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The Jeon's are more than confused on either to laugh loudly or get worry when Taehyung fall back limp in Jeongguk's chest , they really did expect all reaction but definitely not this one, but it makes them realized Taehyung has changed more than they've imagine.

The growth shook them to bone but nevertheless, gguk sighs before effortlessly picking the pretty male up in his arms in bridal style , he starts walking upstairs with Jungkook trailing behind him but can't help to chuckle when he remembered tae's reaction before he passed out.

It was camera worthy and he want to smack himself in the head for not capturing the moment and use it as blackmail weapon in the future , well nothing spoil another moment will come either now or later, they've got more time in the coming Future than now.

Jeongguk softly tug the idol into bed and push his hair away from his face before leaning down shortly to kiss tae's nose , he smiles softly pulling the blanket more up to cover Taehyung's chest and with last glance at the sleeping male , he walk out of the room again with Jungkook casually trailing behind him.

They decided to stop and check hanuel in his room and the two twins can't help but cooed silently at hanuel sleeping position, he was sleeping on his chest with his ass push out, his bread cheeks resting against the bed.

"He look so much like you when he's awake but he look so cute right now just like Taehyung" Jungkook mumble making sure to keep his voice low not to disturb the sleeping boy as Taehyung said earlier the boy haven't be able to sleep for the past week.

Gguk roll his eyes at his twin brother words.

"What are you talking about bitch, I'm cute too" Jungkook pressed his lips into the line before giving his brother a disgusting look and gguk went ahead to piss him off by making another cute face and Jungkook make a puking sound walking out of the room with a laughing gguk trailing right behind him.

They settle back into the Livingroom checking the time and realized it's almost 8pm in the night , they're confused on what to do at the moment, maybe Taehyung is going to wake up and they'll have to spend the night at the idol house which they know the boy won't definitely appreciate.

Not that he appreciates them invading his personal space like they did earlier so who give a fuck , they also didn't appreciate the way he had invaded their hearts years ago but did they complain or Sue him for it ? , No.

"I wonder how he can get money to set his house this much beautiful, I mean I'm not thinking low of him but hanuel closet is a bank on it own" gguk commented roaming his eyes all over the elegantly decorated living room , Jungkook shrugs.

"He'll definitely be like ,' I've to do what I have to do but my baby need to have a good life' and he wasn't even giving himself enough credits for his hardwork but I guess jimin was a lot help to him about that" Jungkook stated standing up to get a closer look at the little frame that was almost hidden by the flower vase on the stood right besides the TV.

"Wow , isn't this hanuel baby picture?" Jungkook call gguk attention and the said male also stand up and walk closer to get better of the frame , it was a picture of Taehyung sitting on what look like hospital bed with hanuel in his arms , he look so tiny wrapped little blanket but his face was visible.

"Oh might be the day hanuel arrived , Taehyung look tired here even with the smile on his face" gguk grumble and Jungkook hum along agreeing with him and they walk around the Livingroom finally taking in the whole room.

"He doesn't seem to be waking up till tomorrow, so I think we should set up here for us to sleep?" Gguk yawn falling back on the couch but nod nevertheless agreeing with kook who was looking around likely for something they can lay on the floor to sleep on but find none.

In the end , the two end up sleeping on the uncomfortable couches in Taehyung's living room.

Jeongguk was first one to wake up the next morning , he groan stretching his body a bit to get rid of the sour muscle and without thinking much about his upper body being naked , he walk upstairs to check on Taehyung.

The pretty male seem just waking up when he enter the room and he instantly snap his head up only to have his eyes went wide in shocked when he sees a shirtless jeongguk infront of him , wait !!? Last night wasn't a dream?.

Did something happen with the twins.

He look terrified before he quickly peek under his blanket and notice nothing wrong as he was still fully clothed just like last night then why is a half naked human muscle bunny walking inside his house ?, They spent the night in his house ?.

Wait , where's that fucking human microwave when he's mostly needed ?, Gosh Taehyung was going crazy not noticing gguk has already walk closer to sits at the edge of the bed enjoying the thousands of emotions that keep running through the idol eyes , he knows the male was probably overthinking in his head again.

Taehyung wince slightly when gguk slightly flick his head.

"Stop using that pretty head of yours too much , you passed out so I brought you to your room and couldn't leave when jimin isn't around--

Loud gasps flew out of Taehyung's lips.

"You slept on the same bed with me?" Gguk really wish he had sleep on the bed with Taehyung with the said male reaction right now.

"Why? You want me to spend the night in your bed? Aww my taetae wants to spend the night with his ggukie ? , I'm here now so let's sleep again-" gguk ignore the way Taehyung was opening his mouth to say something only to close it back instantly as he was left speechless than he could ever imagine , he have got nothing to say.

Gguk slip under the blanket facing Taehyung who was still trying to process everything through his head, but shriek when Jeongguk pull him down making him fall on his side and he didn't get chance to protest when the older male have his arm wrapped around his waist tightly.

"You're beautiful-- gguk and Tae snap their head up when the door was push open and Jungkook step inside with hanuel in his arms.

"Don't cuddle without us" Jungkook grumble and gguk chuckle nodding his head removing his arm from tae's waist only to take hanuel who was smiling widely to finally see his papa so early in the morning after days, while Jungkook lean over to peck a frozen Taehyung cheeks.

"How was your night baby?" He ask smiling down at taehyung who was now sitting up , staring between gguk and kook until he scream out loudly.

"What the fuck is going on! What's happening! Don't fucking drive me crazy!"



Sorry for mistakes

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