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Jeongguk was sitting against his car bonnet with hanuel in his arms , it was late in the night and him and his twin brother was ready to leave but leaving hanuel behind seem hard for father and son duo , gguk heart was aching and he knows he's really being dramatic but what if he go back home to sleep and wake up tomorrow only to realize all these are dreams , that his low sperm count is still intact.

He's extremely afraid of that , he bounce hanuel in his arms gently making the little boy stare down at him with a big fat pout on his face , the older male chuckle amusingly.

"Papa formise hannie" hanuel mumble using his single finger to trace gguk's eyebrows piercing , he was angry his papa is breaking his promise.

"I know buddy , but papa isn't going away forever , I'm just going to my house and I'll be back tomorrow" hanuel eyes gguk suspiciously at his words before shaking his head as he doesn't believe the man words.

"B-but Papa and mummy lives together?" This is one of the moment Taehyung really doesn't appreciate his baby smartness , he wasn't even the one behind those smarty ass but rather jimin.

How can he be so fucking smart at his age , he's afraid his baby might be growing too fast.

Jungkook and jeongguk cough awkwardly at the boy's words before staring away , this boy.

"Hmn , but not now buddy. Won't you be papa good boy and let him go home" gguk tries again but knows he lost when hanuel grumble something under his breath before wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Hannie follow papa then" now , the twins knows Taehyung won't definitely appreciate that , they knows how much the idol might be fighting against his mind for letting them close to hanuel when he's probably thinking they might be planning how to take the baby away from him.

"You want to follow papa ?" Taehyung ask trying not to let the tear burning his eyes make it way down his cheeks , he was dumb , infact more than stupid to ever think the twins would've to try and get the baby away from him.

He had been worrying about the wrong point , does it ever cross his mind maybe hanuel will like to be gguk instead of him ? Now he felt the reality crushing down on him.

Hanuel is picking jeongguk over him , just in hours of meeting. He really didn't see that coming but what can he do?.

"Yeah dada , hanuel wants to go papa house" the boy smile widely at taehyung who was masking his expression very well from little boy but definitely not from the twins , they can see pass the fake smile that was spread across the idol's face.

"U-h okay , let dada get some clothes for you" Taehyung didn't bother waiting for any of the twins reply before turning back and walk- more like run back into his house , the tears roll down his cheeks immediately he step into his house.

Wiping the tears furiously, he walk into hanuel's room and starts rampaging through the little boy closet to find some decent clothes for him , not that he have got any indecent clothes.

He pause when he felt another figure behind him ,he definitely can tell it's not jimin as the other male has left again with yoongi earlier and Taehyung knows he need all details about why his soulmate is definitely back on yoongi's ass but he'd really be happy if it turns out to be what he has been thinking about .

At least , one of them deserves happy ending.

"What are you doing?" He drop his head low at Jungkook's question, quickly wipe his tears before turning to face the man who was standing too close to him with a frown on his face.

He give him a confused look.

"I'm packing hanuel's clothes , he wants to spend the night with gguk", he replied, stating the obvious fact but really , what else was he suppose to say in this situation? Cry to Jungkook about how he's afraid hanuel might be picking jeongguk over him? Doesn't he sound pathetic? , Isn't it right that the boy wants to spend more time with his papa?.

"Really ? ,Then why are you crying?" Taehyung drag his lips between his teeth not having any answer to Jungkook's question, it'll really be absurd trying to lie over the obvious fact.

"hanuel is young and his brain probably will wants to spend more time with gguk without him realizing how much that might be hurting you--

Taehyung quickly shakes his head.

"I am not hurting because he wants to spend the time with his father okay ? He have same rights have got on him , it's not that" Taehyung grumble out causing Jungkook to sighs out loudly.

"But you're afraid he might end up choosing gguk over you ? , Why does he have to choose between his two parents? Do you believe gguk will still requested his full custody legally?, That's not possible Tae , I can assure you if you let him go with gguk tonight. They'll come back to you in hours , hanuel is addicted to you and it's obvious" Taehyung knows he should listen to kook words without doubts but how was he supposed to do that ?.

He was going crazy for sudden change of the twins towards him , if they shouts on him , loathe him then it'll have be fine with him .

But them acting like everything are okay when they definitely aren't is what's making Taehyung scared , he's afraid for what might be waiting ahead for him.

He draw out a breath when Jungkook single finger lifted his chin up to face the man , Jungkook was staring down at him with a smile on his face.

"Everything is going to be fine Taehyung, don't use this pretty head too much. If gguk have intension of taking hanuel away from you , he won't hide and would've come out straight and clean to you but he won't. For the sake of hanuel , he's ready to let go of whatever has happened in the past , hanuel is yours. He was afraid that he might be making you thinking he's planning to snatch his son away from you , he's currently trying to convince hanuel to stay with you" Taehyung gulp nodding his head , he knows he shouldn't be looking so vulnerable in kook's present but what can he do?

Jungkook chuckle before bringing his thumbs to wipe the boy's tears gently.

Taehyung freeze in his hand when he lean forward to leave a lingering kiss over the idol's forehead.


Sorry for mistakes

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