thirty eight

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Taehyung mentally sighs at the rapid flashing of cameras on his face , no matter how many times he's sitting infront of multiple reporters he can never get use to it.

After working on his album closely off to three months it was finally set to release , just like his first album- he had written the tracks from his story and things that surrounded it.

At the same time , he was afraid about some tracks he had already included on the album , he can't help but keep having the 'what ifs' hunting his mind. However, he knows no corrections can be make anyway.

He snap out of his thoughts at the question thrown at him.

So this is first showcase of your second album , why do you come with the idea of revealing the tracks with a showcase one after the other?

Taehyung shrugs.

"Just wanna try something new , I wanted to perform all the tracks on the new album without going on tour so I guess I just come up with that idea?" Taehyung stated scrunching his nose up slightly at the cameras lights.

The first track to be reveal today is called what ? And can you give us explanation on what it was talking about before the main reveal?

"Uh-m it's called hanuel's lullaby--" Taehyung laugh softly at everyone's bewildered expression.

"It's basically not lullaby, you guys just wait and see in some minutes" the idol laugh at everyone's unconvinced expression but nevertheless decided to move on.

You have to sing today's first reveal before we continue with the interview, please your mic

Taehyung nod taking the mic from one of the company staffs and turn to the dj who was already ready to play the beat , the pretty male take a deep breath and was about to starts singing when he felt something jumping on his laps.

It happens so fast that even the reporters are just as shocked as Taehyung who look down at hanuel who was bashing his lashes innocently at him , jimin sighs bowing to everyone as he was visible to camera while chasing hanuel. He ran back to the backstage.

"Han" Taehyung press his lips into thin line seeing everyone probably already saw the little boy face.

Well guess , you'll have to sing the song to him?

The idol sighs out loudly before nodding his head and make hanuel sits comfortably on his laps before motioning his dj to starts the beat once again.

I don't want these innocent eyes to watch me fall from Grace.

Jimin tilted his neck confusedly, he won't lie ,when Taehyung said hanuel's lullaby, he has expected something soft to put the troublesome boy to sleep everyday.

But listening to the lyrics , he felt like the idol was just like writing letters to his son.

So I'm trying to be the best , make you see me as your role model.

I going to be the one who listens when you have complaints

"Hanuel is damn lucky , he always have his own tracks on Taehyung's album" namjoon sulks as they have all come out to support the idol without his knowledge.

Not only listen, but also be your wings when you need to fly.

So spread your wings and fly high as you wished, cos

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