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One year later:

Jeongguk legs bounce impatiently against the floor as he waits at the reception area for the figure he was expecting to step out , he has never felt some happiness hitting his body at the same time when the said male step out with his small backpack stripe against his shoulder-- a small smile dancing above the former idol's face.

Jeongguk didn't even care about the staffs surrounding them when he ran and pull the younger into bone crushing hug , Tae chuckle slightly and wrap his arms around the older neck--- Jungkook has been the only one visiting him for the past one year, just as the older has promised the day he was stepping into the building.

As they have fully expected, the first six months was hard on the younger and they ended up adding extra six months and Taehyung knows the past year has been extremely painful for him to survive but he's also glad of the result.

"Hey easy there Jeon" gguk pull away just to stare at the younger for some moments, he can't help but lean forward and peck the younger's lips which earned him a smack on the head from Taehyung.

"What the heck , get me away from here-- this building terrifies me" jeongguk nods as he had already signs the papers when the staffs has went to call for Taehyung, he didn't even bother bidding them last byes before dragging Taehyung outside with him and mentally roll his eyes at the clapping of the staffs who keep yelling about how they don't want to see Taehyung back to their place again.

Like , who in the fuck told them he'd wish to visit that hell again?.

The idol take in a fresh long breath the moment they stepped outside the building , he can't help but close his eyes for a moment and let a tear escape his eyes--- he felt grateful to be able to felt free without being high on anything. This might be the freedoms his soul has longed for, both mentally and physically.

It's a new start.

"Let's go , hanuel didn't attend kindergarten today because we told him you're coming back" Taehyung skip into the car that the door was been held open by jeongguk, just at the mentioned of hanuel-- he can't really want to get far away from this building.

"Jungkook always told us how the withdrawals goes anytime he came back from visiting you" gguk strike a conversation as he drive through the. Busy afternoon of the city.

"Those are nightmares days , don't wanna talk about them-- past is past gguk" Taehyung calmly stated and gguk nod understandly, he's also glad to know the boy was all ready to let the past stays in the past instead of regretting his choices.

Guess adding therapist to his sections in the last three months really did an amazing job.

"Jungkook told me you guys stays at mine and jimin's house?" Taehyung ask and gguk smile taking a quick glance at Taehyung before speaking up.

"Yup , he told you we'll wait for you doesn't he?--- oh my God , these guys are so dramatic" gguk laugh when he pull up at the drive way of jimin's house only to see the rest of the guys standing outside the building with balloons with has welcome back home written on it.

Taehyung was crushed among them immediately he step down from the car and hanuel pouts , and walk towards gguk who smile picking his son up.

"You said you'll bring dada for me but you let them snatch him" gguk laugh softly before struggling to pull the five bodies away from Taehyung.

"Hanuel is here guys" they all seem to snap back to their senses after that and fully step away from Taehyung who stare at hanuel in gguk's hold with teary eyes , he's finally seeing his baby after one full year. He couldn't hold his tears back.

"Dada" Taehyung take the little boy from jeongguk and starts pampering his face with kisses while others just watch with smiles on their faces , it's such a happiest day in their life for the past year.

"Let's go inside , I can already sees some dummies taking pictures of Taehyung" jimin roll his eyes at some of their neighbors who are peeking out of their windows , they all enter the house and Taehyung take a deep breath at the feelings of being back at his home. Home felt nice.

Jungkook come besides him and take a seat making Taehyung roll his eyes when the boy leans forward to ask about how he's doing.

"You saw me just last week Jungkook" Taehyung deadpanned and others roll their eyes when Jungkook make an offended expression.

"So? Anyways, welcome back home!"

"How does it feel? Being back here looking all healthy and better" yoongi wiggle his brows jokingly at Taehyung's face.

"Feels like I've been put in charge of the whole universe, I feel like me" Taehyung smile at them and they can all tell he wasn't faking anything with them this time around, they all felt relieved.

"Celebration time hoes! I've get new recipe to make some juice so I am going to try all of them right now---

"No alcohols guys" Taehyung butt in cutting jimin's words off.

"You really think you've to tell me that? Nah duh" jimin sassed before walking off to the kitchen not forgetting to drag Jin along with him.

"My baby boo , do you miss dada much?" Taehyung ask patting hanuel's head when the boy nod his head almost instantly.

"You're looking all fits, gym with papas?" The idol question but before hanuel could speak up , yoongi butt in.

"O-h he's lifting more weight than me now , they've automatically turned him into a gym freak-- stop them now that you're back" Taehyung look towards gguk and Jungkook who smile nervously at him.

"Dada hanuel strong now ! Can protect dada" the little boy stated proudly causing Taehyung to smile lovingly at him.

"Of course my love , you'll always protect me--

"Jeon's get your dirty asses here , what did I said about cleaning the kitchen this morning?" The Jeon's was on their feet the next seconds running towards the kitchen while namjoon laugh before following them out , leaving yoongi and Taehyung alone in the room.

"Welcome back" Taehyung smile gratefully at the older male.

"Hyung , you still work with hoseok hyung?" Taehyung question and yoongi nod his head with a small smile.

"Hyung , do you think I can still make it as an idol after everything?" Taehyung suddenly question after some silence causing yoongi to raise his head up at him.

"You want to?"

"Yeah , I want to Hyung-- but will I make it?"


Sorry for mistakes

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