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The idol was staring confusedly among his friends and his soulmate, he was confused on the looks he has been receiving from them the moment they had got back home after his performance.

"What's going on ?" He ask confusedly smiling nervously as he tightened his hold on hanuel when he felt the sleeping boy slipping off his laps , the little one whine in his sleep causing Taehyung to look down at him before rolling his eyes when he notice his son was trying to suck on his fingers.

So he push the pacifier into his mouth and starts patting his bum lovely until the little boy fall asleep back once again.

Taehyung smiles, softly pinching hanuel's cheeks before raising his head up to look at others who are still busy gawking at him with the same expression, he scoff before he annoyingly raise his brow at jimin who just glare back at him in return.

"When did you relapsed" jimin ask directly making Taehyung choke on nothing but his own breath , his eyes went wide in shock and fear as he stare between the Jeon's twins then namjin before taking a peak at yoongi who was busy typing on his phone but Taehyung definitely knows he was listening to their conversation.

The idol divert his gaze back to jimin with a deadly glare but the other male doesn't seem to mind it and didn't back then for a second as he return glare back at him , he really and badly wants to punch jimin so bad at the moment.

"What the fuck are you talking about chim?!" He hissed through his gritted teeth that makes his body vibrate in anger , even hanuel that was sleeping seem to feel his father anger making the boy whimper lowly in his sleep once again.

"You know exactly what I am talking about Kim Taehyung and I told them already--

Jimin words got cut half way by no one other than the idol.

"You did what ! What exactly do you told them!" Yoongi sighs before rolling his eyes and drop his phone on the sofa then haul himself up to his feet , he can see hanuel wasn't comfortable with the sudden change in Taehyung's aura so he carefully take the boy from Taehyung's laps and walk upstairs to tug him into sleep.

Immediately yoongi left with hanuel, Taehyung would've jumped on jimin if it wasn't for Jungkook's instant reflect.

The idol was so angry for the male decision of saying such a thing out to the these people, not even without his permission or opinion. If he wanted them to know how he had lived his life in Spain then isn't he the best candidate in position to say that to them?.

"Why don't you just answer the fucking question and stop acting like a bitch ! I didn't tell them a single die but you Acting like this really makes me feel like I am right" to say others were not shock will be a full understatement , during their friendship days. They have never witness jimin and Taehyung exchange words among each other , talkless about raising their voices at each other.

It was obvious jimin was also angry-- more furious than Taehyung.

"Okay ! I am the one acting like a bitch now? when you literally go ahead to tell them about something like that without my permission, if I wanted them to know then are you going to b the one to say it for me?---

Jimin cut him off Midway.

"Maybe if you don't starts that disgusting shits again then I won't have to tell them , I didn't spend sleepiness nights for years only to have you at the bottom again! Get that into your dumb and rotten brain and the fact that i got to know through a fucking song!" Jimin shook furiously as he replace his earlier shouts with sob , yoongi who just came down back worriedly rush towards the boy and hug him tightly.

Others were awkwardly standing there , they're stuck on what to do or say in the current situation.

"What shits are you rambling about bitch? That wasn't even a new song, it was written when I was still pregnant with hanuel and I didn't want it to go down in flames and decided to record it. Why don't you even wait for me before jumping into conclusion? short people pfft" Taehyung roll his eyes before sitting down back ok his seat while jimin and yoongi snap their head up at him.

"I am going to ignore you attacking my height but you really didn't do it again? I mean really?" Jimin ask with a desperate voice making Taehyung sighs loudly.

"I didn't jimin and I don't have any reason to do that again" the idol softly stated and they all breath out relieved but others are still curious of why the boy has done that in the first place.

Taehyung seem to notice their curious gaze on him and decided to speak up.

"After leaving Korea and everyone behind , I was five months pregnant with hanuel when it started. I think it's the depression of all that had happened and being pregnant at the same time , everything just got messed up and our neighbor that time does it and I try it once then start doing it again but fortunately for me jimin caught me on time and yeah" Taehyung grumble out the short explanation as he doesn't see any reason to reminisce about his withdraw moment.

Others mouth are wide open.

"Hanuel doesn't get that in his blood right?" Namjoon was the first person to speak up even tho he was just a bit faster than Jungkook, all of them seem to have the same thought in their head.

"Nope ! Fortunately he doesn't , but Taehyung was under watch for a full year" jimin replied making others breath out relieved.

"I am sorry for telling them without your permission but I just got so scared and nervous at the same time" jimin apologize lowly and Taehyung hummed before waving it off.


Sorry for mistakes

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