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Throw back to weeks ago

Jungkook puff out the smoke of the deadly stick in-between his fingers , he was resting against the iron rail at his room balcony , he sighs staring out the dark night.

He got a lot going on his mind , you know the situation when you thought you was over something but down deep in your heart , you know you definitely aren't.

Human are cursed with act of keeping their real feelings deep down their stomach while they mask it with the feelings that aren't theirs.

He was hurt years ago when Taehyung has stand through his two wide eyes open and said he didn't love him , he wasn't mad with the fact that he had cheated on him with his twins brother but the fact that his love was one-sided.

He knows that day , if Taehyung has just look him in the eyes and tell him a single sorry , he'd have take him back right there at that same moment and overlooked whatever the male has done.

He knows that's just how much he was crazily inlove with that pretty male , he also doesn't understand how he get to that point but he knows he's indeed blindly Inlove with that boy.

After that day , he tried to convince himself that he'll be okay and get over him but as much as time passes , he realized he was just trying to plant what's not in his head into his own head.

He's still in love with Taehyung.

Even after years , the day he had saw Taehyung in the supermarket when that small kid bump into him , he felt his heart skip countless times in a second . Taehyung has him hooked at the last corner and he's personally scared of it.

He was going to ignore Everything and continue keeping his feelings embalmed but that was until last night when jimin gave them something to watch , that's what he need.

Just a reason to run back to Taehyung without reasoning what others might think about it , but again he can't help but also feel bad for the pretty male.

The boy from the very beginning of his life was given nothing but hatred and pains , he grows up with pain and cries along with betrayal.

But how could they expect him to give out what he has Never received?, He didn't have anyone to teach him how life works or how to live in humans world.

Taehyung is so strong and Jungkook is damn proud of him.

But he doesn't know what to do or say about the son issue in Taehyung's life , could it be that the pretty male has moved on with his life.

His thoughts remain on finding the secret behind hanuel's existence and that's why he decided to investigate but end up getting nothing until the day he received call from Taehyung and they visited him only to found our about hanuel , Jungkook would've look so stupid if he had jump and cheers loudly infront of Taehyung that day when he realized hanuel wasn't born by any one but Taehyung himself.

When they get back home that night.

"Gguk" the mentioned male turn his head to face kook as he was sitting on the couch trying to get the image of whatever Taehyung must have went though out of his head , he hates imagine how much the male must have suffer to raise little hanuel all by himself with jimin. It must have been extremely hard.

"You won't mind me fucking your baby mama right ?" And gguk choke on nothing but his own breath and didn't think twice before picking the throw pillows and throw it against Jungkook who catch them only to throw it one side and still seriously looking at gguk for answer.

Jeongguk look at kook in disbelief when he sees his twin brother was indeed serious with whatever was leaving his lips.

"You're serious with this? Like serious-serious?" Gguk was staring at Jungkook surprised.

"Yes gguk , I'm just telling you in advance so you won't be caught off guard , I still love him gguk- crazily and madly still in love with him and I know you don't want him in that way any---

Jungkook was cut off harshly by gguk.

"And who the fuck told you that? Dude don't assume shits on your own" gguk grumble looking away from kook when he noticed the said male eyeing him suspiciously.

"Dude , I don't want to see you as a threat" Jungkook mumble glaring at gguk who sighs rolling his eyes .

"You let Taehyung decide that" Jungkook shakes his head as he cany believe whatever gguk was saying , this same person will never let a day go without showing his anger towards the way Taehyung has acted years ago and now he's saying different thing?.

Guess we can hide our real emotions however we like.

"besides there's something call sharing but whatever" Jungkook hum falling back to the couch , he doesn't know what to say.

He starts acting normal with Taehyung and the pretty male expression Everytime always left him speechless.

But jimin was starting to get on his nerves so he was left with no any other choice than to meet with the male privately and told him about his and gguk plan , but fortunately after holding a knife against his neck jimin agree but didn't leave without heavy threats on how he's going to cut him and gguk into pieces if they dare to hurt Taehyung and that's how jimin enter their plan and automatically starts disappearing once the twins appear.

Taehyung stare between jimin and the Jeon's twins and keep repeating the same act all over for some minutes because he couldn't believe the explanation he just heard right now , after Everything? The Jeon's still want to have something with him?.

He can't just believe this , they're not planning to take any revenge on him or play some sort of game on him?, He doesn't want to get his hope high.

"Tae, you know your chim will never make you do anything that'll hurt you , I don't want you to think about this too much , just go with the flow but I can assure you they meant only well for you" Taehyung stare at jimin who was staring at him softly , he doesn't know how to reply jimin but just nod his head either way.

Hanuel was busy bouncing on Jungkook's laps totally oblivious to whatever is going on between the adult in the room , Taehyung glance at gguk and kook before looking back at jimin who give him a small nod.

Is this really really reality?.


Sorry for mistakes

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See y'all tomorrow again 💜💜 we close to ending already 💜😂😂😂

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