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Jungkook was confusedly trailing after a furious jeongguk, he doesn't even understand the point of his twin brother anger but really does he really expect Taehyung to answer that question he asked earlier?.

Nevertheless, he step inside their house only meet with a pacing around but still furious jeongguk and a confused namjoon and Jin.

"What's wrong with him? Did someone piss in his cornflakes again or what?" Jin question eyeing the angry Jeon, jeongguk get them all confused sometimes.

"Well , a lots happened-

Jungkook was cut off harshly by jeongguk.

"That fucking bitch has got some audacity to fucking pretend like he wasn't affected by my present? After everything? He got the guts to speak to me anyhow he likes and walk out on me after ? , I'm fucking going to kill him" even namjoon and Jin can't help but flinch back slightly from the sudden outburst , they mentally wonder what really went wrong with the boy.

"Taehyung happens , we met him at the party- well his son find himself stuck with gguk but when Taehyung comes ,he just greeted us casually and was going to walk away until my brother decided to ask him where he got a son" Jungkook explained and already expected the frown that invade both Joon and Jin face.

"Wait , Taehyung is really the idol that debuted? I was really hoping somewhere in my heart that he won't be the one , he disappear for three years only to show up back as an idol?" Jin was speaking silently more to himself but others can also hear him loud and clear.

"And he got a son? Did he finally get married to a lady? I thought he was gay?" Namjoon trail off but pause when gguk scoff loudly before standing up.

"That bitch has got some audacity with him , he doesn't even react like he knows us from somewhere" gguk was really bitter , but more angry at taehyung. How can the boy act so normal with them after everything? ,He really doesn't care or does he?.

"Well I guess he really meant what was said in his songs then , he said it's the first and last letter'" namjoon chuckle but nervously smile when others are staring at with blank expressions.

"You listen to his songs?" Jungkook was the first person to speak up and namjoon shrugs.

"Yeah , I'm a sucker for good lyrics and I've to give that to him , you guys will understand better listening to his album , I mean the last track but as well , I think there's something we're missing in-between" namjoon face suddenly turn serious eyeing the two Jeon's.

"What do you mean?" Jin raise his brow questioning at namjoon who sighs.

"I think he was suicidal?-" namjoon already expected the loud laughs from the guys .

"Taehyung? The Kim Taehyung we all knows ? Please that's impossible and we all know that" gguk Huff and Jin and Jungkook nods their head agreeing with him , they all know Taehyung more than anything.

"Wanna listen to the last track?" Namjoon suddenly ask but pick up his phone to play it either without waiting for their reply.

They all silently listen to the song , attentively paying attention to the lyrics .

I'm sorry these are coming late-- I've wanted to say them but in a better way , I'm going to keep it simple but yet worthy , silently praying on the shooting starts to give the you- the best life that's what you deserves

Jeongguk was first to roll his eyes and scoff loudly , this boy has got come audacity and it's raeks him off.

"He can as well shove his sorry deep into his ass , fucking asshole" namjoon roll his eyes as he motion for jeongguk to keep quiet while they listen to the rest of the song.

"Not going to be hypocrite because of our past issues but he got some talents , he just need to fix his attitude along" Jin honestly comment and Jungkook hummed along with him , gguk just chuckle dryly before speaking up.

"So bad it's unfixable , but where did he see a son? Did he got someone pregnant? Has he escalate his whoring to opposite gender too?" Others groan glaring at gguk who look serious by his questions and still wants to know.

"Stop it gguk and let him be , he already said his apology in the song is first and last , let him be. He's probably not due for karma yet" Jungkook said patting his brother's shoulder and walk away to his room and gguk also left some minutes later leaving Jin and namjoon to stare at each other confusedly.

"You know , I'm still not convinced the Taehyung that we all knew will leave the country because of what has happened , there's something we're missing in-between. And only one person got answers to that" Jin was tapping his jaw rapidly hoping for namjoon to catch up with his thoughts.

"Park jimin , but I kinda finally able to reach yoongi hyung last night and he said jimin broke up with three years ago too" Jin eyes went wide in shocked with another revelation he just heard , is that why yoongi disappear on them too?.

"Jimin broke up with him, that sound absurd , like how is that possible? The two are literally inseparatable and jimin loves him so what went wrong? Why did everyone even run away?" Jin was going crazy , he doesn't understand how they turn out like this.

They used to be very close , laughs and hang out together but then things went wrong. Taehyung suddenly varnish into thin air and along the line yoongi and jimin was also no where to be found.

"I don't know but he said he'll be back to Korea in days and explain everything to us fully , I guess we'll remain in darkness till then" namjoon shrugs while Jin was lost in his thoughts, could they possibly bring back their past selves?.

He guess that's impossible anyways.

It's all done and gone.


Sorry for mistake

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