Chapter 120: Night Terrors

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I typed on my computer.

It had been 4 days since we got back to Yokohama. We have a ton of work to catch up on.

I heard Ranpo sigh and spin in his chair again.

Ranpo has been very bored and complaining a lot more often because he can't bother B/n.

"I'm bored..." Ranpo mumbled, "Y/n."

I looked at him.

"Teach me English."

I sighed and rolled my chair over to his desk so I was sitting across from him, "What do you wanna know?"


"Alright." I said.

"No..." Ranpo mumbled, "Teach me something more interesting.."

"Like what?"


"Like curse words?"

"Yeah, curse words!"

"Did I just hear Y/n's teaching curse words?!" Dazai exclaimed. He rolled his chair beside me.

"I didn't agree to it." I said.

"Please?" Ranpo and Dazai gave me puppy dog eyes.

I sighed, "Fine."

~Time Skip~
Dazai's eyes lit up after I told him a few curse words and their meanings. He rolled his chair to Kunikida.

I already see where this is going..

"Hey, bitch!" Dazai said 'bitch' in English.

"Bitch? What does that mean?" Kunikida looked at Dazai.

"It's a sign of respect in English! Write it down!"

Kunikida grabbed his notebook and started writing in it.

Mr. Fukuzawa walked inside the office. "How's everyone doing?"

"Good." We all said.

"Good afternoon, Kunikida." Fukuzawa walked over to Kunikida's desk.

"Hello, bitch." Kunikida looked at Fukuzawa.

Fukuzawa's eyes were wide while looking at Kunikida. "C-could you repeat that?"

"I said hello, bitch."

Dazai tried to hold in a laugh.

Oh shit...

"K-kunikida.... WHAT ON EARTH IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Fukuzawa hit him on the back of the head.

Kunikida's face hit the desk.

F/n's mouth was open in shock.

Atsushi scooted away from Kunikida and Fukuzawa.

Akiko stopped cleaning her scalpel while sitting at her desk and looked at them.

Junichiro's hands were sitting on the keyboard. His hands were shaking.

Kenji was staring at them.

Kyouka rolled away from the desk beside Atsushi.

I blinked twice in surprise.

Ranpo's eyes were open.

Dazai then burst out laughing.

Kunikida looked at Fukuzawa, "D-did I say something?"

He hit him again.

Ranpo held in a laugh. He burst out laughing too.

Lucky and Unlucky {Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now