Chapter 83: Unrequited

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I slowly open my eyes. I was inside the patient room. I was in pajamas.

I slowly sit up.

Ow... I'm so sore.

I noticed Dazai sleeping on a chair.

I stand up.

"Ow.." I mumbled.

My legs felt like jelly.

I see Dazai from the corner of my eye lift his head up. He looked at me.

"Y/n! What are you doing?" He got up and picked me up. He placed me on the bed.

"I'm fine." I say, "I can walk."

He sighed, "Can you?"

I got off the bed and stood up I walked over to the chair. "See? I'm fine."

I suddenly remembered what happened before I passed out.

I felt my legs become wobbly. I lost my balance and fell on my back.

"Y/n!" Dazai helped pick me up.

He set me on the bed. He sighed. "Mind telling me what happened?"



"....Shock collar."


I didn't say anything else.

"You'll kill everyone if you don't keep yourself under control."
{Flashback Over}
"Why did you say 'shock collar', Y/n?"

I stayed quiet.

"Y/n, please answer me."

".... He put a shock collar on my neck. I'm fine now."

"H-he what?"

"I'm fine."

He grabbed my shoulder gently and looked at my neck.

"What are you doing?" I pulled my face away.

"Making sure you don't have any scars."

"There is no scars."

"Anywhere else you got hurt?"

"No." I lied.

He suddenly rolled up my sleeves.

I immediately rolled them down.

"Y/n, you have burns on there! What happened?"

"They must've formed before Akiko could treat me." I mumbled.

"Those burns are from a hot rod....did he.."

I nodded. "I'm fine now."

"What else happened to you?"

"That's it. Just getting shocked, burned, and slapped." I say, "Where's F/n?"

".....On a call with B/n.."

I sighed. "Great. I'm sure he's freaking out by now."

".....Can I ask you a question? And can you answer honestly?"

I looked at him.

"Are you okay? Mentally?"

"..... I could ask you the same."

"Y/n, don't try to change the subject."

"I don't know."


"I don't know if I'm okay. I mean, I wake up to realize I killed more than 20 people and almost killed a Mafia boss."

"84... actually."

Lucky and Unlucky {Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now