Chapter 3: The Case of The Murdered Chef

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When we finally made it to the destination, it was a restaurant. We went under the tape. When I was going under, my suitcase rolled on a rock and I fell to the ground. Dazai and Kunikida turned around and looked down at me.

"Here! Let me help you with that!" Dazai said. He helped me get up. "I'll hold this for you!" He grabbed my suitcase.

"Thank you." I said.


Then we walked inside.

We spotted the police circling around the body.

"Who's in charge here?" Kunikida questioned.

"That would be me." Said a man from behind.

He looked like Minoura, from s1 ep5 of Bungou Stray Dogs.

"Oh hello again!" Dazai said.

"You again?" Asked Minoura. "Where's Ranpo?"

"He's out of town." Explained Dazai.

"Who exactly was the victim?" Asked Kunikida.

"Follow me." Minoura told us.

We walk towards the body and realize it's the chef of the restaurant.

"Wait a minute." I say.

Dazai and Kunikida look at me.

"If you guys know that The Port Mafia did this, why are you people still investigating?"

"Because," Dazai said, "This wasn't exactly the Port Mafia."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"They hired someone to do the job." Kunikida explained, "All we know about them is that they work here."

"How would you know that?" I ask.

"That apron over on the table." Dazai said.

I looked behind me and noticed the apron.

"We can't figure it out because all of the employees don't have assigned aprons." Minoura explained.

"Have you guys checked for DNA or fingerprints?" I asked.

"We already tried." Minoura sighed, "But we could tell they washed it after the murder, but clearly it didn't wash off all of it."

"Any evidence besides a bloody apron?" I ask.

"Well, we did find this." Minoura handed me a paper. "It was in his pocket."

I examined it. Immigration papers? To America? 

"Does he have any family?" I ask.

"He has a son in The United States." Minoura answered. "This victim's name is Daisuke Miura."

"So that's why..." I mumble.

"Anything else you know about this man?" Kunikida questioned.

"Nothing besides he owed a debt to The Port Mafia." Minoura said. "We've haven't told any of the employees about his death, we've just told them that he was missing, we haven't announced his death yet."

I looked at the body and noticed something. He had a mark under his shirt, on his shoulder.

"Something's on his shoulder!" I say.

Minoura examined his shoulder, it left a mark that said "Psalm 41:9."

"He must have been religious." Kunikida said.

"Wait a minute." I say. I go to my Google on my phone, and look up the verse.

Dazai peeked at my phone and read it out loud. "Even my best friend, the one I have trusted completely, the one who shared my food, has turned against me."

"Did he have any trusted friends?" I ask.

"When we interviewed the employees, he did have one." Minoura said.

"We might want to ask him some more questions." Kunikida said.

"I'll tell him to meet us at the station." Minoura said. "We'll give you guys a ride there."

Once we got in the car, Minoura was driving, Kunikida was in the passenger seat, and me and Dazai were sitting in the back. I sat by the left side by the window. Dazai sat right in the middle, beside me and set my suitcase on the right side of him in the empty seat.

I just stared outside, looking at all of Yokohama. Gosh, I wish F/n were here. Maybe when I get the chance, I could call her....

"Whatcha thinking about?" Dazai said in my ear which caused me to jump.

"Oh, nothing." I say.

"So, exactly where did you live in The United States?" Dazai asked.

"Oh, (Town,State.)" I said.

"Woah!" He said amazed.

After that it was just awkward silence for 10 seconds.

"What exactly is your ability?" I ask.

"No Longer Human." Dazai said, "It allows me to render anyone else's power, through a simple touch."

"Cool!" I say.

We then stopped at the station.

"Alright fellas, we're here." Minoura said.

Once we walked inside, we saw a man waiting by a desk.

"Why am I here again?" The man asked.

"Just a few more questions, don't worry, all the employees will get one." Minoura explained.

"Alright, let's get this over with." He said.

Me, Kunikida and Dazai, were standing by the door, inside of the room. Listening to the questions. They were about to finish until I asked something.

"Quick question." I ask. The man looked at me. "What exactly do you and Daisuke like to do?" 

"We always went to bars, parties, anything really." He said. "He was my best friend."

"What exactly do you mean by 'was'"? I ask. He already knew I had him where I wanted him.

"Well, because he's missing." He answered. 

"So?" I ask. "That's not exactly answering my question." 

"It was um..." 

"Um?" I say, trying to get him to explode. 

"Just assumed he had died because he's missing?"

"We only told you he was missing." Dazai cut in. "Besides a true friend would have had faith he's alive."

Wow this man is really a hot head, I can already see him about to explode.

"It's really just weird how you can't just give us the right answer?" I say.

He stood up and started shouting.

"FINE IT WAS ME! HAPPY?!" He yelled. "DAMN YOU ARE SO ANNOYING! I KILLED DAISUKE! THE PAY WAS GOOD! HE HAD A RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!" After he realized he had admitted it. Two seconds later he was in handcuffs.

"Wow you really are a hot head..." I say. " That was almost too easy... Not even an hour....."

A minute later, the wall behind us exploded.

"What the-"

"I called The Port Mafia before I got here!" The man yelled. "Good luck!"

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