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Jungkook raise head up when he heard knocks on his door and mumble out a low come in to the person , but he straighten his back when he sees his PA coming in with bunch of files.

"Mr Jeon , I collected everything but nothing is special about his life ? Aside from his hospital files somewhere three years and some months ago" Jungkook frown creaking his brow but motion the man to continue with his hand.

"He left the country to stay in Spain with another male named park jimin , but what's really confusing is I can't trace how a boy enter the line. Even his files from the hospital he visited right before he left the country was highly secure , no amount make his personal doctor ready to reveal why he was there but I got access to CCTV camera that day but all I can see park jimin carrying him on his back into the hospital" the man pause when Jungkook raise his hand up and motion him to stop.

"Carry him on his back? Is there another person with them? Taehyung is awake or the camera isn't clear enough?" Jungkook ask frowning slightly as he tries to get rid of the thousands of theories roaming around his mind.

"Kim Taehyung was drown in blood which I assumed it's his but I can't get anything out of anyone from that hospital, they said the patient don't wants any details out" Jungkook sighs resting his back on his chair , he was confused.

Jimin was acting like they're the ones at fault when everyone knows Taehyung was to be blamed for everything, he was the Mastermind behind all that went down.

They were all nothing but tools in his game and jimin suddenly hating him is what Jungkook is trying to understand, and where did Taehyung get a son?.

"Do you perhaps get maybe Taehyung have any relationship with any girl during his stay in Spain? Like how come a boy suddenly appear in his life?" Jungkook was getting frustrated, he hated when things doesn't go his way and the fact that he can't find any link to explain whatever is going to him is definitely driving him crazy.

"I think he hide everything very well sir , but in my opinion since he already hide everything I'll suggest you to speak to the person yourself, there's definitely something you're not getting along the line kook" his bestfriend who also happen to be his PA drop the formalities causing Jungkook to sighs but nod his head either way.

"And park jimin ? Does he not have interaction with anyone aside from Taehyung during all their stay in Spain?" Jungkook and groan dropping his head on his desk when the PA shakes his head.

"So I'll really have to speak to him? Since jimin has exchanging character with him , well I guess I've to try right?" Jungkook Mumble and sighs for the countless times that day , he really have to know why jimin was acting like they committed one big sin.

Something isn't adding up and Jungkook hates it.

Taehyung and jimin give each other confused look when they heard the bell sound , that's the very first time since their stay back in Korea, even hoseok knows the password of their apartment and the two can't help but gulp.

"I hope it's not who I'm thinking it is" jimin mumble under his breath, he throw last glance at hanuel who was busy driving his toy car all around the free living room , Taehyung hummed following jimin to the door.

"Did Yoongi hyung really tell the Jeon's so fast ? I-don't know what I am going to without hanuel , I don't want them to take my baby away" jimin sighs patting his bestfriend back as the two are now standing behind the close door , mentally really not ready to reveal who might be at the entrance.

"Taehyung there's nothing much here to hide , hanuel is your baby , you raised for good three years , work day and night in a strange city to make sure he didn't lack anything, spent sleepless nights to make sure he have good sleep , no one will take him away from you" jimin personally wasn't sure maybe they're both strong enough to go against the Jeon's but really all he can do right now is assure Taehyung.

"Okay" Taehyung mumble pulling the door open and the two exchange look between themselves when they see the person standing at their door step , jimin eyes are wide like suckers and Taehyung really wasn't much shocked but indeed shock why yoongi is currently standing in front of his house.

"Took you long enough to open the fucking door, where is my cute panda?" Yoongi look between the two soulmate who are still staring at him bewildered and decided to just push through them and invite himself into the house , Tae and jimin watch him disappear into their house and they dramatically release the breaths they were holding before closing the door.

"I guess he didn't tell the Jeon's yet" jimin nod his head tae's words even tho he wants to cry about how his heart was rapidly beating against his chest for seeing yoongi for he very first since that night , the night he had broken up with the male because him and Taehyung had left the country the second day.

"Panda?" Yoongi chuckle when a big smile break into hanuel's face before parking his car and quickly get down only to turn towards yoongi who drop what he was holding and pick him up and twirl him around causing loud giggles sound of the little boy to fill up the room , a very cute gummy smile has spread across yoongi's face too.

"Miss me ?" Yoongi smile when the boy nod his head furiously with a big pout on his face , yoongi hummed sitting on the couch and make the boy settle on his laps.

He roll his eyes when he sees jimin and Taehyung standing there like status while staring at him.

"I couldn't have guess my panda is right here in my own city so i didn't get any gift for you so here I brought these for you , a piano we get to play together" hanuel was bouncing impatiently on yoongi's laps as the said male starts unpacking the toy piano then place it across hanuel's laps when he was finally done.

Hanuel face light up at the singing sound that comes from the toy anytime he press a button and the light on it really did cheer the little boy.

"You love it?" Yoongi ask and the little nod his head as he didn't stop tapping the buttons and giggling at the sound the toy makes.

"He's here for hanuel? Not us? that hurts to know but a relief at the same time that he won't be telling the Jeon's anything" Taehyung hummed nodding his head at jimin's words.

"I can tell them but I'm too lazy for that , come and help me check these clothes maybe they're his size" Taehyung and jimin press their lips into thin at yoongi's words , guess the only person that haven't change a bit is still yoongi then.

"Han , what do you say when someone give a you a gift?" Jimin question softly as he starts tearing he nylon off the clothes yoongi has bought.

"Thank you gumgum" yoongi nod kissing the boy's cheeks and Taehyung can't help the smile that spread across his face , maybe yoongi still have soft spot for him then .

Even after everything.


Sorry for mistake

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