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"You're going to pass out if you continue stressing yourself this much" jimin chuckle as he run his fingers through Taehyung's hair , they're currently at the backstage of the award show.

They did notice the looks they were receiving from other artist at the backstage, some were judging and some were probably surprised to see them as there wasn't a single news about the idol attending or even performing at the show.

"I'm going up after the next performance?" Taehyung ask to jimin who was giving orders to some of the staffs present that was convinced probably with money to work for them for the night.

Jimin nods.

"You know if I fail , you're going to have to take care of me for the rest of your life" Taehyung jokes and jimin turn fully at him with a deep frown.

"Why me? The Jeon's are richer than me" jimin confusedly ask pointing to where Jeon's was standing with others.

"They won't let me breath these days , do you believe gguk literally stand with me while I was pooing?" Taehyung shakes his head trying to get rid of the part of his memory , the twins has been really effortlessly getting on his skin these days and Taehyung hates to admit he was loving the way they're invading his personal space.

"We are going up in six minutes" the director announce and Taehyung take a deep breath closing his eyes tightly , he need to pray to the angels— even tho he won't be sad for failing but he badly want to succeed at the same time.

"We didn't get chance to rehearse but I'm sure you're going to do great" jimin said hugging Taehyung tightly and others too step forward to them and take turn in hugging the idol to cheer him up , except when it get to the twins turn-- they both decided to crushing him in-between their bodies.

Gguk peck his lips sweetly.

"Do well love" the idol nod at Jungkook's whisper before he get into position.

In two minutes please!

Another announce goes off as the artists on stage finally ended their performance, the hosts get back on stage to announce the next performance and others didn't miss the sour looks on their face and how the whole room turn dark immediately Taehyung's name was call. Black oceans.

"Damn , he didn't get on stage yet" yoongi grumble under his breath and others just keep staring at the screen , the time was finally up and Taehyung get on stage--- when the stage light get turn on , the idol was sitting on a chair like a dinning table but a glass of wine in his hand and his second hand holding his microphone.

The beat started lowly with Taehyung's vocalizing.

It just a little red wine I'll be fine, not like I wanna do this every night--

The idol bring the glass of wine up to lips like was going to drink it but in flash he messily drop the glass back on the table making it tumble and pour away.

I've been good , don't I deserve it . I think I earned it, feels like it's worth it in my mind

Taehyung stand up from his seat as he stare directly into the camera, totally ignoring the loud silent in the room.

The backup dancers starts getting on the stage , it wasn't easy getting them but with money Everything seem easy for them.

Twisted reality, hopeless insanity

I told you I was okay but I was lying

Jimin can't help but laugh softly.

"Yeah , he definitely lies" others hummed agreeing with him , they can still remember vividly how Taehyung has looked them in the eyes and told them sober lyrics was from the past.

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