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( There's no warning but I'm going to say , don't judge any characters in this story until the past and present are balance in your view , thanks💜💜💜💜)

Brushing his blonde hair back messily with his fingers , sweats drip down his forehead right to his chin before he fall limp on the floor breathing heavily, he groan looking at his own reflection in the mirror , he then sighs closing his eyes to reflect back to the days, days he doesn't want to remember but always find himself looking back to them.

Days when he thought he have got everything only to wake up and realise , he's got nothing . absolutely nothing.


He was going to wander lost in those memories again when the room door was pushed open causing him to open his eyes but a little smile spread over his face when he sees the person standing at the entrance , his boss.

"Tired?" The new person question and he nods his head sitting up but remain on the floor as he was too tired to even move a limp from his body , but he wasn't complaining tho.

"Too much , but my babies can recharge my energy back to hundred percent only if I can see them now" he sighs dreamily wishing for a black magic that can pick him and drop him straight inside his house , yes that's just how much tired he's.

"That's why I'm your hope , please welcome guests of the day" Jung hoseok dramatically pull the door more wide open and a little boy around the age of three paddle inside with the buckle up clothes on his body , due to the AC in the company and the boy was too young anyways to get so much cold into his chest.

The previous male eyes light up instantly as he open his arms wide for the boy who was giggling loudly as he ran at his own pace before jumping into the older male arms.

"Dada" the little boy squeal loudly when his dada starts pampering his face with kisses non stop and rambling about how much he had missed him , hoseok shakes his head turning side way to greet the male that has brought the baby.

"Aren't they cute" he question referring to the laughing male and the small boy , the new male nods his head shrugging.

"Me and hannie are cuter" the male mumble and hoseok just shakes his head chuckling.

"You're too cocky jimin , but I still think Tae and han look much better together" hobi jump slightly when jimin harshly step on his foot and he glare at the boy who give him an innocent smile.

"Chim, what do you feed him again ? His mouth reek of sweets and gosh he's going to loose all his teeth at this point" Taehyung call out frowning at the blue stain in the boy's mouth , he sighs , what else does he even expect from jimin?.

"Shut up idiot , I'm raising him the same way I raised you so shhhhh" Taehyung pressed his lips into thin , someone help him to remind his fucking soulmate that they're the same age and there's no way in hell he  raised him in his mama stomach.

"Besides my baby Han loves it" jimin smirk at taehyung when the boy nod his head rapidly agreeing to his favourite human words , well after his dada.

"How is it going? Stressful?" Jimin ask taking a seat on the floor infront of Taehyung and hanuel didn't waste much time before wiggling out of tae's hold and take a place on jimin's laps , hoseok decided to excuse the boys.

"I am so fucking stress and scared at the same time , I don't know how this is going to end. But when you say this is the best way , I can't say no to you" Taehyung sighs stretching his hand out to pinch hanuel cheeks causing the boy to scrunch his nose up disgustingly , Tae smiles.

"Everything is going to be fine , you can't hold on to past too much .I mean you've got all reason to be happy , hannie is here" jimin smiles patting tae's laps and the said male breath out .

"He's the reason why I'm still here , right infront of you breathing and planning to even debut at the age of twenty-five as an idol, this is ridiculous but I gotta try right ?" Jimin nods his head telling him he really have to try as there's no going back anywhere.

"We are going to have an ice cream date and decided to stop by and say hi to you , so we have to leave now so you can focus back on your practice, me and han will wait for you at home" jimin mutter standing up with hanuel now wrapping his little arms around his neck, Tae nods also standing up only to peck hanuel's cheeks.

"Do you think they know we're back to Korea?" Taehyung question in low voice making jimin raise his brow at him before shrugging.

"If they don't know about me , they surely knows you're back because I've never seen a company promote a newly debuting artist the way hobi hyung is doing with you , I'm happy we met him but don't think about it too much again , they're past" jimin calmly stated and Tae stare at him for some seconds before nodding his head , he kiss hannie lips again before jimin finally left with the little boy who keep waving at tae until they disappear behind the now closed door.

Taehyung sighs dropping back on the floor , he doesn't know how this is going to turn out but as jimin mentioned, he can't ever know without trying.

He remembered how he had met Hoseok one year ago in Spain , he was messing around with jimin and they decided to join the street singers and Taehyung sings but he didn't expect hoseok to run up to them as they were walking back to their house.

The male told them he own an entertainment company in South Korea and if Taehyung will like to be an idol , without thinking much , just at the mention of South Korea Taehyung had rejected it instantly.

That was until jimin order him to take up the offer and he can't even find himself saying no.

He can't say no to jimin , not after the male has walked in and met him in his own cold blood .

Nightmares are real.


Sorry for mistakes

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