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Koreaboo : newly debuted artist , Kim Taehyung was spotted earlier today with one of the Jeon's along with Kim Taehyung's son.

There are speculation that something might be going on between the two males.


Kpoplover: Taehyung probably trying to use the Jeon for popularity 🤮

Songsing : here comes with a clout for the his failed career—

Useddumb: someone get Jeon away from this idiot right away , I hate him so much 🌚

Taehyung sighs before closing his eyes for a moment, maybe he really shouldn't have follow gguk to the mall earlier along with hanuel. He wonder how their pictures was able to circulate without even their knowledge.

Maybe this is the popular life jimin was warning him about.

He open his eyes when he felt his phone vibrate but gasps in surprised when he sees it's new post from jeongguk.

Ggukjeon posted a photo

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Ggukjeon: to whomever it might concern : I am the one in the certain picture that's currently circulating all around and I won't tolerate such disrespect from your dumb asses.

I've known Taehyung when he haven't even thought he'd be standing on stage one day and call himself an idol so first dead that thought of him using me for clout— he's the clout himself, die hoes!!.

Second , why can't two men hang out without having y'all dumb asses make up some shits? I'm saying this not because y'all deserve any explanation but only for Taehyung's sake—

Stop saying he's trying to use me unless you see a video of me performing on stage in place of him— or you see my name as one of the credits on his song, respect his hardwork.

And kindly keep my name off yall mouth unless you wanna meet me in Court— it's been a while I made money out of suing.


The idol sighs dropping his head back on the couch , it's really funny seeing gguk coming on his social account that he has abandoned for years just to defend him against everyone.

Even after everything that had went down between them.

Maybe he really doesn't deserve any of twins truly.

"Yeah— he tends to overthink so I'm on my way home , yeah starts bringing hanuel back home too..... Yup he stay stable more in hanuel's present-- see you then" jimin hang up the call before speeding toward his and tae's apartment, he was out with yoongi when he sees the rumors too and also learnt hanuel was with the twins.

Which seem like a bad idea because that definitely leaves Taehyung alone in the house , even tho the male has told him he's fine— jimin like to take precautions rather than having himself sorry.

He park his car infront of their apartment before getting down not forgetting to bring his phone along with him , he frown slightly when the whole house seem silent because he had expected to meet a crying Taehyung.

He sighs out relieved when he sees the said male laying on the couch but what had made jimin scream out loudly was the substances laying messily around Taehyung.

And he scream out terrified.

"I shouldn't have forced him out earlier because he definitely doesn't want to go with me" gguk grumble out as Jungkook drove them to Taehyung's house.

"Stop blaming yourself, you wouldn't have expect such a thing" the younger twin mumble out patting gguk's thigh gently.

A frown invade their face as they pull up infront of Taehyung and jimin's house only to see ambulance parked infront of the apartment and a crying jimin who was staring at someone that's getting pushed into the ambulance on a stretcher.

It's Taehyung.

Dispatch Korea make a post.

Dispatch Korea make a post

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Dispatchkorea: newly debuted artist, Kim Taehyung is in battle for his life after he reportedly suffer from cocaine overdose.


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