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"Jungkook did all that?" Jimin ask bewildered staring at taehyung as he was trying to process whatever his soulmate has just explain to him , he also can't find any tangible reason why Jungkook will act that way suddenly with Taehyung.

"And he asked gguk , Taehyung got more pretty didn't he? And guess what gguk also said ? He said he surely did ! I told you they're planning something in their mind" Taehyung grumble and jimin sighs falling back on his back , the two were on their bed after sending hanuel to sleep earlier.

"Really I'm also scared now , but we got to be careful now okay?" Taehyung sighs nodding at jimin's words but nevertheless also lay on his side, letting his mind wander back to all situations and along the line , he drift off to dream Land.

It was probably hours later when his phone loud blasting sound disrupt their sleep making the two soulmate sits up confusedly but angry at the same time when they glance at the clock on the wall , it's 6am in the morning.

Who the fuck will call so early?.

"Pick the fucking call and make sure to curse the caller in ten different languages" jimin grumble out bitterly falling back on his side before drawing the blanket over his head , Taehyung stretch his hand out to get the hold of his phone and his nose scrunch into a frown when he notice the caller.


He sighs either way picking the calls , but he's really bitter the caller is someone he can't curse out for cutting his sleep short.

"Yes?" His voice was so croaky and he heard a breath from the other line before gguk speak up.

Sorry for disturbing your sleep but can you like come and open your door?

Taehyung frown deeply as he couldn't understand whatever he just heard , why'd jeongguk be at his house by this time of the day ? Don't tell him that big bunny couldn't sleep because of hanuel ?.

God fuck his life-- never mind , it's fuck up enough.

He mumbled thousands of curses under his breath to his consent before hanging up the call and slip out of bed , sensing that Taehyung was getting out of the bed ,jimin pull the blanket away from his face and stare confusedly at the male who was about to walk out of their room.

"Where are you going? And who called you ?" Jimin voice make Taehyung turn around .

"Gguk , I guess he couldn't sleep without hanuel- so yeah , he's outside so go back to sleep" jimin roll his eyes and Taehyung can tell he'll definitely give gguk piece of his mind once he wakes up clearly, no one like getting their sleep cut off and jimin definitely doesn't appreciate the act either.

Throwing last glance at jimin who has once again disappear under the big blanket , Tae chuckle shaking his head before walking out of the room to downstairs to open the door for gguk and he was surprised but not much when he sees Jungkook also standing along with him.

"Good morning?" The pretty male just ignore Jungkook's greeting and step aside for the twins to step into his house before he close the door back .

"Sorry for disturbing you at this hour but this big baby here couldn't sleep because he thought once he wakes up , Everything will turn out to be dream" Jungkook explained shortly as gguk finally realized how stupid he sound with that thinking , he really need to make his brain understand this is real , he's really a boy father. It's reality and not dream.

Taehyung sighs nodding his head understandingly at gguk who give him a grateful smile.

"You know his room right ? Becareful so he won't wake up , he's quite energetic in the morning so yeah" gguk nod excitely before escaping to the stairs , skipping four to three at a time until his figure was no more seen by both Jungkook and Taehyung.

Taehyung finally register the sudden tension in the air immediately Jungkook turn to him with a smile on his face , gosh he should've just follow gguk into hanuel's room. This creepy man is really hunting him and Taehyung wants an escape now.

"How can you look so cute with messy hair? Isn't this illegal?" Jungkook mumble with a fake pout on his lips as he step forward to Taehyung who nervously take three steps back , please don't tell him he'll find himself in a cringe drama scenes where he'd get trapped between the wall and this devil infront of him?.

Nevermind, he's already in that situation, he close his eyes tightly when he felt his back hitting the wall . He mentally scold himself for standing so close to a wall and what's was the reason why he didn't go after gguk again?.

"You're making me feel bad with the way you're reacting right now , I didn't bite you or did I ?" With how close Jungkook's voice sound to his ears , Taehyung isn't dumb enough not to realize the male was already standing close to him more than he could ever wish.

He couldn't bring himself to say anything but his eyes went wide open when he felt soft lips pressed against his , no movement but just tenderly stay against his own only for seconds before Jungkook retreated , the older male chuckle instantly bringing one of his hand to hold tae's face in place when the idol was about to look away.

"That's a good morning kiss , how was your night?" And there goes Taehyung's breath again for the second time that day , why is Jungkook doing this to him?. Taking his breath away so casually?.

"Eh?" Jungkook smiles widely at the absent-mindedly exclaim that escape the younger's lips , the boy was having so much thoughts in his head but to his dismay . Out of all possibilities he could think of , there's no any reason for Jungkook to act like this with him , it's not going well.

Or maybe it's all on his head ?, It's definitely not in his head when the said male is currently standing infront of him with thumb touching his cheeks so gently.

"w-why are you doing this? Why ? I said I was sorry , I really meant it Jungkook, you don't have to get back on me for anything, I know I was wrong and I accepted but do you really have to pay me back with my deeds ?" Taehyung burst out with tears rapidly make it way down the boy's cheeks , Jungkook step back confused with a deep frown on his face .

"What are you talking about ? Why is it that the only thing that could come into your mind is the possibility of me playing you ? Don't you think we need a clean day for your head and mind?" Jungkook said but staying away enough from the younger , he decided to sits on the couch while Taehyung use the moments to catch his breath and didn't bother answering Jungkook's answer before disappearing upstairs.

He needs to stay possibly away from Jungkook , so help him God.


Sorry for mistakes

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