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"She dropped me there with the instructions that they should treat me until I retrieve whatever was leaving my lips back , she believed a strange man because she was in love and won't believe me that was just eleven years old--

"I thought living with that man was a nightmare but my view change with years spent in a dark room, locked with chains to the wall like a deadly criminals , they will come to beat me with iron rod every day and night and keep sreaming for me to take back whatever I had said about my stepdad" Taehyung was shaking furiously on his seat , the tears blur his face but he wasn't even worry about that.

He was long lost in his body back to those days , it was like he was watching a movie that's replaying his past events to him , he was numbed on his seat.

"They will beats me when I kept repeating the same thing- if I had known life isn't all about the truth as I was taught then I'd have make it out of that hell earlier , I won't have keep repeating the same words all over again-

"No food , no water , I only get to eat small amount of food anytime I was at the dieing end , and I spent my life like that for five years , all I had in me was bone- and I finally lied and told them whatever I said about the man was a lie and guess what? I was released the second day- and my mom came smiling widely at me as she was glad her son was finally healed" the therapist wipe her own tears , thinking maybe this might the end of the story.

"I realized, this is human world , truths doesn't take you anywhere and you'll only survive on lies ,I was back home and meet the face of the man for the first time and you know what he did? He smirks at me, but I kept silent and weeks later I was eating well and didn't say a word out to my mother or her lover , she made me starts home schooling again and I'm glad the man didn't try to touch me until one year later--

The therapist eyes went wide in shock.

"He tries touching you again?" Taehyung chuckled shrugging just casually before he continues his story.

"Yes when I was seventeen, he tried but I felt anger rushing back into me , the two years spent like hell in our house and five years spent in real hell was all his fault and I took hold of a knife , I stabbed him countless times until he took his last breath and my mom enter the house at the same time , she screams and---

Taehyung pause brushing his hair back while the woman in the room can't help but starts tapping her finger on her thighs impatiently.

"She called police and I was arrested"

"You were underage right ? Why'd they arrest an underage boy?" The therapist frown in confusion.

"Underage? True but I just committed a murder if you listen to my story well , I was indeed underage and couldn't be locked in jail- but my mom was crying loudly , shouting about how she wants justice for the love of her life and I was kept in remand until I clocked eighteen and I was sentence to twenty-three years imprisonment for murder" Taehyung sighs , rolling his tongue to wet his dry lips and he scoff at the speechless state of his therapist.

"I already spent one year in prison when I received a visitor? And guess what? It was my so called mother! She was crying and hyperventilating that day, and I thought she's here to blame me for her husband death again but I was wrong--

"I had forgotten when I was eleven , before I was taken to mental asylum, I once set up a camera that I got as gift from my mum in my room a day when her husband came to perform his inhumane act again and she happened to found the camera and she finally realized whatever I've told her that day was true so she came to beg me and my case was revisited and I was set free--

"I didn't follow my mother back to her house but rather jump to the street, work different work from one store to another but most places wasn't ready to employ and will rather have for something in exchange, sex for work in a cafe- funny yeah I know-

"You didn't accept it or do you?" The woman raise her brow at him and the pretty male chuckle, he shakes his head.

"I didn't , I was doing work at a factory when I met jimin , I used to sleep in dark alleys back then but I got close to him , he was the only human that was all ready to help me without asking for anything in return, I love him , more love itself-- he convince me to starts living with him so I'll be able to save up for future which I agreed" Taehyung face mobbed into another deep frown again.

"On the night of my twenth birthday, we went to club just to celebrate and I met a guy and I liked him ,we started dating and five months later I found out he was just playing around with me , he was engaged and I'm just one of his play thing--

"And I decided to stop trying to be nice , I decided to pay the world back with whatever had been ditch out to me , I stopped caring about other people and only think about myself , it's only me and jimin but then--

"He got a boyfriend and his boyfriend got friends and one of his friends took interest in me- his bad luck right?- No it was my bad luck--

Taehyung pause harshly brushing his hairs back as an image came into the view , it was those eyes that used to hold so much adorable now holding so much hates in them for him.

"You know? I don't think I can do this anymore , now that I think about it again , my life was a mistake, I wasn't plan to function in this world--

"Thinking I'll be fine doing all those things was all my hallucinating, now my reality has crush down and guess what? I don't want to live" Taehyung grumble standing up.

The therapist didn't get chance to question the boy when he has make a run towards the door leaving the woman in pannick as she quickly text jimin.



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