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Jeongguk scrunch his nose up disgustingly as he step into the party , the room was too packed for his own like but he really doesn't have choice to deny coming here when Jungkook has begged him to accompany him to the party , he should've step inside the party with Jungkook but he received a call earlier and now he have to hunt for Jungkook himself.

He sighs slipping his body pass the load of bodies in the room, he doesn't even dare pay attention to everyone that was trying to get his attention, of course no one will want to miss their chance to speak with the most rich and popular athlete in the country.

And he's also a brother to the youngest billionaire in the country who is the CEO of the biggest company worldwide, he's everyone's dream.

He pause looking down when he felt something soft latch on to his legs causing him to raise his brow confusedly when he sees the little boy that was staring up at him like a kicked puppy , he was staring at the boy trying to intimidate the boy just keep staring back at him too.

"Where is your parents?" He lean down a little to the boy's height but got nothing than the boy stretching his hands out for him to lift , gguk really wants to cry.

He didn't sign up enough for this.

Sighing out loudly , he pick the small boy holding him up on his hips as he decided to look for Jungkook who knows the host of the party , the host will definitely find the boy's parents.

It didn't take him much time before he find Jungkook standing with a glass of wine in his hand and another man standing infront of him, Jung hoseok , the CEO of the biggest entertainment company in the whole country.

"Jungkook" he call out as he was now standing besides Jungkook who finally turn to face him raise his brow when he notice him holding a kid , kook didn't get chance to speak up since hoseok beat him to it.

"Han , how did you meet him?" Gguk frown when hoseok held his hand out to take the boy called HAN away from him but instead the boy pout resting his head on gguk's shoulder and to say hoseok isn't surprised will be an understatement , this boy.

"I guess you know his parents?" Gguk ask hobi who nod his head rolling his eyes all over the parked room trying to find those familiar blonde head or even purple but was now where to be seen.

"He is the same kid that ran to me in the mall the other day , I guess he love running away" Jungkook stated and gguk was staring at the boy who was still casually chilling in his hold , now have a pacifier stuck in his mouth and that's when gguk finally notice the boy was wearing his pacifier like a necklace and he doesn't even notice.

"He's son of my new debuted artist , Kim Taehyung. I know you might have heard about him" hobi stated with a small smile and the Jeon's twins just nod their head , trying to hard to hide their surprised so well from hoseok.

"Hannie?" They all turn to the worried voice and Taehyung expression turn into shocked for a moment when he notice who was holding his son and how the boy was just chilling the person's so casually, he knows this boy will definitely give him an heart attack one day.

"I know he probably escape from you again , anyways meet Jeon Jungkook, one of my company investor and his twin brother Jeon jeongguk" hoseok introduce the twins to him and Taehyung wants to laughs and roll his eyes at the same time but instead he bow slightly to the two men who are just staring at him blankly.

"Hannie come to dada" the boy smiles stretching his little body out of gguk's hold and turn to the man when he was finally secure in his dada hold.

"It's nice meeting you Mr jeons, but I really have to leave now. Hobi hyung , me and Minnie will get going now" Taehyung give a tight smile towards hoseok who nods but step forward to pinch hanuel's cheeks , Taehyung was going to walk away when a voice stop him.

"Where did you see a son?" He gulp before fully turning his body back to meet gguk's gaze , he doesn't have any reason to avoid it. Jungkook was much surprised as hoseok who are staring at the older twin with their mouth agaped and a confused look settle on their face.

"W-what?" Taehyung asked making sure his ears are still working perfectly, out of all question? The only thing this man decided to ask is where he got his son?.

"Sorry Mr Jeon but I don't think we're that close for you to question where I've got my son , there's a saying in-between which says 'first and last letter' , please kindly keep that in mind , I'm sorry once again but I really have to leave now" without waiting for any reply , Taehyung pushed pass hundreds of bodies in the room and finally release the breaths he didn't even know he was holding.

"First and last? I'm I the one one confused just now?" Hobi mumble but seeing the twins look ,he knows he's indeed the only one confused.

Taehyung rush giving hanuel to jimin who was leaning on their car but get confused when the pretty male dramatically place his hand over his chest and drop himself on the car bonnet , how did he survived?.

"What's wrong?" Jimin worriedly ask as he can't seem to understand his soulmate dramatic acts just because he went inside to find the boy that has escape them while they were walking out earlier.

"I met Jeon's and hanuel was casually leaning on Jeongguk's chest and guess what he asked me after I take hannie from him?" Jimin also have the same reaction as him , he knows jimin would've also pass out dramatically if only he wasn't holding hanuel in his hands.

"How you are doing?" Jimin suggested but Tae roll his eyes before shaking his head.

"I wish , he said where did you get the boy?".

"What? He's such an asshole" jimin scoff pulling the car door open and get inside with hanuel in his hands and Tae chuckle before moving to driver side.

"I know ,I know"


Sorry for mistakes

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