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Jimin and Taehyung has became distance after that day , jimin ignore Everything that has to deal with the pretty male but at the same time he can't help but get worried on how the boy always come back home everytime, all drunk.

Jimin hates him , he hates how Taehyung acted with the Jeon's. He doesn't have any excuse to defend himself and the fact that he doesn't even feel sorry for his acts makes jimin hates him more.

He doesn't understand when the boy become like this , the Taehyung that he has accepted as his soulmate was no where to be found inside this certain body that's claiming to be Taehyung.

He raised his head up when the entrance door was pushed open again , he sighs when Tae stumble into the house trying to stable his stand but fail miserably and fall on the floor.

Jimin didn't move from where he was sitting and watch the boy struggle to get back on his feet , he raised his brow when Taehyung suddenly giggle like a kid and starts stumbling towards him.

"My *hiccups* chimchim" the said male scrunch his nose up disgustingly at the smell of alcohol, he frown when Tae fall on him hugging him tightly.

"Get off me Kim Taehyung!" jimin growl inhumane voice but instead felt Taehyung hand tighten around him , he sighs trying to push the boy off.

"Don't be angry at taetae jiminie ,I'm sorry Minnie- taetae's sad when jiminie is sad" jimin wonder how he had manage to catch the slur like words that escape tae's lips with hiccups after every single words.

"Don't pretend with me , we both know you're not sorry"

"Taetae's sorry Minnie , taetae will do anything Minnie wants now. Taetae can't live without Minnie" jimin raise his brow , he sighs looking down at tae mobbed hair.

They said drunk people says only Truth.

"Uh-m? How about you tell Minnie why you acted like that?" Jimin frown and look down when Taehyung went silent suddenly, he shakes the boy hoping he haven't fall asleep on him.

"Secrets , can't tell" the male roll his eyes at that and decided to speak to a sober Taehyung himself , he either tell him the truth or forget about being friends.

Jimin has made up his mind.

The next morning when Taehyung wake up inside his room , he sighs ignoring the headache that was battling with his head because he have got bigger nightmare to worry about.

Jimin's voice calling him a monster won't leave his head, sleeping is harder for these days unless he's drunk and that's the only way he won't see Jungkook's pain expression and gguk's anger that was directed at no one other than him.

He was confused on how things are going and he doesn't like it a bit.

He raise his brow confusedly when his bedroom door was pushed open and to say he wasn't surprised to see jimin will be an understatement, the said male roll his eyes stepping ahead closer to the bed.

"I'm here to give you an offer , you're going to apologise to the Jeon's and tell them reason why you acted the way you did" Taehyung give jimin a blank look before laughing slightly.

"First , I don't do it for any reason but just because I enjoy it---

"No human in their right senses will enjoy breaking another human-- so I already booked you an appointment with a therapist" jimin stated calmly and Tae press his lips into thin line before throwing the blanket off his body and starts walking towards the bathroom.

"I'm not mad jimin--

"I know you're not but you're not stable either , if you can't go then forget about ever knowing me ,if you refused to move out of here then I will move out for you" Taehyung head snap towards jimin and his eyes went wide in shocked.

"You can't be serious jimin"

"I am so , go to the therapist and the address was already sent to your phone" jimin shrugs and Taehyung gritted his teeth.

"I'll not go anywhere, just do as you pleases. I had learnt how to live and survive alone so you won't be any surprised or special, come on leave if you want to leave!!!"

Jimin stare at the close bathroom door surprised, his blackmail doesn't work.

Taehyung is definitely crazy.

Jimin didn't give up ,it took him a full fucking month to finally convinced Taehyung to pay a visit to the therapist, jimin already had the camera sets and he was furious when Taehyung didn't even take the woman serious and just keep flirting.

Same goes for the second section and jimin was going to give up when the therapist told him , it take time before patient speak up.

And it continues for few weeks until a certain day.

He was at work when he check and realized it's time for Taehyung to visit the therapist, since it was his break time he decided to watch the camera monitor live.

And that day he watch how Taehyung has give full flash back on his life , when Taehyung left the office and said he's done. Jimin knows he's probably talking about visiting the therapist and he also decided to close for that day ignoring the woman's call.

He was trying hard not to cry and show Taehyung he listen to everything he had told the therapist but he fail awfully.

He had expected Everything when he enter their house but definitely not Taehyung laying on the cold floor in their Livingroom , a bloody knife laying carelessly on the floor and Taehyung was in his own blood.

Jimin screams out terrified, his brain and every functioning part went off , he yell , scream till his voice was no longer hear- he called emergency with his shaky hands. The drive to the hospital with a dead Taehyung laying still.

Standing infront of operation room for hours , and the relief he felt when doctor said the surgery was successful but the male has slip into coma because of his condition and he lost a lot of blood already.

Jimin knows he passed out when he learned Taehyung had stabbed his own stomach countless times with another soul growing in him.


Sorry for mistakes

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