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Jimin eyes water as he stand infront of their house , he was pacing back and forth while he keep calling Taehyung's number over and over again.

It has been over seven hours the pretty male had ran away yet there's no sight of him , which got him scared to bone.

Millions of thoughts are running through his head but he was forcing himself to calm down and believe Taehyung will be fine even tho his body can't help but keep shaking in nervousness, he doesn't want to think what had happened the last time Taehyung had disappeared on him just after a month of their stay in Spain.

He shakes his head furiously placing his calling device against his ears again and jimin has never hated the customer service voice before this much , he gritted his teeth to resist the urge to throw the phone against the wall.

He had thought the end to all these has came , he thought Taehyung and tht twins will work out and he can't help right now but felt stupid for even thinking things will go so smoothly as he had thought. He's tired.

He was only trying to stay strong at this moment but he knows he need to let his emotions put too , he has always been on the comforting side for years now. Staying strong to keep Taehyung on track but what about him?.

He need someone too , just someone to tell him everything will be fine.

He just need somebody to whispered those words into his ears , that everything will be fine , that Taehyung will be okay and overcome all these and that he's also going to be fine.

He sniff wiping the tears that blur his eyes from seeing his phone screen , he decided to call hoseok maybe Taehyung has stopped by the company because this might be their home country but jimin was ashamed to say he doesn't have a single idea about where Taehyung might be at the moment.

If the pretty male has disappeared like this in Spain then jimin won't have to think twice to know where he'd find him but right now ? His mind was blank and he couldn't think of any possibility of where his soulmate might be and that alone felt like a stab to his heart.

Hoseok phone rang for more than three times before the said male pick up and jimin guess he must be busy but he really doesn't give a fuck About that at this moment.

"Is Taehyung in the company?" He asked straight forward and mentally wishing for the male on the other line to tell him yes.

No , I was even calling his number for the past hours but he's not picking up. I need to have a meeting with him too.

Jimin face drop at hoseok's words , Taehyung hasn't been picking for hours ?, He really felt stupid now for not running after Taehyung when the said male has left earlier. What even makes him think he might need some times alone when he understands what that might meant?.

"O-h okay , I'll tell him to call you once he come back" jimin stated trying to hard to make his voice sound normal to the other male , he couldn't stop the tears that run down his cheeks immediately the CEO hung up the calls.

He decided to text Taehyung and breath out relief when his message got delivered almost instantly and show seen sign , Taehyung was with his phone and read his message but he frown when he waited for more then ten minutes and no reply came in yet.


If you don't reply in ten minutes or come back home ,I'm going to declare you wanted on TV

Again another ten minutes has passed but no sight of Taehyung, jimin knows his threat was useless but he still try either way. He waited for another thirty minutes until a cab finally pull up infront of their building and he has never felt relief in his life when the same male he has been waiting for alighted from the cab.

He patiently watch taehyung pay the driver and finally turn towards him.

Jimin's face went wide in shocked when they met with Taehyung's blank face , he take shaky steps towards the male who was now standing just steps away from him. Tears burn his eyes taking in Taehyung's appearance while the said male just roll his eyes at his dramatic expression- dramatic in his own view.

"I am not a kid jimin that youyr threatening me to get back home" Taehyung grumble but jimin still keep eyeing him suspiciously as he keep raking his eyes all over his body.

"You didn't do anything or did you?" Taehyung scoff loudly before walking pass jimin and have the said male run after him into their house.

"I dont know what exactly you're talking about" that was all jimin get as reply as Taehyung make his way into their kitchen to get a glass of water , he can feel jimin's gaze burning through his soul but he was already used to that.

"You definitely know what I am talking about Kim Taehyung! Just tell me you didn't do anything" Taehyung press his lips into thin line at jimin's stern voice to make him understand the male wasn't playing around with him , so he sighs loudly before dragging his two shirt sleeve up to show jimin his hands.

"I don't do anything chim, I was away to cool my head" jimin run his hand over his two hands and almost breath out relief when he didn't see what he was afraid of , he rest his body on the kitchen counter breathing out heavily.

"I was afraid for a second" Taehyung roll his eyes at that , he look around trying to find the small figure he love most in the world but frown when he didn't see it.

"Han didn't go with the Jeon's right?" Jimin shakes his head as no and notice how Taehyung's body relax at that.

"He's asleep" Taehyung hum walking out of the kitchen with jimin still trailing behind him.

"Hoseok texted me about a meeting with the production team tomorrow" jimin nod motioning for Taehyung to continue as they're both sitting in the living room now.

"He was asking maybe I've got any lyrics ahead my comeback but the ones that I and yoongi hyung has been working on are not that perfect, so I don't know" Taehyung shrugs and jimin just nod , he really wasn't concern with that because he knows hoseok will find a way to that.


Sorry for mistakes

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