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( Everything is from the video)

"Do you have anything to tell me today?" Taehyung hand froze in the air as he was about to throw the ball against the wall again but the voice of his therapist reach his ear , he sighs dropping the green piece on the floor and fully turn to face the woman that was staring him gently.

"I-don't know? , What do I gain from telling you things?" The woman sighs , this is the same question the boy has been asking him for the past weeks he has started his section, the woman was at the edge of just giving up but with the money still reaching her account she couldn't.

"I-don't know too? but you know- if you tell me story, you'll have me support your way of living , isn't that what you wants ? Someone to understand your point of view too" the lady know whatever manipulating words she's using isn't professional but jimin told her to use any methods to get words out of the boy.

They had secret camera set as everything was planned by her and jimin , the other really wants to know maybe Taehyung has chosen his path himself or he have got a story somewhere deep in him to tell.

That's why he force him to visit therapist, all bills settle by him.

Taehyung stand up from his seat , taking few steps ahead to get hold of his ball again before shifting to the free couch in the corner of the room and sits down and the woman mentally praise jimin for coming up with the idea of moving camera or else , the pretty won't have be in the camera view anymore.

She keep siting in her own seat , she can definitely hear tae's voice from the other side of the room as the room was than silent and if you listen very well , you'll definitely hear the breathing sound of their heart.

"History had it my father dead when I was four-" the lady relaxed in her seat , she's glad the boy at least make movement to speak to her and she didn't show her excitement in afraid she might snap Taehyung and the boy will go mute back on him.

The pretty male sighs throwing the ball against the wall again only to catch and repeat the act for few times before he starts speaking again.

"When I was eight, my mom remarried. I- was happy , so happy that I'll finally have a father figure- foolish me , dumb me, stupid me, pathetic me that think life is easy- all I had to worry about is how to escape doing my assignments but you know? Life give me what to focus on- my step dad raped me on his and my mum bed when I was only nine-" the woman head snap up , she gulp when Taehyung sits up harshly throwing his ball against the wall and he didn't bother catching it again this time around.

He was furious.

"You know I cried, scream for him to stop but my begging didn't pass through his ears , he left me there and told me to dress up back and guess what ? I did- when my mother came back from work, I wanted to tell her but you know what she says? 'taehyung you always have complaint about everyone, I'm tired of your shits" the boy chuckle dryly before falling back on the couch and lay on his back.

He was staring blankly at the ceiling for few minutes before he starts speaking again.

"She didn't listen to me and the second day , the same event took place again and again I tried to speak with her and was finally glad she's so ready to listen to me but then my stepdad suddenly yell from the room , that I stole his money and guess what? My mom believed him and there goes my chance of telling her what's going on" the woman stand up , opening the small freezer at the corner of her room to take a bottle of water and give it to the male who took before siting up slightly to take a sip.

"My mum gave the man permission to punish me for stealing and he dragged me to his personal room then locked the door , after hitting for trying to tell me mom he ripped my clothes again and repeat the same acts again, that day my screams reach my mother ears but she didn't help because she thought her husband was just beating me , so pathetic human- love makes you blind" the way the word love sound so bitter against the younger's mouth didn't quite surprised the woman.

"And the circle continue again , anytime I tried to speak with my mother about it the man will emerge from somewhere and find a big lie to place on me , I was told not to leave the house anymore , I'll be locked in my room from morning till night and the man will come and have his way Everytime my mom left to work and she didn't even notice because she was blindly Inlove---

"The lines goes on until I was eleven , I tried to kill the man-- foolish me thought the chemical they used to kill unwanted grasses could harm him so put enough amount in his food , he's the main problem of my life and I know once he's out of the picture my mum will be snap out of that stupid daze called love-

"Did you kill him?" The woman question softly and Taehyung finally turn to meet her gaze for the first time then shakes his head.

"I really want to but he ate the food and starts complaining of stomachache, I was standing there patiently waiting for him to cry until his last breath but my mother came back just in the process and he was rushed to the hospital-- he survived, he didn't die , he's alive" throwing the ball against the wall again the pretty male sighs.

"But I was able to tell my mother what's going on- that's nice right?" Taehyung smile and the woman nods ready to hear how the man was later punished by the law but she was surprised when Taehyung starts laughing loudly , tears running down his cheeks.

"I thought so too , I was happy when she pat my head and told me she's sorry for not listening to me and told me we're going to the police station to report him while he was been treated in the hospital, but wanna know where I was dropped that day?" the woman nod her head either way , the purpose of the meeting was to know everything.

"Mental asylum because my mother believed I'm going crazy , because the man she loves and know won't ever do anything like that- there starts the nightmare of Kim Taehyung at the age of Eleven, welcome to the bottom of hell".

The therapist couldn't suppress the loud gasps that left her lips.


Sorry for mistakes

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