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Jimin doesn't know who he was or what he was doing for the whole month when Taehyung refused to wake up , he practically stays in the hospital and praying everyday for Taehyung's safety and his prayer was finally answered today , Taehyung open his eyes.

"J-imin?" The mentioned male cried for hours just hugging Taehyung still on his bed until the doctor visited and also notice the boy was finally awake , he do check up on the boy and smile when everything was perfectly okay.

"He's perfectly fine now and the baby is doing great, I guess him waking up help the baby's health too" the doctor pat jimin's head before walking away and Tae was staring at them confusedly.

"Taetae , there's something you need to know. Don't freak out too much or you're going to kill your baby" Taehyung confusedly stare at jimin as he doesn't understand what the boy was saying.

"Taehyung you're one special human and you almost kill an innocent soul with your stupidity? How can you think of ending your life ?, You said you'll always be by my side and dieing is the forever you promised to me?" Taehyung froze as he bring his hand up to cup jimin's face.

"Stop me-ssing around!" He growl but jimin shakes his head and take hold of tae's hand only to bring it down to his stomach to feel the little and almost unnoticeable baby bump.

"It's true? I almost kill my baby" Taehyung was going to scream but jimin was fast enough to cover his mouth with his hand.

"You can't scream or you're going to hurt your baby once again , you've been unconscious for a month Taehyung-- the past months you've only been having sex with the Jeon's right ?" Jimin breath out relief when Taehyung nod his head firmly.

"We can talk when will get back home" Tae nod and jimin finally retreat his hand from tae's mouth , he sighs smiling when he noticed Taehyung have slip one of his hand under his clothes to rub his stomach.

He's probably still not believing for real.

After a week , Taehyung was discharged from the hospital and entering the house back instantly bring back the full memories of why he has ended up on the hospital bed in the first place.

They decided to leave everything behind and starts afresh in an unknown country , jimin took his time one night and visit yoongi to break Everything off.

And the second day , him and Taehyung left to Spain.

Life there was harder for them , but they manage through everything and the cries of happiness they felt when hanuel arrive into their life.

Every moment was capture in camera without missing any details, Taehyung life only revolve around hanuel , he can't sleep without holding hanuel close to his chest as those eyes and voices won't stop hunting him.

Hanuel was two when they met Hoseok and come back to Korea and rented house somewhere far away from their previous house hoping not to come across any of their pass friends but here they're .

Jimin sighs closing the big heavy album that are full memories of hanuel growing up, every moments was enjoyable for them.

"Chim?" He stand up walking out of his room at tae's voice and he frown confusedly when he reach the living room into to meet Taehyung's pacing back and forth .

"What happened?"

"Hoseok called now that the award show that's holding today and going to starts in one hour make plans in last minute for me to do the show opening" jimin eyes light up in happiness, he was happy because Taehyung just debuted four months ago and he was already been invited to award shows.

But when his eyes catch hanuel figure , he understands why Taehyung was looking worried as he knows he'd have to follow Taehyung since he has been employed as his manager.

"Uh-m hanuel?" Jimin mumble as he was also now getting worried.

"He deal with fever the second day of my debut that you brought him to backstage along with you, he hates crowds" Taehyung sighs sitting on the couch and jimin finally think of something.

"How about we call his gumgum to come and pick him up?" Jimin knows Tae won't accept that but it's not like they're left with choice at the moment.

"Don't say anything Taehyung, yoongi hyung won't do anything you won't like , he has been coming here for more than a month and if he have any bad aim he would've done it since without hesitation so let call him" Taehyung wasn't looking convince but knowing they're left with no other choice he nods and jimin quickly call yoongi who pick up only after some rings.

"He said he's on his way" jimin announce and Tae nod calling out for hanuel to come closer.

"Baby , dada have a performance now so do you mind playing with gumgum until dada comes back?" His words doesn't even register in the boy's head but his face light up at he mentioned of yoongi and he excitedly clap his little hands together.

"Hanuel wants gumgum" Taehyung sighs as that went easier than he has expected.

"You gumgum will be here soon" he chuckle pampering the boy's face with kisses and loud giggles of hanuel soon fill up the room.

Less than thirty minutes later , yoongi arrive at their house.

He can also notice the hesitant look on Taehyung's face by leaving hanuel in his care and of course he can understand the idol. He's a close friend with the Jeon's and he can easily take hanuel to them and tell them he's their kid but yoongi once again doesn't enjoy meddling into things he shouldn't.

At least not after watching the USB jimin has given to them weeks ago.

"Don't worry Taehyung, nothing will happen to him , I'll bring him back to you just inform me whenever you're coming back home and I'll also start coming" Taehyung sighs and decided to trust yoongi's words so with last kiss planted against hanuel's head , he give the boy to yoongi.

He just hope he won't regret it


Sorry for mistakes

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I'm going back to sleep 💜💜

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