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Jeongguk roll his eyes at namjoon words as the older male won't stop scolding him for taking long to get a single plushie from the mall and at the end he didn't even come back with the plushie and now he'll have Jin on his ass, the latter sighs embalming his fingers into his dark hair as the other hand was on the steering.

"You've been extremely quiet since you come out of the mall , what's wrong?" Namjoon ask softly but the younger male just shrugs mumble nothing under his breath , he was going to drive into their building when another car over take him and cross his way.

He pressed on the break instantly causing the car to make loud sound and he almost breath out relief when the car didn't hit the car opposite him , jeongguk eyes flick up in anger as he alerted from his car follow right away by namjoon who was also furious on why someone will drive so recklessly at someone else's entrance.

But they both hide their shock when the suspect alighted from his car , park jimin.

"Jeon jeongguk" the mentioned male raise his brow confusedly, why'd jimin double cross him so recklessly and even call his name with a voice that he can't explain?.

"Jimin , why'd you drive so recklessly? Which kind play is that?" Namjoon was the first person to get over his shocked but jimin scoff walking ahead to sits on his car bonnet.

"You see- I hates you so much , so much that I wish you stumble and fall on your dirty face and break your nose , but again I realise- we're not viewing things from the same perceptive,so I'm here to give you a chance" jimin tilted his neck holding up a USB drive in his hand before throwing it at jeongguk who was confused but still catch either way.

"That contains everything- not everything but things you need to know , after that I want you and everyone else away from us , yoongi hyung is only person that I didn't see as a threat to tae's life and that's because he pretend like he didn't know us which I'm glad for and you Jeon jeongguk, if you ever speak to Taehyung again I'm going to kill you with my two hands" gguk launch forward ready to attack jimin as his patient was always thin.

How could jimin still have Taehyung's side till the very the end when he was the one at fault? Why is he talking they're the one to be blame?.

"Jeongguk leave him" namjoon mumble staring a chuckling jimin who shrugs before entering his car and drive away from there leaving them to stare at the car until it disappear from their view.

"That fucker think he can just show and say shits he wants to say then go away? Who the fuck he think he's?" Jeongguk was more than fuming and namjoon sighs leading the younger into the house as take mental note to park the car properly later.

They enter the living room and meet Jungkook and Jin who are causally laying on the couch watching some shows but sits up when Jeongguk stump into the room angrily.

"Calm down gguk and let's check what's inside the flash drive" namjoon said and turn to Jin and Jungkook who are staring at them confusedly, they were about to say something when another person enter the room.

Yoongi stare at them confusedly and sighs out relief when he didn't notice any hard condition in the room aside from gguk's furious impression.

"What Happened?" Kook questioned and namjoon sighs before telling them how jimin has crossed their car just outside and warned jeongguk to stay away from Taehyung then tell him to check what's inside the flash drive.

Yoongi sighs rubbing his nape tiredly before taking a seat on the couch , at least jimin didn't hit jeongguk because that's all on his mind as he follow the younger earlier and the boy was driving so recklessly that yoongi almost lost him.

"I think Taehyung had a panic attack after you spoke to him today" yoongi mumble to gguk who frown confusedly.

"You spoke to him today?" Namjoon turn to gguk as he can remember vividly they were both together through the whole day except the time he stopped at the mall.

"Yeah , inside the mall. He was going to pretend like he didn't know me again and I got angry and just say some words to him" gguk grumble out sitting down on the couch and yoongi scoff.

"Just some words , the same words you used to chase him away from the country years ago, whatever non of this is my business let's see what's inside the flash drive given to you" yoongi chuckle dryly and gguk frown at him.

"You're making it sound like you're on their side now" Jungkook mumble before gguk can even say anything and gguk had to agree with kook's words.

"This isn't a competition where I pick side , I'm just not like you all and will definitely get to see from both side before picking on whom to hate" Jin and namjoon exchange looks at yoongi's words.

The man has been weird since he disappear years ago too right after jimin and Taehyung then since he came back , he won't even speak a word to them about the past events and why he left no matter how much they tried.

"Just play the flash drive and let's see" namjoon stated softly and gguk was already frustrated by yoongi words so he just give it to Jungkook who sighs before standing up and connect the drive to their big screen.

It's a video of Taehyung sitting in bright white room , a single table in the middle of the room and a lady sitting infront of him.

A green small ball on the pretty male's hand which he was throwing against the wall only to catch it back , no sound was coming out of the room except the sound of the ball that was constantly hitting the wall.

It's a therapist room.


Sorry for mistakes

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