Challenge 31: First Day of August

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I sigh and walk out my door.

It was finally almost the end of summer.

I sighed in relief as I made my way to the cafe.

Ever since I had that awkward moment with Dazai, he just acted like nothing happened.

To be kinda hurt....

Opened the door to the cafe and spot Atsushi and Kyouka talking.

"Hey, you two!" I wave at them. "Whatcha both talking about?"

"About The Port Mafia." Kyouka says.

"Oh, why would you-"


I turn around and see Kunikida running to me.

He grabbed my arm and dragged me outside.

"Kunikida, what the hell are you-"


I blink at him twice. "So... You came to me for advice?"

"YES!" He was still panicking.

"Okay, first off: Stop panicking, that's not gonna help the situation." I say, "Second off: We need the perfect setting for the confession...."

An idea popped into my head.

"Atsushi!" I ran inside the cafe. "Do you know any beautiful settings for a love confession?" I ask.

"Why?" Kyouka asked.

"Kunikida's planning on telling F/n his true feelings~"

Kyouka all of a sudden stood up from her seat and lifted her hands into the air in victory.

"YES!" She exclaims.

"So um.. got any recommendations?" I ask.


I sigh.

"The festival in 6 days!" Kyouka exclaims.

"Oh yeah! Yokohama is celebrating the Toro Nagashi Festival!" Atsushi exclaims while looking at me.

"Toro- what?" I ask.

"The Toro Nagashi Festival." Atsushi explains. "In August, a festival is held when people release laterns into rivers. They say it's to guide the spirits of ancestors back to the other world."

"Perfect! Thanks Atsushi and Kyouka!" I pat both of their heads at the same time and run outside. "You both are geniuses!"

~Atsushi's Pov:~ {3rd Person}
"Does she ever remind you as a mother figure?" I ask Kyouka.

"Definitely. Probably one of those badass moms." Kyouka says while sitting down.

"Huh? Why a 'badass' mom?" I asked her.

"It's obvious." Kyouka says while taking a bite of her ice cream. "She always takes the chance for the agency to have fun when Kunikida's not around. She likes letting me get away with anything. The other day, I was planning to steal Junichiro's cake for lunch, she helped me. Whenever Junichiro figured out it was us, Y/n took the blame." Kyouka explains while taking another bite. "She's really selfless. It might be why she's my favorite member of the agency."

"What about me?" I asked her.

"Second place." She said.

~Back to Y/n's Pov:~
"Okay... So confess during the Toro Nagashi Festival?" Kunikida asked me while writing in his notebook.

Lucky and Unlucky {Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now