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Instead of replying Taehyung's questions, jeongguk place hanuel down on the bed and the little boy latch himself on Jungkook almost instantly while gguk pull Taehyung close to him and link their lips together ignoring the two other humans in the room.

Even tho Taehyung was surprised by the sudden move he later can't help but relax into the kiss and respond back with his arms now wrap around gguk's neck , he groan slightly when the older male bite on his lips and slip his tongue pass his teeth.

Jungkook had to cover hanuel eyes at his twin brother shameless act, this human doesn't know what being shameness is?.

"What the duck gguk ! Your son is here and you're doing this?" Kook harshly smack the older twin back head making him wince and finally pull back away from Taehyung who was staring down at his laps , too ashamed to look kook in the eyes.

"Then take him with you ,he's your son too idiot" gguk roll his eyes and his twin brother just sighs loudly and shakes his head before walking out of the room , gguk is really shameless and have kook too much concern.

"The idiot is gone now , can we continue?" Taehyung seem to snap out of his gaze once again , he doesn't understand the type of the charm he was always locked with whenever the Jeon's touches him.

Now he knows he's really not understanding the situation very much well , this can cost him more than he'd ever imagine and he's here shamelessly falling into the their traps.

"why are you guys doing this? I mean why are you guys trying to play me around?" He asked quietly in low voice staring down at his laps , he didn't look up when he heard gguk chuckle as he place his palm on his thighs.

"Kook was right when he said we need a head cleaning for you , I mean why's your head full of bad things? I mean can't you think it in a way like maybe I just want to have good moments with you? , Why'd I want to play you when you give me the best gift of my life which is hanuel?" Taehyung really doesn't have to look up to hear the sincerity in gguk's voice .

He can't tell at of now but back then , gguk was known to be straight forward, if Jeongguk doesn't like your energy he'll straight call it out to your face without sugar-coating his words but right now, Taehyung have a lot of voices in his head telling him the man's words is part of their plan , he can't believe the twins are just absolutely acting good with him like everything is fine.

Noting is fucking fine ! Everything is wrong ! From the way they're touching like they're together to the fact that he also keep reacting to their touches in a way that he shouldn't is also not right, so basically, Everything is fucking wrong and wrong and wrong.

Wrong in so many ways and times.

He look up when gguk softly cup his face and make him look at him in the eyes which he did , even tho he knows he couldn't hold the intensity in gguk's eyes but he really can't find himself to look away. Gguk has him hooked and hypnotise without even trying much.

"There's nothing there to think so much about babe , those voices in your head are nothing but what you created your self , so hear my real voice. No one is playing you babe and I won't even allow anyone to do that" Taehyung was blinking rapidly at gguk's expression, he doesn't know what to reply to the male and just keep staring at the male.

Jungkook smiles staring at taehyung who was looking like a scold puppy.

"I said don't think about anything , common go and shower and dress up and trust me , if you don't come out of the shower after five minutes I'm going to enter" gguk chuckle at tae's shocked face as he push the boy into the bathroom closing the door and sighs ruffling his hair with his fingers before he sits down back on the bed and wait for Taehyung to be done.

Seem the male really take his threat well as he walk out of the bathroom just exactly five minutes later , he was wrapped In a robe and he glance quickly at gguk before walking into his closet to get ready in casual clothes.

"You're done babe? , Let's check what kook and baby hanuel is up to" gguk said holding Tae's hand and starts walking out of the room , the pretty male stare at their link hand before he stare up at gguk then back at their link hand, he doesn't understand what to think about that but just sighs and follow the male silently.

When they enter the living room , Jungkook was doing push ups with hanuel trying to copy the male acts but just end up falling on his stomach but in his perceptive, he's doing so great , at least that's what Jungkook make him believe with his constant compliments he was throwing at the boy.

"Oh my baby bun is doing so great , let's go!" Jungkook cheers even tho he was trying hard to hold his laughter.

"Forty and seven" gguk pfft at hanuel counting as him and Taehyung was trying their best to stay quiet , Tae have his phone out recording the moment as him and jimin always do , every moment of hanuel from his pregnancy days are well in memories.

"It's forty-seven bun besides, after thirty-eight it's thirty-nine" kook correct the boy who pout falling fully on his stomach already tired and gguk and Tae finally walk out of their hidden place when Jungkook stand up back on his feet.

He pick hanuel up.

"My little champ did so well !" Hanuel giggle when kook starts pampering his face with kisses.

"What are you two up to?" Jungkook turn to face gguk but a bigger smile break into his face when he notice Taehyung , the younger male was looking cute in his casual dress.

"Morning exercise" he reply his twin brother question walking closer to Taehyung and softly side hug the idol , hanuel kiss his dada cheeks causing Taehyung to smile at the boy.

"How was your night my love?" Taehyung pinch hanuel's cheeks and the boy smile.

"Dada, hannie cwuck-out with Papa 2" Taehyung chuckle at his son way of pronouncing the words.

"It's call workout baby but that's nice right---

Taehyung and the twins turn towards the entrance when the door was push open and Taehyung has never felt so relief when he see jimin stepping inside the house.

"Good morning hoes" jimin smile widely taking hanuel from Jungkook's hand before he shakes kook hand casually and bump their shoulder together before doing the same with gguk , they seem just causal like back then.

Leaving Taehyung to stare between the three confusedly.

Jimin has also betray him now?.



Sorry for mistakes

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