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Taehyung nervously avoid people gazes as he stroll through the big mall trying to find the same dress hanuel has picked interest on in a drama and Taehyung knows he'd be done if he doesn't go back to their house with that outfit , he can't help but wonder maybe people are starting to recognize him with mask on or maybe he just look ridiculous with the baggy clothes he was putting on and a head band pushing his hair back .

It's been three months since his debut , two months to the day he met the Jeon's twins and almost two months since when yoongi has become friends with Han , the renowned producer will always visit his house without invitation and jimin and Tae are use to the older by now.

None of them was ready to have the discussion that they all knows they'll definitely will have one day , maybe they're not ready or just afraid of the outcome but either way Taehyung is glad they decided to act normal like all they hadn't stumble long ago.

He sighs and a big smile break into his face under his mask when he finally sees the outfit he was looking for and roll his eyes at the price , hanuel should be glad he loves him or else he won't be spending so much on a single clothes .

After picking the clothes , he decided to roam more around the kids section to get more things for his son , the boy has got enough but nothing is ever too much for kids.

He was going to pick a plushie when another hand grab the same one making him turn to face the man that was also wearing mask like him , Taehyung would've protest about how he has get hold of the pieces first only if he didn't recognize the eyes that boringly staring into his but the boring expression soon change into frustration.

Taehyung gulp , even in darkness , he can't ever forget Jeongguk's eyes , those eyes that hunt him for days , the same expression and he wants to scream and question why the man didn't even change the way he stare at him even after years , is he that bad?.

"Y-you can have it mister" he mumbled under his breath quickly letting go of the plushie and was going to turn away and escape as usual but a harsh grip on his wrist didn't leave such chance for him.

He was whimpering at the tight hold on his wrist as he was roughly drag into more isolated area in the mall , Taehyung can remember it's the emergency exit for any unseen situation.

He gasps in pain when he was roughly pushed against the wall by none other than jeongguk , he didn't dare meet the man's gaze , but his jaw was roughly caught between the man's fingers and force him to look up into his eyes.

"You dare to ignore me again ? do you think you have any right to do that? Or you think you disappearing for years then come back with a son will save you from paying for your deeds?" Taehyung thought he was all strong , and all ready to face the Jeon's twins but right now he realise he's wrong.

He's only ready to face them in the face but going back to the incident wasn't part of the strong will he has got , he's too weak for this and he can't even deny that anymore.

"Y-you are hurting me" Tae whimper trying hard to hold his tears in but he knows he fail when the golden years roll down his cheeks rapidly , he watch how Jeongguk's face harden at that.

"It's hurting you ? Really ? but do you know how it feels to really feel pain? All you know is how to inflict it on others but you know I was waiting for you to come back , now that you're here I'll make you feel every single feelings of pain then you'll realise you're not the only one heartless" every single words from jeongguk was like having her dagger stab countlessly into his heart and Taehyung just wants to get away from there at all means.

"Tell me , do you fuck a girl to get a son or what? Or let me guess? That dirty game of yours is on the line again? You adopt him as a mental support because you realise your deeds were wrong ? Let me tell you Kim Taehyung? Those fake tears and emotions won't work on me anymore" Taehyung close his eyes tightly as he shaken aggressively by jeongguk.

"Next time you see me and you dare to ignore me or pretend like you don't know me , I'm going to make your life a hell for you that you're going to wish for death" with that the older let go of him walking away and Taehyung fall back against the wall slipping his down and sits numbed on the floor.

He doesn't even need to cry out loudly when tears are already flowing non-stop down his cheeks , he was staring at the blank wall dumbly until he heard voices.

You deserve death , die ! You're useless ! No one wants you ! You're a monster.

"N-no I a-m not" he was lost in his head shaking furiously against the floor where he was sitting , he heard loud laughing mocks in his head.

Yes! You're a monster, cruelest monster , die!

He grab his hair harshly tugging the fluffy hair in-between his fingers so hard , until he listen to the soft voice that reach his ear .

You don't deserve death , you repented didn't you ? And see God has given you second chance inform of hanuel-- hanuel.

The voice resonate on his ear like loud ring.

"Han-uel , my baby" his head snap up instantly and he finally register his surroundings again , he was still sitting the same place jeongguk has left , he shakily get up on his feet using his shirt to wipe his tears and put his mask back correctly as it has slipped away earlier.

Without looking back, he ran ! And ran and he was thankful he didn't come to the mall with a car.

He badge into their house statling yoongi , jimin and hanuel.

"Hannie" the little boy Bambi eyes was wide in shocked just like the other two figures in the room when Taehyung pick the up hugging him tightly like he was trying to hide the boy away from all eyes.

Jimin and yoongi patiently waits until the idol was calm and just keep pampering hanuel's face with kisses and continuously mumbling how much he loves the boy.

"What happened? You cried ? did someone said anything to you?" Jimin quickly settle down on the floor infront of Taehyung, hanuel was resting his head on his dada chest.

"C-chim , he's going to take my baby away from me-- , he- said *hiccups* he's go-ing to make my life- hell f-or me , i----- can-'t let him find out about my baby" a dark frown settle on jimin's face , yoongi also frown staring at the two soulmate.

"T-he voices came back" jimin worriedly get hold of tae's hands checking his wrist for any marks which he didn't see anything aside from the redness caused by Jeongguk's harsh grab.


"Jeo-ngguk" Taehyung mumble out and jimin was helpless with the amount of fear running through his soulmate eyes , he really needs to get things done his way.

"The motherfucker again ?!" Jimin ruffle his hair before cupping tae's face.

"This isn't your fault , nothing is your fault , the blames will be put on the destiny writer and you deserve the whole world and that's why you get hanuel , remember everytime ,before you take any rash decision , hanuel only have you" jimin smile when Taehyung him tighten bringing hanuel more closer to his chest.

"I'll be back but I have to go somewhere right now" jimin said and when Tae gives him a small nod he went back to his room to change his clothes and get something from his drawer.

"Jeongguk, you're dead today" he smirk after bidding bye to hanuel and Taehyung, but his smirk drop when he finally see yoongi who was still standing like a statue, the older was staring at him with a frown.

"Oh , you can leave now" jimin causally shrugs walking out of the house , yoongi turn to stare at tae who was staring hanuel like his most precious possession.

He's having a bad feeling so he slip out of the house only to see jimin already driving out of the house , without thinking twice he get inside his car speeding after jimin.

What's this boy up to?.


Sorry for mistakes

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( Long story (40) or short story?).

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