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An awkward silence took over the room as they're all staring at hanuel confusedly, a frown on their faces aside from yoongi who was thinking which name will fit him after he'll successful run away to avoid getting murder by Taehyung.

"E-h Jeon ? where is your mummy?" It was Jeongguk that ask and hanuel frown at him showing he doesn't appreciate his question, but that might be wrong tho.

"Dada is hanuel mummy, I want dada now- gumgum hannie want to go home" they are left speechless at the sudden change when big fat tears roll down the boy's cheeks instantly, they all glare at gguk who shrugs not understanding what he did wrong too.

Nevertheless, he sighs standing up and pick the little boy up , holding him up in his arms with hanuel's head resting on his shoulder , he starts patting the boy's bum rocking him back and forth trying to soothing the crying male.

"where is Taehyung?' Jin ask after some moments and yoongi sighs rolling his eyes , what a perfect time to finally remembered to ask about him.

"He have a performance and he ask me to look over hanuel because jimin is now his manager and hanuel doesn't appreciate much crowd , and now I better start packing my loads and find a deep hole to hide myself" yoongi mumble and turn when hanuel's loud cries finally die down and yoongi sighs when he sees Jungkook standing behind gguk while making funny faces for hanuel who was now smiling widely at Jungkook.

The smile on his face seemly like copy and paste of the one present in Jungkook's face , yoongi wants to know how the boy can resembles the twins too much as such young age , he wonder how he's going to look growing a little more up.

"his name have Jeon in it--- I don't understand why Taehyung will our name to his son name" and did yoongi ever said he's always grateful for the twins dumbness? He didn't ? Then he'll like to mention about it now , thank lord , seem like he won't have the change his name anytime soon then.

Jin was about to say something when yoongi glare at him deadly.

"It's just a kid talks , ask Taehyung yourself" that was enough to shut any other words that plan to leave either of them mouth off , hanuel was giggling staring at Jungkook and gguk was still rocking his body back and forth.

"Don't cry again little champ" Jungkook murmured softly squeezing hanuel's cheeks and a big fat pout settle on the boy's face.

"B-but hannie miss dada" the boy puppy eyes make Jungkook almost have heart attack , he wonder how a boy can look so fucking cute without even trying much but again , he's Taehyung's kid. Taehyung might have so many flaws but his face card can Never decline.

Coming late , but he think Taehyung get thousands time beautiful compare to years ago , this boy seem to be competing with only himself when it comes to beauty. That's a fact.

"Aww , what should we do ? Should we watch your dada on TV?" He suggested and sighs in relief when hanuel's face light up instantly clapping his hands together, he welcome the idea very much.

"Gumgum , hannie wants to watch dada" yoongi nod his head and after struggling for minutes he was finally able to connect the big screen with the ongoing award show , he's glad because the show was just starting and all of them settle down the hanuel on gguk's laps. His back was resting saint gguk's chest , the older male arm holding the boy gently on his laps.

"They said dada name !" Hanuel yell when one of the host mentioned Taehyung will be doing the opening show , a lot of cheering comes from the fans present too.

When the beat starts , most of the guys are confused which songs he was performing since they haven't really been following his career activities much , even namjoon doesn't know as he only listened to two out of his album.

"It's happy ending!" Hanuel cheers as he concentrate more on the TV and others are sure not to question the boy smartness anymore at this point , he's over smart. They have to give the parenting work to Taehyung, he's indeed a good parent.

"The song is about hanuel so I guess the boy most have heard it more than thousands time" yoongi inform them and they make a realization exclaim before focusing back on the TV, the beat was catching and high rock , Taehyung wasn't on stage yet but when his voice reach out first.

All the guys are left speechless, that's Taehyung's voice ? They refused to believe until the said male show on the screen , wearing all black dress and effortlessly looking like a god without even trying much. Jungkook didn't lie when he said Taehyung is competing with himself only when it comes to beauty.

Sitting all alone in those loneliness nights.

Flinching away from the slight thunder sounds.

It's funny cause I've got a bigger nightmare, crawling in me and making me scared.

Stare in the mirror trying to find what's left-- but all I can see is the dead me someone need to save.

Screaming out silent cries to call for help , but then ! I realized you're here to keep me in check.

The guys are very more intense in the performance, the pretty male body movement effortlessly along with the rhythms of the song , high notes been hits without breaking Abit.

The loud cries for the very first time, sound like rhythms to me ears- you're my hoping choice.

Cause , you're the happy ending I was wishing for every night .

So smile like you did then , when those fingers were wrapped around mine, those tears in my eyes represent nothing but the--

Happy ending I deserve , my sunshine, my moonlight , my world!

So smile along , sing along , stay with me--

You're my happy ending, move with me-

You're my happy ending.

Don't leave !

Cause you're the happy ending I deserved.

It was hanuel claps that snap the guys out of their daze , they're undeniable surprised with Taehyung performance.

The lyrics has made them understand nothing but the fact that , his whole life only revolves around hanuel.

But really again , how did the boy come along?.

The Jeon's can't help but wonder


Sorry for mistakes

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