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Jimin can already tell who are at their door when he heard the bell sound around afternoon, he look towards the stairs where Taehyung has gone to wake hanuel up before proceeding to the door , he wasn't in surprised when he open the door and see the Jeon's twins standing their casually, he didn't bother saying anything and just step aside for them to enter the room.

He sighs , and patiently wait for Taehyung to get down and he didn't miss the nervousness creeping through tae's eyes but he masked it with a neutral expression. Jimin just pray this goes well.

"O-h please have you seat , chim ? You're going now right ?" Taehyung turn to jimin who nods his head as they had agreed on jimin give them a moment alone , the said male step forward pecking a sleepy hanuel's cheeks before going away from the house.

Taehyung silently take a seat opposite where the Jeon's are sitting , hanuel smile at Jeon's twins when his almost close eyes finally fall on them.

"Dada see , clownglue" Tae smiles patting hanuel's head softly before making the boy sits on his laps , he finally muster up courage and look the Jeon's twins in the eyes for the very first time.

Jungkook eyes hold confusion while jeongguk eyes didn't give out any emotions, the man has always been like , he's best when it comes masking his emotions and Taehyung can't help but wish he can also do that effortlessly like gguk does.

He sighs , awkwardly clearing his throats as he was already regretting his choice of having jimin away from the house , was he suppose to face the twins all alone? Is it too late to back away now? (Joy : yes !🙄).

"Uh-m *cough* I'll like to apologise for whatever has went down between us in the past , I know I don't have any excuses to justify my actions but at the same time- all I can do is reflect on my bad deeds and try to become a better person for myself, but at the same I'm extremely sorry for everything" Taehyung was staring down at hanuel who was almost falling asleep but give a tired smile to Taehyung when he notice the man staring down at him.

"If you call us here just for apology then I'll like to take my leave now , if you think sorry could cure Everything, why do you think we have officers ? Lawyers? Rules and laws in the country?" Taehyung close his eyes tightly at gguk's taunting tone , he sighs before opening his eyes back.

"I know , I know but I didn't call you here for that" Jungkook and jeongguk stare at him confusedly at that , they watch the pretty male look down at hanuel before staring up at them again.

"I--- after the issues that went down between us , I found out I was pregnant- , I don't know I sound absurd but those are every files on the table-" Taehyung couldn't even finish his words when jeongguk has already proceeded to pick the bunch of files on the table , he watch the male flip over every pages aggressively while Jungkook was calmly watching Taehyung.

It makes sense now , why the doctor has refused to let them have any access to Taehyung's report.

"And that had to deal with us because of what?" Jungkook question honestly confused why Taehyung was telling them all these , he had thought the male was planning to tell them about his past and try to make it an excuse for his acts but the pretty has down such.

"Because hanuel is your son" and that's how Taehyung casually dump the bomb on the Jeon's , but he was surprised when loud laughs fill his ears after some seconds.

"I thought you stopped messing around? But now you're trying to lie on an innocent kid just to get back into our lives? What else are you hunting for?" Hanuel flinch from Jeongguk's loud accusing words and Taehyung just hug the boy tightly close to his chest.

"Hey don't cry baby, dada is here" Taehyung mumble rubbing hanuel's back in a comforting way and make sure the boy calm down before looking towards the Jeon's twins back.

"I am not planning to go back to anybody life and I won't ever do such a thing , I'm telling you this just for the sake that you should know and I want you two to stop trying to spry into my life , hanuel is the secret you wants to know and here I told you everything myself. It's your choice to believe me or not" Taehyung calmly stated not getting move by the deadly glares directed at no one but him , it's mostly from jeo-ngguk.

Jeongguk was about to say something when Jungkook manage to cut him off.

"Hanuel , is he my kid or gguk's?" Jungkook ask gently ignoring the sharp eyes of his twin brother burning into his side profile.

"That I don't know" Taehyung honestly answer as he really didn't know too , but if hanuel has got one of the Jeon's blood isn't he going to match with the second Jeon that way ? Taehyung doesn't really waste his energy thinking much about that.

"because you're fucking lying" gguk hissed and Tae had to resist the urge to roll his eyes badly at them for that , can this man be calm for some seconds.

"Anger don't practically solve all problems ggukie , there's something call DNA test ,isn't it? Don't throw tantrum I'm used to hanuel's ones" Jungkook pressed his lips into thin line at that while gguk glare more deadly at taehyung.

"He isn't lying gguk , hanuel look exactly like you which I pointed out the first day I had saw him in the mall and remember Jin hyung also said the same thing just by first glance at hanuel , if he's not yours then it's definitely mine- my kid is your kid gguk and vice versa" Taehyung was grateful at least one of the twins is sensible enough to check from humans view.

"I don't agree with you kook , let's go for DNA test" gguk insisted causing both kook and Taehyung to sighs out loudly but nevertheless agree with the man's request.

They can't really go against angry jeongguk.


Sorry for mistakes

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