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(Just the satisfaction I needed 💜😭)

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(Just the satisfaction I needed 💜😭)

"Since we are all here now , Taehyung wants to continue as an idol" it's later in the afternoon , all of the boys has decided to put their works on hold for the day just to celebrate having Taehyung back with them and yoongi Decided to throw the bomb on them causing all of them to snap their heads towards Taehyung who was laying on the couch with hanuel sleeping soundly on his chest.

"What?! Hell no" jimin was the first person to scream out as expected , there's no way he'd allow Taehyung to jump in Medias eyes again and make him face the possibilities of loosing himself once again to internet hates.

The Jeon's was just staring at the pretty male intensely.

"Uh-m why? I mean you could try something else out without being in media eyes again , don't get me wrong but I don't think it's possible building a career up on this path again" Jungkook calmly stated and Taehyung sighs before gently sitting up still with hanuel , he then stand up and tug the boy into the bunch of blankets at the corner of the room.

"That's why it's call trying kook , I want to try again. This time not because someone told me to , I want to do this again and I hope you guys can support me— if I fail then I'll take it to divert my interest to something else" Taehyung eyes were fixed on jimin as he spoke , he knows the boy will be the hardest person to convince among the people in the room.

Yoongi shrugging shows he doesn't give a fuck and will just support whatever Taehyung decided , the Jeon's too really doesn't have any options on the ground and he wasn't much close to Jin and namjoon to have them give orders on his life— leaving him with jimin.


"Please chim, this is the first time I'm trying to pick myself up without anyone's help— just this one more time chim , if it doesn't work then I'll do whatever you want me to" jimin take a deep breath looking away from Taehyung before mumbling a low okay under his breath.

Taehyung smiles at him.

"Now that all of you has agreed , we need to come up with a plan to make an impact comeback for him. It's either we fail or make him hit the spotlight again and you know asking for hoseok's help is out of the line-- his company faces alot along with his idols Because of Taehyung and if Taehyung have to deal with him again , it has to be when he finally succeed in making his career again" they all nod understandly at yoongi's words , their faces change into serious expression as they starts thinking of possibly ways to help Taehyung out.

"Releasing album like usual is also out of the line , it'll only bring more hate-- we need something like a big comeback when it's least expected" jeongguk grumble out and yoongi nods totally agreeing with the idea.

"Hyung will produce the album right?" Jungkook ask to yoongi who look towards Taehyung.

"Of course, it's not like he's not my producer before and now , no one will want to associate themselves with me" others sighs at the younger's last words but he doesn't sound like he was hurt but simply stating out the obvious.

"How about we discuss about the song and production then we'll come up with the comeback strategy?" Namjoon suggested and they are left to just agree to him as non of them could come up with a good idea yet.

"So what type of song you want to try? Your usual genres?" Yoongi ask turning to Taehyung who shrugs.

"In the rehabilitation, you know there's weekly activities where we're left to do anything we like and I write some words down during those hard times-- I'll bring them to you later hyung maybe you can help and turn them into lyrics" Taehyung stated and yoongi hummed before speaking up.

"You're a good lyricist yourself and I personally think at least one song from your album--

"The main single should be written by him" Jungkook butted in and yoongi nod showing that's the exact thing he was  planning to say.

"And theme , you can either be proactive and tells everyone to fuck themselves as you're stronger or be emotional or tell your story and last option, act like nothing happened--

"And that's the worst idea , you're gonna get hate more than before . The second and third seem like a good option" gguk butts in throwing pillow at jimin who glares at him.

"My social accounts are still on right?" Taehyung ask yoongi which he got a yes as an answer back.


"Guys!" Jin run inside vmin's house the second day , he was coming back from his work when he come across an entertainment news on his phone.

They all snap their heads towards Jin worriedly as the male run into the room with his phone in his hand.

"One of the biggest award show is coming up in less then two months , isn't that best way for Taehyung to make a comeback?" He announced passing his phone to jimin who stare at it for down moments before sighing out loudly.

"They won't want to give him any second to even appear on the show , they know fans are going to boycott once they found out Taehyung is coming there" jimin said making jin's shoulder slumped down disappointed, how can he not think about that part in the first place.

"Which show is that?" Gguk who was coming down the stairs with hanuel hanging on his neck question.

"MAMA" jimin replied and gguk turn his gaze towards Jungkook.

"Jungkook can get a place for you there , he's friend with the shareholders-- he should snatch at least five minutes for you to perform and it shouldn't be last because fans are going to leave--

"And it should be unannounced" yoongi quickly added and Jungkook sighs and just nods his head.

"Oh wow! thank you Koo!" Jungkook smile widely at the nickname that he haven't heard from Taehyung for God knows how long , now he'd even get Taehyung one hour to perform if the male wants.

"Now , the rest of work is on yoongi hyung and Taehyung-- you have less than two months to prepare the album and-- didn't we have to shoot the music video ourselves since we are keeping it a secret?" Jimin eyes suddenly went wide at the realisation that they'll have to get everything done by themselves in span of two months.

"And you're forgetting you're his manager" namjoon Deadpanned causing jimin to fall back on the chair like he's dead.

"Gguk should take the video production part , both shooting and editing-- and we can use the twins houses for different locations. Jungkook will fund Everything he's. Billionaire duh, Jin hyung will be your stylist he owns a company for that for a reason and if your career hit up you'll become his model for free---

"Oh I love that" Jin cut yoongi off instantly.

"Why is Jin hyung getting a repay and we are not?" The Jeon's twins questions.

"Gguk your repay was prepaid and that's the repay on your shoulder" Taehyung groan at yoongi's words , he was referring to hanuel.

"So I'm going to get my own repay in nine months so?" Taehyung pick up his slippers and throw it against Jungkook's face when the male wiggle his brow suggestively at him.

So Taehyung is making a comeback.

I wonder maybe it'll be a failure or not.


Sorry for mistakes

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