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Taehyung grab his head waking up first in the morning , the fact the room he was currently in isn't his didn't miss his brain even tho he felt his whole head messed up , and it wasn't Jungkook's room either.

Yes , he went on date with Jungkook and was going to pull out a useless excuse to drop the boy then he found out that the man is a CEO to big company, humans are greedy- and Taehyung is one of those humans.

He found it stupid just leaving someone like Jungkook and decided to starts playing with the male , Jungkook confessed his love weeks ago and Taehyung had shed little crocodile tears to show he's indeed happy.

He lied back , told Jungkook he loves him and the happiness on the other face was unexplainable, jimin was furious.

The male has lash out on him and went on hours scolding spray on him but his words really doesn't have space to secure in tae's head and he just told him he'd break up with Jungkook soon , it's also a lie.

Last night , Jungkook has left for States for one of his deals and Taehyung took it as opportunity to visit club since he haven't get any chance to do so since he started going out with Jungkook and that was four months ago.

But now , he knows he shouldn't have get so much drunk because he knows he's currently naked under the blanket which shows he has spent a night with another man.

He rub his forehead with his single finger as he can hear the shower running , he look around the room taking in a man's clothes that were well arranged on the couch along with his own clothes.

A wallet and latest iPhone place on the nightstand and Tae ignore the rapid headache in his head as he stretch his hand out to get the hold of the phone, he frown confusedly when he light up the screen and it's showing a picture of Jungkook. Jungkook?.

"Did Jungkook get a eyebrow piercing? No he didn't he only have lips piercing and he use a ring not stud--

He was still thinking when the bathroom door was pushed open and he raised his head up instantly only to come face to face with Jungkook's photocopy, this is definitely not his Jungkook.

The man that just emerge from the bathroom with towel wrap around his waist loosely which shows his V line did really have a full arm tattoo like Jungkook but the lion tattoo on the man's chest shows it's definitely not his Jungkook, Taehyung is very much sure of that.

"O-h you're awake?" Taehyung nod dropping the man phone back on the night stand and watch the man step closer to him only to sits at the edge of the bed , his wet hair falling right above his eyes.

He bring his hand up to trace the pretty male's cheeks and Taehyung shudder at the sudden cold contact.

"You're even more beautiful in daybreak" the man chuckle leaning forward to leave a messy kiss on the younger's lips and he pull back when Taehyung didn't respond and then his eyes went wide in realisation.

"My bad , I forgot you were extremely drunk last night. My name's Jeon jeongguk" Taehyung sighs as he finally realized Jungkook was just messing around with him.


He was cut off by the man.

"I said jeon-gguk" Taehyung roll his eyes before picking the pillow to throw against the man's face , he concluded Jungkook must have got the fake tattoos shits to prank him.

"I'm saying the same thing , Jungkook"--

"No no , not Jungkook but j-e-o-n-g-g-u-k" jeongguk spell the name out to him letters after letters and Taehyung sighs , he's too tired for this man pointless jokes.

"Aren't you Jeon Jungkook? The CEO of Jeon's company?" Taehyung grumble but raise his brow when the man starts laughing out loudly , at least he find his own joke funny as Taehyung didn't.

"I'm not Jungkook, he's my brother- twin brother if you might add , I'm an athlete" Taehyung felt his soul leaving his body instantly, this better be prank- he knows he doesn't care about Jungkook but why?.

Millions of population in Korea and he have to fuck Jungkook's brother , lord he's really a bitch and no one can tell him otherwise.

He smiles. Fake smile.

"Oh I'm not into athlete news but I know Jeon Jungkook- I never knew he have a twin brother somewhere" Taehyung dryly laugh swiftly pulling his boxer he has found on before throwing the blanket off his body.

He's really doomed.

"It's fine , you're Taehyung right ? You told me last night and I hope you did it right--" gguk pause suspiciously eyeing Taehyung who seem awkwardly all of a sudden , so he cup the younger's face.

"Are you okay? You seem restless" Taehyung wants to cry and scream it right to the man's face-- of course I'll be restless knowing Jungkook can show up here at any fucking moment and then I'll be involved in dumb drama- but instead he smile.

"Yeah , head-ache" gguk chuckle at that and stand up only to leave the room for some moments before coming back with a medicine and glass of water , Tae thanks him taking the pain reliever and gguk also dress up after that.

"Your brother isn't at home?" Taehyung ask softly after some moments and watch how gguk body tensed a bit before he speak up.

"We don't stay together, we're not close" and Taehyung felt all the running pannick in him go down in flames , now he understands why Jungkook has never mentioned about his brother, what a perfect beef for Taehyung.

"I see" the pretty male sighs slipping out of the bed to make use of the bathroom but he was stop by jeongguk voice who was asking him where he was going.

"To shower and run away to my house and drown myself in worries for sleeping with a stranger in the club" Taehyung knows that's a lie , he doesn't have any worry to drown on and infact he was damn sure he'd forget about everything in hours- except the fact that he slept with Jungkook's brother, Jungkook his suppose boyfriend.

"You can take a shower but you're not going anywhere pretty boy , I told you last night I don't do one night stand and you said you were single- so why running away when we can make thing up here?" Taehyung wants to praise his drunk self for claiming to be single- at least that was right but what's with Jungkook and jeongguk hates towards one night stand?.

Hots boys like this? He doesn't care and really doesn't care.

"O-h" he mumbled pretending to blush and he rush towards the bathroom with gguk's Chuckles trail behind him.

"My shy thing" he roll his eyes at gguk's words after closing the bathroom door , he look at his own reflection in the mirror only to sighs.

Now he need a full concealer to get rid of the hickeys or he's doomed.


Sorry for mistakes

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