car. She saw me walk past her. She blinked in surprise.

I continued walking by.

Mori saw me with wide eyes as I walked past him.

I kept my eyes ahead.

Once I was away from them, I sighed.

Geez, that was awkward..

~No One's Pov:~
Y/n was walking away from Mori.

"L-l/n?" Mori mumbled.

"Boss." A voice was from Mori's phone. "Boss!"

Mori put the phone to his ear and started walking to the car, "R-right, where were we?"

"Has the trap been set as planned?"

"Yes. The assassin will soon make his next attack. That's when we'll catch him." Mori hung up and opened the car door, "Thanks for waiting, Elise! All right, let's go!" He closed the car door.

The car exploded.

~Y/n's Pov:~
I heard the sound of an explosion. I turned around and saw smoke.

Without thinking, I started running to the scene.

Whenever I finally made it, there was a crowd of people. I squeezed past through them. I see Mori and Elise.

There was a police officer running to them. They started talking to each other.

Elise and the officer looked at Mori confused.

I started feeling a sense of danger... Something isn't right.



The officer stabbed him.

Mori moved the officer's hat and I saw the officer's face.


He started running. Without thinking, I ran after him to the crowd on the other side.

"L/n?!" Mori shouted as I ran past him.

I ran into the crowd.

Damnit... I lost him.

He...He's the one doing this.. I'm.. remembering a little bit..

He must've made the car explode for the crowd to hide him whenever he ran off.

"Clever.." I mumbled.

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