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"It's been a while Taehyung" the therapist smile looking at the male siting infront of her , totally different from the same person that had sat in the same seat years ago. This is a new Taehyung.

"Yeah ? Don't act like you didn't see week ago Mrs Chen" Taehyung jokingly roll his eyes at the woman who laugh softly until her expression suddenly turn serious.

"You're supposed to be here tomorrow but I called you here today because--, let me ask . Do you plan to keep hanuel away from the Jeon's forever?" Taehyung really didn't expect the question at all and at the same time , he doesn't have answer to that because he haven't really think about it much , did he really wants to keep hanuel away forever?.

"You don't know ? But I think you should tell them about him soon" the woman sighs when Taehyung snap his head up at almost instantly to protest but she hold her hand up wordlessly telling him to stay quiet.

"Someone visited here last days , they're asking about your present here three years ago and wants to see your files- I suspected the man might be from Jeon's company because the earpiece in his ears are only use by Jeon's special guards , I think one of the twins is on the work already" Taehyung eyes went wide , Jungkook is looking into his past for what ?.

"The only option we are left with is , call them , tell them about hanuel and give them chance to talk with their son. If they find out before you do , they might take it like you're trying to keep their son away and involved legal action and me and you know we are no one to win against them" and Taehyung have his day spoiled entirely.

The woman continue.

"Besides , I think they deserve just that after everything they went through in your hands , let's not he cruel to the last part- it's not their fault things goes the way it goes" the woman said without sugar-coating her words and Taehyung understand she's right from every point.

Last week , when hanuel had came back from yoongi's house and started telling him about how he met two clownglue, Taehyung was nervous at first but with everything hanuel has gist them , the twins doesn't seem to notice anything about him which new as glad but here is the happiness in dung just week later.

What should he do if the twins decided to take hanuel away from him? , He can't survive that.

"You can't have your section today anymore , so go home and think about it , I told the man all your files has been deleted but I don't think they'll ever stop , so think very well about it and know what to do-- I don't want to see you here looking like that old Taehyung" the idol idol give the woman a tight smile and thank her before standing up and bid bye to her.

Is he really left with no choice?.

Jungkook was resting his head on his chair as he listens to his friends report still about Taehyung's past life , nothing particularly has been point out except the fact that he had visited a therapist the same day he was carried into the hospital dead , Jungkook was smart enough to conclude it might be the same day Taehyung has opened up about his past to the therapist but that still doesn't explain how a kid enter his life.

Jungkook is going more nuts every second and can't understand how Taehyung was able to keep his life so private , but again he realized he's now an idol and of course his company might have also worked hard to keep his past private life out of the media reach to avoid anything that could harm the idol.

And seeing that hoseok is specifically close to Taehyung with the way they had interacted at the party that happened month ago ,it wasn't much of a surprise how perfectly no information about his life was able to be lick out.

The doctor that was present that day too has refused to open his mouth to say anything about why the boy had visited the hospital that night , and Jungkook mentally wish everyone can be loyal the way the doctor has decided to stay loyal to Taehyung.

He sighs sitting up straight when his phone starts ringing and he frown when he sees an unknown contact, he knows his personal contact isn't just easy for anyone to have access to except his close ones and without thinking much he decided to pick up the call.


And the phone almost slip out of his hold when he heard the voice from the other line , it's either he's hallucinating or someone is practicing voice pitching on him because there's no way in hell he's hearing Taehyung's voice.

He isn't creepy for remembering how the boy sounds on phone even after years , love has always been stupid and still stupid , Jungkook was madly in love with Taehyung to erase his memories so fast.

"Taehyung?" he mumbled to make sure he has indeed heard right and he heard loud sighs from the other side of the line.

Yeah , I don't know maybe I have any right to request you for this but can we meet ?

Jungkook frown , the same Taehyung that has been trying hard to ignore them is now asking to meet him?.

"Now?" He asked.

No , maybe tomorrow? In my house I'll text you the address and please come with jeongguk

Jungkook doesn't really have any idea on why Taehyung is personally inviting him and gguk to his house , is it possible he's planning to tell them about his past since they can tell jimin has let them know without tae's permission, or is he planning to finally give a formal apology?.

He breath out loudly.

"Alright" he replied shortly and he heard Taehyung mumbling a thank you before the call was hung up.

"Put your investigate on hold for now until I tell you otherwise" he inform his Friend who nod bowing slightly to him before walking out.

He decided to go home early and text jeongguk to also come back home early.

"Do you think this is the best option now?" Taehyung sighs at jimin's questions , he also doesn't know but Mrs Chen was right , at least Jungkook and jeongguk deserves to know about hanuel after everything.

He can't just deprived them the right of knowing about their son , he can't hide forever and he better face the reality earlier than having a lots of regret in the nearest future.

"Jimin , let's put everything in the hands of God"


Sorry for mistakes

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