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Taehyung was staring between jimin and the twins once again , he was trying to process their words through his head but nothing is going through.

Maybe it was how that sounds that makes the voices in his head rush back or the moment that's currently infront of his eyes but he knows , nothing is really here to believe.

Everything coming from their mouth must be lies , only lies because they can't be saying the truth.

Why'd the twins still be in love with him even after years? Was love so easy to too hard to get out from? , Why are they trying to hard to make him believe their intensions with him are real when it's obvious it's not?.

Why can't they just leave him alone and let him continue his life the way it's ? , Why him every time ?. Thousands of humans had committed more treacherous crime compare to his but they're moving freely in the country but here he is , drowning and drowning once again.

Shouldn't he have dead the first time he had tried to take his life ? What's left enough to live for ? , Hanuel ? not in millions years he'd want hanuel grown up to see his nothing but broken dada. He'd rather be six feet buried than to be a disgrace to his own son.

The happy ending ?, He chuckled dryly making jimin and the twins stare at him confusedly, was it really happy ending or the starts of another end for him?.

He need a breath.

"They're saying the truth Taehyung, I know it's hard to believe but can you like give them chance to show they're sincere and ready to let go of the past" jimin words sound absurd to the pretty male ears , why is his soulmate making everything sound so easy when Taehyung can feel the fucking storm ahead him?.

How can the same jeongguk that has threatened to make his life a living hell some weeks ago suddenly change the tone now and starts preaching about love to him ? , Or the same Jungkook that has make him realized how disgusting he was ?.

Taehyung was yet to forgive himself and these people are talking about moving on? , It's obvious lies.

Everything around him are lies , his life , his thoughts of being okay or good enough to get over everything- Everything has been lies !.

Lies upon lies , he thoughts his tears are done flowing but they seem to be starting over again.

"Let me ask you one thing" Taehyung use the back of his hand to wipe his tears harshly , he was facing jeongguk.

"If you don't know about hanuel-- I wanna about him being your son , would you ever think of making things right between us?" His questions throw jeongguk off guard , he open his mouth to say something but no words come out of his lips.

The question echo in his mind , he knows his feelings to the pretty male was and has always been intact but true to Taehyung's questions-- has he ever thought of him getting back together with Taehyung before hanuel was involved? No!.

He won't have , he won't even have think of it.

Taehyung laugh dryly turning to Jungkook.

"Before you ask, I've never stop loving you- hanuel was just a reason why I let of the past , and just a reason I need to justify your deeds" Jungkook honesty comment making Taehyung harshly threaded his fingers between his hairs , his body was shaking furiously from mixed of emotions.

Fear , anger , lost , sad , and anger again.

"You don't fucking need reason to love me ! This is me ! The me and still me! My son isn't just a blank reason ! I don't want your pities because of hanuel. I thought I could involved in your games then maybe Everything will be back to normal but you know what I realized? Nothing is going to be back to normal" jimin quickly cover hanuel's ears with his hands when the boy flinch from the loud screaming of Taehyung.

The pretty male didn't wait any longer before running out of the house leaving not only Jeon's but jimin in delimma , how did they get here again.

"Da-da" hanuel hiccups making jimin bite his lips back harshly rubbing the little boy back in a comfortable way , he can't cry now when hanuel need him the most.

"Dada will be fine my love , he's just going to get something for you" jimin knows hanuel wasn't dumb to believe his lies.

"Dada cries" the Jeon's look down at their feet at the little boy hurt voice.

"Yeah but it's fake , we are acting drama with your dada" even tho jimin knows his words aren't convincing enough for the boy , he was glad when the boy just bury his face into his neck and sob silently until the sub turn to hiccups and lastly soft snores.

He breath out when he realized hanuel was finally asleep.

"Is there something you're keeping from us park jimin ? I don't think us confessing about our love should trigger him that much, is there something we are not getting along the line?" Jeongguk voice was stern but jimin also give him a blank expression back , he was too more angry than to get intimated by the twins at this moment.

This was what he was afraid of when the twins are getting close to Taehyung but he thought everything will go smoothly with the twins confession to him , but when has life ever go the way we plan?.

"There's nothing anywhere you need to know and please leave I'm not in mood to argue with you two" jimin grumble not waiting for the twins reply before walking away.

"Should we go after him?" Jungkook ask referring to Taehyung but gguk sighs before shaking his head.

"I think he need some moments alone with himself" the older twin mumble and the two decided to leave as jimin has instructed them to.


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