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The boys are laughing, chatting while eating among themselves, excluding Taehyung who was subtly staring at Jungkook, he can't help wonder why heaven never make him meet boy like this man sitting steps away from him.

He had always have something for piercings , tattoos and his weakness forever remain muscles , he almost choke on nothing but his own breath earlier when Jungkook remove his jacket leaving him short sleeve t-shirt which reveal his full arm tattoos.

Taehyung was mentally hyperventilating , he find it hard to keep his eyes to himself since then , he can feel yoongi's and jimin's stares on him- he knows they're probably trying to warn him but really when did he ever starts listening.

He sighs.

"Hyung where is your restroom?" He ask directing the question to yoongi while his gaze was on Jungkook who finally meet his eyes , the older male scrunch his nose up and it took him seconds to understand whatever Taehyung was trying to say. He smirks at that.

Yoongi was about to answer the younger's question when Jungkook cut him off.

"Hyung I'll show him where it's" Jungkook was already on his feet causing jimin and yoongi to glare at taehyung who just give them innocent smile, this sly little thing.

"Jungkook , be careful around Taehyung- when I say be careful , I mean be extremely careful" jimin stated sternly glaring at taehyung who have an innocent pout on his face while namjoon , Jin and Jungkook confusedly stare at jimin.

"Don't be like that jimin , it's not like I'm going to eat him alive while showing me around" Taehyung roll his eyes causing the oblivious ones to chuckle , Jungkook and Taehyung walk away leaving others alone.

"I hope Jungkook won't trip and fall where he wasn't suppose to" jimin grumble under his breath and again , he doesn't have good feelings with whatever is going on in his soulmate head.

"Here is the restroom, I'm going to wait outside here for you" Jungkook says pushing the door open then motion Taehyung to step inside.

The pretty male pout before stepping closer to Jungkook, totally invading the man's personal space.

"O-h why don't you escort me inside ? I get scared of new places easily- besides we are both men right?" Jungkook stare down at the boy that was bashing his lashes cutely at him , totally opposite the tone he was using for his words.

He smirks entering the restroom follow right by Taehyung who close the door before resting his back again the door.

"Do you need help? Why are you standing without doing anything?" Jungkook suggestively raise his brow at taehyung who fake a pout then step forward and place his finger right above Jungkook's chest , tracing it slightly around his clothed nipple.

"You- know , the moment I step into the house I can't stop staring at you and I thought we were on same page? so---" the pretty male slightly raise his knees , pushing it up at Jungkook's inner thigh and that earn a low groan from the male who roughly get the hold of tae's hand and manhandling push his back against the wall.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook mumble even tho he understands what the pretty boy was getting at , he just doesn't want it.


Taehyung was cut off when Jungkook place his finger about his lips wordlessly telling him to keep quiet.

"I'm attracted to you , but I don't do quick Taehyung. I mean I don't fuck who I don't date, so yeah wanna get to know me or I lost?" Taehyung wants to cry and smack Jungkook right about his face.

His chance of getting the hot boy down with him just slip off his hand , he doesn't understand whatever bullshit was leaving Jungkook's lips , he thought hot boy are always ready to do quick and fuck off?.

Damn , Jungkook really doesn't know what he was asking for , Taehyung sighs mentally rolling his eyes but put on a puppy eyes. He want once , and it was Jungkook that was getting down to be play- he mentally keep the excuse he's going to give to jimin and yoongi later.

He smiles innocently at Jungkook.

"I'll like too , you know u-h I thought you were like other guys , that'll want to get down with pretty boy then screw off later" Taehyung mumble and Jungkook hummed understandingly, bringing his arms down hesitantly to secure the boy's waist.

"I don't do that , u-h do you want to exchange numbers ? Do I get a date?" Taehyung mentally roll his eyes , dates are cringe and he hates them to the pit of his stomach but really how was he suppose to get Jungkook on his bed if he doesn't dance to the boy's tune? He almost lost his chance.

"Sure , a date for a perfect gentleman" Jungkook Chuckle at the boy's words but nod nevertheless, slipping his hand inside his pocket to fish his phone out and give it to Taehyung who press his digits on the screen before returning it back to Jungkook, he watch the man's face as he save the contact.

"I'm going to keep malice with yoongi hyung for mocking my single life when he knows you exist somewhere" Taehyung wants to laugh , and tell Jungkook that yoongi was probably trying to keep him away from him because he knows- he gets what he wants and trash the left over right after.

"I should do that too , should we join others now?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook nod staring softly at the boy who was also staring at him back , the two just laugh before walking out of the restroom and join others in the sitting room.

Taehyung roll his eyes when he sees jimin was eyeing him suspiciously , but he cross his hands over his chest wordlessly telling him he didn't do anything, the male doesn't look convince by his words but he let it go anyway for now.

Taehyung is all ready to get lecture by jimin later.

That's the first step into Jeon's life.


Sorry for mistakes

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