Chapter 44: Playing Sick

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I wake up and remember everything that happened yesterday.

I sigh and hear my phone ring.

"Hello?" I say.

"Good morning, Belladonna!" I hear Dazai's voice on the phone.

"Bella what?" I wanted to make sure I heard that correct.

"Here, I have a great idea!" He exclaims through the phone.

"It's too early for this, what, Dazai?"

"Okay, hear me out, we skip work!" He says.

"Are you insane?! We could get in trouble!" I say.

"What if.... We say we couldn't go?"

It has been a while since I've gotten a break.

"Go on..." I say.

"We say we're sick, then they'll believe us! Do you think we could get the day off?! Maybe even two if we try hard enough!" He asks.

"Actually, yes." I say. "Alright, I'm in. What's the plan?"

~Time Skip~
"Y/n, are you awake?" Akiko walks into the room.

"Akiko..." I look at her, "I feel like hell..."

"Give me a moment." She left the room.

She came back with a thermometer.

I put it in my mouth and watch her leave.

I take it out of my mouth and turn on my flashlight on my phone. I had it on earlier so it could heat up.

I turn it off and put it back in my mouth.

She walked back in and checked.

"39° Celsius....{102 fahrenheit}" She mumbled. "I'll tell Fukuzawa that you're staying home because you're sick. Take care."

She walked out of my room and out of the apartment.

I grabbed my phone and called Dazai.

"Dazai, you genius!" I exclaimed, "It worked!"

"Great! I also convinced Atsushi! Mission success." He said.

"Alright, so.... What now?" I ask.

"We wait till it's 7:00. That's when work officially starts. So then we know everyone is not at the apartments and we won't get caught!"

I look at the time. 6:45.

This is gonna be a long 15 minutes......

~15 minutes later~
I finished getting dressed and get another call from Dazai.

"Okay, meet me outside!" Dazai says.

I hang up and leave the apartment.

I see Dazai waiting for me outside.

"What's your plan for today, anyway?" I ask him.

"Follow me!" He grabbed my hand and started running.

He was practically dragging me on the sidewalk.

"I can't keep up, Dazai!" I say.

"Yes, you can! I still got you!" He ran faster.

We stop at a store.

"Now that I think about it, Y/n." He looked at me, "Ever since you moved here to Yokohama, I've never gave you a proper tour."

"Oh, that's fine. I practically know my whole way around now-"

He didn't let me finish my sentence and ran inside the store.

Lucky and Unlucky {Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now