You can't be serious. 7

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Zack's Pov

It's Saturday evening, usually, I'd be out right now. But Zoe asked me to stay home with her instead of a babysitter, I know people see me as some kind of asshole and that might be true but not when it comes to my sister or my friends. Anyways my mom Nova, she's always at work and fucking Kole has gone on some trip, which leaves me to take care of Zoe. it's pretty damn irritating, I wonder if that's how Zara felt,  she was always there to take care of me, never complained or yelled. She's gone now and every day I wish she wasn't. Zoe was too young to have known what happened, She came into the world after Zara had already left. so I care for her like I know she would've.

"Zack!"  I heard a small voice "what's up Principessa(princess)?"I said While walking downstairs,  "can I have A sleepover with Ally and Luke tomorrow " she asked batting her eyes, "fine, you can invite them over, but make sure you clean your room"

Ally and Luke are Sean's half-siblings, their dad Mark, pretty much Does everything, you see he's a single dad now and works a full-time job with three kids, Sean's mom Annie, left when he was born. They were never really together, Mark did eventually get married to a woman named Maggie, they had Luke who's 12, and Ally she's 8 but of course, life's just filled with nothing but pain and suffering. so their mom Maggie passed away, from cancer four years ago.  It's just pointless everyone always promises to be there forever and then just disappears getting too close to people gets you hurt, I care for my friends and sister too much. I think a lot about it, when is that time they're all just going to be gone the next day. Just like Zara, How could she break her fucking promise? Or how could I be so naive not to notice that she needed me more than I needed her?

"Um Zoe I'm going to take a shower, are you okay by yourself?" She gave me a quick thumbs up  "yup!" her eyes fixated on the coloring book. I went back to my room and headed towards the bathroom grabbing a towel and some sweats on the way, I started stripping my clothes, while I looked around the dark sleek bathroom my gaze stop on the mirror, my eyes fell to the marks that rested beneath my V line, I walked over to the counter and rummaged through the drawer till I found my lighter, tracing the scars. I flicked it on, the small flame touching my skin.
I know it's not good but it makes me feel sane like I'm sharing her pain, and it's not an addiction I could stop if I wanted to, the flesh around the lighter began turning red seeing it gave me relief it's not like it didn't hurt, it did. I just found the burning enjoyable. God, what am I doing? Feeling guilty for the enjoyment I need to stop doing this, but I'm not depressed or anything I feel happy when I'm with my friends. slowly removing the lighter turning off the flame, now I just felt emptiness the warmth and pain of the fire were gone. I need that shower, I walked over and got in. Turning on the hot water I let it trickle down my skin, it felt nice until it reached the fresh marks. Just how much pain did you hide Zara, my face felt wet but not from the water I slowly slid down to the floor there's no point in standing I'm too tired, maybe my eyes I just need to rest for a little bit.

I Heard screaming and dishes breaking from downstairs, like always I was pathetic, scared. I ran to Zara's door and started banging on it once again, "just gave me a minute!" Her voice was different frantic and broken, The door opened,
and there she was like usual smiling, so calm and confident, we didn't need to say anything. she softly grabbed my hand and lead me over to her bed, we got comfy this was going to be a long night, she was probably around 15 at the time I guess maturity runs in the family well at least for the kids, "I love you, Sorella(sis)" I said
"Mio Angelo, I love you too. And I'm sorry" she whispered and for just a second her voice sounded slightly shattered again.

" Zack Zacky! Are you okay" I heard a muffled scream, then I felt cold water, holy shit I'm still in the shower! I quickly stood up and turned off the water "I'm fine, I'm fine just give me a minute!" I Yelled out to Zoe, Quickly drying most of the water up, and throwing on my sweats making sure to cover any marks. I opened up the door and saw Zoe sitting there crying, pulling her into a hug "what's wrong" I asked "you've been in there for almost two hours and you weren't answering I was so scared you got hurt" she cried into my arm, sometimes I forget that she's just a little kid. "Shh la mia Principessa, I'm all right" finally she began to calm down, "how about some dinner?" I Offered, she gave me a small smile so I grabbed her little hand and we walked back to the kitchen.

I proceeded to grab ingredients and started to make Spaghetti Alla Carbonara, Our favorite. Until I heard a knock, "let me get it Zoe" I called out to her while walking over the door, once reached I opened it, there stood Amelia. Her soft Crystal blue eyes went wide at the sight of me.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked rather coldly, "! what are you doing here?" Was she that surprised to see me " I live here, what's your excuse," I thought she was supposed to be  smart " wait this is the Wilson's house right?" She asked "um yeah" I hesitantly answered, "I thought your last name was Whitlock" she looked so intrigued "Whitlock is my mom's maiden name, I don't use my da.. Kole's last name, anyways why have you decided to grace me with your presence?" I inquired. "You mean your parents didn't tell you?" she knitted her eyebrows, "well get on with it what didn't they tell me?" I snapped at her, "this is inappropriate, there's no way I'm staying with you for two weeks" she started pulling out her phone, I grabbed her hands yanking her inside and then closed the door" what are you going on about?!" I asked would it kill her to get to the point, "I'm supposed to be staying with Koles family while he and my father are on a business trip" she finally blurted out "you can't be serious" Great now I'm gonna freak out there's no way in hell I'm living with this bitch.

hi everyone! I hope you liked this one, sorry if there are any spelling mistakes I was really tired while making it.

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