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That's where the video ended , Jin was shaking aggressively hoping for whatever he just watch and hear isn't truth , he wish and hope maybe somewhere the video will happen to be mixed up and not the one jimin has planned to show them , this can't be true , this have to be a full lie.

Others were no better , Jungkook was frozen on his seat staring blankly at the TV even tho the video has already played finished , he doesn't know exactly what to think , he doesn't even know who he's at the moment and whatever is going on around.

Yoongi ruffle his hair before wiping the tears on his cheeks with the back of his hands and with last glace thrown at others, he left the place.

Jeongguk was not in better state , he remembered vividly that same day , the same outfit Taehyung was putting on when he met him just block away from his house , he has pinned the boy against the wall that same day to unleash his anger on him.

He personally called him monster and wish him death right to his face , he was indeed blinded by his anger , he really shouldn't have done that.

They all have that day spoiled totally for them.

Three years ago:

"I don't know who own my boyfriend anymore get off him" jimin fake glare at taehyung who Chuckled tugging his tongue out brattily at him as he wrap his arms around the yoongi's neck , even the older was showing a distaste face jimin can tell he wasn't angry with the boy clinging state.

He can't help but be surprised how much his boyfriend and Taehyung has got so close under there months, infact he personally hasn't been so relax in yoongi's present but Taehyung and yoongi already seem like long lost brothers in past life that just met again.

But on another side , jimin was glad seeing Taehyung been free with another human aside from him , at least without having intension of throwing the person around like chess board , jimin knows Taehyung wasn't thinking anything absurd concerning his boyfriend.

"But yoonie loves me more than you , what you going to do about that soulmate" jimin roll his eyes at tae's fake pout before dragging the boy away from yoongi only to make him lay down on the floor before taking a seat right above his stomach leaving yoongi to enjoy another drama between the soulmate.

"Seriously boy, I told you my friends are waiting for you in my house and I'm here to pick you idiot up but have been here for more than thirty minutes , can we get going now?" Yoongi stand and finally jimin get off Taehyung who was busy giggling and the pink haired male roll his eyes for the countless times that day bedroom helping Taehyung up.

Jimin was about to say something when tae's loud phone ringing tone cut him off , he watch how the pretty male check the screen for the caller only to scrunch his nose up disgustingly right after.

"Sunoo?" Jimin ask and Tae nod his head casually before running his fingers into his hair to make it less messy as he was too lazy to go up back into his room and get it brush again.

"And why are you ignoring his calls? don't tell me you broke up with him?" Jimin raise finger only to point it at taehyung who make a surprise expression and hands flying up to cup his chest dramatically.

"You know me too much that I'm afraid now , yes I broke up with him , he's becoming more clingy and it's getting annoying- too much love make me cringe chim" yoongi and jimin press their lips into thin line , yoongi can vividly remember this is just three months he had know the pretty boy but he also can remember this might the third boyfriend in that three months , is he matching like a girl's period now?. monthly.

"You said you like what me and yoongi hyung have but you're saying love make you cringe again ? Make it make sense soulmate" Taehyung step forward, placing his arm over jimin's shoulder which earned him a confused look from both yoongi and jimin.

"It's like watching someone dance, watching it Faraway is a very pleasing sight and mind-blowing, but wait until you have to move your body and dance-- it's not that easy anymore, I'll admire your love life and that's enough for me, so you guys can't ever break up okay?" Jimin sighs , taking a deep breath because he felt like he have got a rebel son and that's no one other than Taehyung.

"I hope you won't regret your decision now or later" Taehyung give an offend look at that and jimin glare back at him challengingly.

"Dude, humans get away with a lots of shits and why my own gon be different?" yoongi sighs knowing the two will probably spend hours on their argument again , he decided to make way outside knowing damn sure the two will follow him instantly.

He can still hear the argument back and forth as they walk outside getting into the car.

"There's something call karma soulmate, you know- it always happens in story that you won't realize and will fall in love with someone that's not ready to be with you , but don't worry I'll always be ready with a break up anthem playlist for you" yoongi Chuckle at that , he really doesn't understand why Taehyung choose to hate on love but he wasn't really judging the boy.

Everyone has got story to tell.

"You're cursing your soulmate now ? Bitch I'm not really afraid to fall because I know you'll always be there to catch me" yoongi make a disgusting face at the suddenly shift in conversation.

He knows this is how it'll end , it's Taehyung and jimin we are talking about.

"You two are disgusting" he commented but smile when jimin lean forward to leave a short kiss on his cheeks.

"Oh a second thought, I think I'll start picking sunoo calls before you two kill me with your stinky lovey dovey" yoonmin laugh at the boy's words.

Minutes later , yoongi pull up infront of his house and parked but shakes his head when he can hear the loud chattering coming from inside his house.

They all enter the house.

"Namjoon if you break anything here you're paying for it" yoongi yell rushing to push namjoon away from his TV, that's fucking expensive.

"Oh you're back ?" Jungkook mumble but his words are trail off when he catch the new two figures in the room , he can recognize the pink haired male as yoongi's lover since the older male has shown them all jimin's picture but the second male--

Jungkook step forward.

"Hey I'm Jungkook, what about you pretty?" Jimin cough awkwardly and wants to cry.

"He's Taehyung and he's not si-" jimin jump when Taehyung harshly step on his foot , he get the message that's to keep quiet.

Jungkook tilted his neck confusedly at jimin but Tae give him a soft smile.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you"

Jimin can feel the evil coming .


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