Chapter 12: The Kidnapping

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I wake up and look at the time. OH SHIT I'M LATE! WHY DIDN'T AKIKO WAKE ME UP?!

I hurry and get ready, when I finished I slipped on my shoes and was about to leave my room, until I remembered something.

I stared at the pocket knife I found at the carnival. I finally made up my mind.

"Ok, why not?" I say and grab it.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." I mumble in English as I run to the agency as fast as I could.

"Rashomon!" I hear someone yell.

 I then feel something pull me into an alley.


I blink and notice I'm on the ground. I look up and see Akutagawa standing in front of me.

He uses his ability to cover my mouth.

A few seconds later, I pass out.

~Time Skip~

Atsushi's Pov {1st person}:

I sigh and continue doing my work. Kunikida barges in.

"Where on earth is Y/n?!" He asks everyone.

"Oops.... I forgot to wake her up this morning....." Yosano mumbles.

Kunikida sighs.

"I'll go get her." I volunteer.

"I'll go with you." Dazai says.

"Okay, get out of here and hurry." Kunikida says.

Back to Y/n's Pov:

I see nothing but pitch black around me. I feel someone take a blindfold off of me.

I was in a dark room with a white spot light around me.

"This is so cliche....." I mumble.

I then hear someone walk to where I was.

I see Higuchi appear.

"Hello, Y/n." She says.

"Do I know you?...." I ask.

"The Boss will be glad to see you." She said.

"Boss?" I ask.

"Is she here?" I hear someone say.


I see Chuuya Nakahara walk into the light.

"The Boss got caught up so he might just take a while." He said.

"Then we'll wait." Higuchi said.

"Wait a minute. What the hell is happening?!" I question them.

"That's none of your concern." Higuchi said.

"Well, I'm tied to a chair, in the middle of a spot light. I see too strangers in front of me. I don't know where I am. And I'm late for work. So don't worry, this isn't my concern." I say with a smile.

"I'm going to find Akutagawa." Higuchi said, "Make sure she doesn't do anything."

"Fine." Chuuya mumbles. Higuchi left the room.

"So," Chuuya said, "You're the new member of The Agency."

"Yup." I say. "You must be that dwarf Dazai told me about." 

"HE TOLD YOU I'M A WHAT?!" He shouted.

"So, you have an ability?" I changed the subject.

"Yes, it's called For The Tainted Sorrow." He explained.

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