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Taehyung smiles at jimin who was entering their guest room along with yoongi since the older decided to stay over , he learned the Jeon's has been using his room while hanuel refused to leave his room even in Taehyung's absent-- he's a big boy.

But the idol frown when he enter his room and sees the Jeon's already on the bed in their nightwear but they are leaving space for him in the middle of the bed , that's when he finally register the fact that he'd have to spend the night on the same bed with them--- he doesn't have problem with that but he doesn't trust this pervert humans for a second.

"You guys are sleeping downstairs" he announced instantly before disappearing into the bathroom not waiting for the obvious protests of the Jeon's twins , the pretty male stand infront of his full mirror and glance at his appearance for a second--- he likes the new him , for the first time in the past years. He didn't feel ashamed to stare at himself inside the mirror.

He roll his eyes at the twins body wash inside his bathroom, he just pick random one and clean up before walking out of the bathroom in a robe but frown when he meet the twins still in the same position he has left them.

"Why are you guys still here" he question taking another small towel to starts drying his hair but he sighs when gguk get off the bed only to snatch the towel from him , he then pull him to sits at the edge of the bed before he starts helping him to dry his hair again— while Jungkook just watch with a smile on his face.

"We are sleeping together tonight baby" Jungkook nonchalantly shrugs and Taehyung turn in his seat a bit to glare at the younger twin.

"Yup , we are not going downstairs nor will you— we haven't seen you for year and you want to be cruel and chase us out? That's so cruel of you babe" Taehyung stare between the twins dramatic asses helplessly, why haven't they discuss this before jimin went to sleep?.

"You want me to spend night on the same bed with you guys? Nah Satan get behind me" he grumble but shriek when he was pull by Jungkook and forced to lie down while facing the mentioned male.

He soon felt another heat engulfing his body from behind which obviously shows gguk was now laying down behind him too , he was trapped in between the twins.

"Now this felt better" he heard gguk mumbling behind him as his arm pull him more closer with his waist , Jungkook was staring at him with those lovingly eyes and Taehyung just sighs and decided to just let them be— just for tonight, yeah only tonight.

"Bet it'll feel better if we sleep in the same position forever--

Gguk scoff at his twin brother words.

"Of course, we are going to be sleeping like this forever and this little bear here doesn't even have a say in that" Taehyung roll eyes as they're talking about him like he wasn't even present there , he knows he had a lots of conversation about whatever is between them countless times with Jungkook during his visit to the rehabilitation center, but he just told the big potatoe he'd be thinking about it but here is the bunnies jumping into his conclusion on his behalf.

"Shut your mouth guys , I want to sleep" he grumble out shutting his eyes close but he snap them open when he felt two pairs of lips on his neck and lips at the same time , he glare at Jungkook who was in his view and the male only wink back at him in response.

"do you guys even understand how hard it might be for someone to breath in one of your present? And now think about two of you suffocating me--

"Suffocating in good or bad way babe?" Gguk instantly question, no matter they decided to take bold steps and step into the idol's comfort zone since he has refused to come out of his comfort zone— they knows they still have to be extremely careful not to suffocate the boy.

"It's in a good way but that's doesn't mean I want--

Taehyung words didn't reach the twins ears anymore as they close their eyes going sleep still with Taehyung sandwiched between them, the idol sighs helplessly and decided to just chase the twins out of his room tomorrow.

"Dummies" he grumble frowning slightly when gguk's hold around his waist get tightened more , he sighs for the countless times since the moment he step into the room.

His eyes twitch into a slight frown as he felt something moving on his face , he groan turning side way to escape whatever it might but his eyes twitch again when he heard low giggles— he snap his eyes open only to be meet with sight of Jungkook and hanuel who are hovering above him but with markers in their hands.

"Good morning dada" Taehyung smiles closing his eyes when hanuel lean forward to messily kiss his lips, he wrap his arms around the little boy fully pulling him into his chest.

"Hey my heartbeat , did you sleep well?" Hanuel nod his head viciously making his hair bounce cutely and Jungkook can't help but cooed loudly at the boy before patting his hair.

"Dada here , hanuel slept like a baby" Jungkook and Taehyung laugh loudly at that.

"Aren't you a baby?" Jungkook question but bite his lips to stop himself from laughing when hanuel glares at him.

"Hanuel's big boy! Hannie sleep alone like a big boy, can go to gym like a big boy-- even talk to to Elizabeth like a big boy---

Taehyung frown staring confusedly between hanuel and Jungkook.

"Who's Elizabeth?"

"His friend at the kindergarten" the older male reply and chuckle softly at Taehyung's relieved expression.

"Get up baby and freshen up , jimin made breakfast already" Taehyung eyes went wide at that and he snap his head to check the clock on the wall only to realized it's almost 11am, he really did felt so comfortable between the twins and slept for long?.

"o-h has Han take his bath?" The pretty ask getting off the bed after Jungkook had takes hanuel from his arms.

"I'll bath with papa kook" Taehyung smile noticing the change in Jungkook's name from Papa 2 to papa kook.

"Come downstairs when you're done" Jungkook said before going out of the room with hanuel while Taehyung stumble towards the bathroom, he was about to push the door open when it was pull open by jeongguk who was only wrapping a towel around his waist.

Wait , Jungkook told him to enter the bathroom knowing damn well his brother was inside? That snake!.

"Morning babe" he flinch slightly at the coldness of gguk's lips coming in contact with his forehead and grumble a good morning out it the male under his breath.

He slip pass gguk and was about to close the bathroom door when gguk call out his name.

"And oh babe, you look cute and doesn't even have to write it all over your face before people knows" the idol frown at that and rush to the mirror only to see his face are messed with markers , and he scream out Jungkook's and hanuel's name.

The whole morning in their house was a total disaster but they all loved it.


Sorry for mistakes

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