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Yoongi smiles staring at hanuel who was busy paddling all over his living room watching Everything in awed , yoongi can't help but smile wider when he sees the boy Bambi eyes darting everywhere- he resembles the Jeon's too much.

"Gumgum this is your house?" Yoongi nod his head and step ahead to lift hanuel when he sees the boy trying his possible best to get on the couch , he place the little down on the couch before he also take a seat.

"So what did my little panda wants ? Shall we play game or eat-- and sleeping sound like a plan too" the boy little lips form into pout as he make a thinking expression trying to pick on his gumgum choices.

"hannie wants to play hide and seek" yoongi mentally cries , but nevertheless smiles nodding his head.

"Before then , I got some gift for my panda , close your eyes and count one to ten and gumgum will be back" yoongi said and hannie nod his head furiously and did as he was told , when he open his eyes after counting ten, yoongi was indeed standing infront of him with a pack of gummy bears in his hand.

Hanuel face light up , that's really why he and picked a like on yoongi in Spain , and exactly where the producer nickname has came from.

"Gummies!!" Hanuel scream excitedly bouncing impatiently on his seat until yoongi tear the pack and hand the piece to him.

"Thank you gumgum" yoongi smiles patting the boy's head but frown when he heard knocks on his door , he wasn't expecting any visitors or was he?.

He won't be surprise if it's Taehyung because he knows the pretty male really doesn't romance the idea of leaving hanuel to him all alone, but yoongi frown when he open the door only to see the Jeon's twins and namjin standing at his doorstep.

"You haven't been answering anyone calls for the past weeks and didn't visit either so yeah , we are here" namjoon mumble and yoongi gulp , Taehyung is really going to murder him.

He sighs , stepping aside for the guys to enter his house before closing the door and follow them.

"Yoongi where did you kidnap a kid?" Yoongi roll his eyes at jin's accusations, all he can think of is him kidnapping the boy.

"han" gguk call out to the boy who finally raise his head up and look towards them , a smile break into the boy's face since he can recognize gguk and Jungkook.

"Hey" he wave at gguk with his free hand while the other hand was busy holding the pack of his gummies.

"Why does that boy smile recognize gguk's own? damn whose kid is this?" Jin said stepping forward to the hanuel who was staring confusedly at the new figure he haven't seen before, his Bambi eyes are wide in surprised.

"He has got the same eyes like Jungkook too , where do you get a kid?" Jin question again even tho his previous question are left unanswered.

"Stop spurting nonsense hyung , that's hanuel ,Taehyung's son" Jin and namjoon make an exclamation together and stare back at hanuel before staring back at Jungkook to make sure he wasn't messing around.

"panda , why don't you introduce yourself to gumgum friends?" Yoongi sits down besides hanuel patting the boy's head lovingly.

"Hello ! My name's is Kim J. Hanuel and I'm three years old" the little boy stand on the couch to bow to the guys who are staring at him like some special piece of Art in museum , well he's one but okay. Moving on.

"I'm Kim seokjin little thing , i was going to question how you can be so beautiful but now I understand where it comes from" Jin smiles at the boy who smile back and namjoon was eyeing hanuel silently.

"Do you know me or my name?" Jeongguk step forward and ask hanuel who pout.

"Hannie knows you but not your name , you didn't tell hannie your name" gguk chuckle and was impressed how smart the boy Happen to be at such a young age.

"My name's is jeongguk"

"Clownglue" Han claps his hands together excitely as he repeat jeo-ngguk name causing the said male to press his lips into thin line while others laugh loudly at that , gguk knows he didn't deserve to be call a clown glue.

"No Han , it's Jeon-gguk" gguk repeated again and hanuel frown confusedly, it was the same thing he said isn't it?.

"Clown-glue, gumgum hannie got it right ?" Yoongi nod his head giving the boy a thumb ups as he can't help but naturally concluded the Jeon's are dumb and stupid for not connecting the dots with hanuel's appearance yet.

He thought he was being over observant for realizing the situation so soon but now that Jin also point it out at a glance , he realise the Jeon's are indeed dumb.

"I'm Kim namjoon little man , we have the same first name" namjoon was leaning over the couch that hanuel was standing but he gasps slightly when the boy dip his finger into his dimple , makes him remember Taehyung has also done the same back then and his excuse was because he find it cute.

"Hannie wants one too" hanuel pout referring to namjoon's dimples causing yoongi to sighs , he pat the boy's bum as the wait for Jungkook to introduce himself but hanuel cut him off.

"Gumgum we have two clownglue" and it was Jungkook's turn to press his lips into thin line when another section of laughter hold in the room.

"Wow ! My panda is getting smarter everyday , that's correct!" Yoongi claps his hand together cheering up hanuel , others might find it funny but he found the current situation funnier

Nothing will ever beat hanuel calling his father clownglue, welcome to the clownglue family.

"Han?" Jungkook call softly and the boy turn to look at him with a smile.

"Your name is Kim J. Hanuel, right ? Did your dada tells you the meaning of J , you know J is just an alphabet right?" Jungkook softly ask and hope his question is clear enough for the boy's brain to register.

"Hannie don't remember, dada tells but hannie forget" the boy mumble our making a thinking face and yoongi mentally chuckle.

"Maybe it means jimin ? Or even Jung hoseok- wait Jin also starts with J--" yoongi keep going with meaning of J's non stop and others are already done with him until little hanuel face suddenly light up and claps his little hands together.

"hannie knows now!" Everyone instantly snap their head towards the boy.

"Dada said , it's Kim Jeon hanuel"

And yoongi knows he's indeed dead , because Taehyung will murder him limp to limps.


Sorry for mistakes

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