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"Do you want me to lift you?" Taehyung ask to hanuel as the two are currently walking towards hoseok's office , but he sighs when the boy shakes his head instantly.

"Nwo , hannie big boy" Taehyung chuckle nodding his head at the boy's words and smile when they finally get to the office , he knock on the door and patiently waits for permission to enter which cake just second later.

He enter the room and bow to hoseok when he noticed another figure that was sitting but back facing him so he couldn't see the person's face.

"Oh Taehyung, come here . Mr min is here , he's supposed to be your producer but wasn't around at the moment, he just came back" hobi stated motioning him to come over to the couch he was sitting but Taehyung felt his legs to heavy to lift when he meet the eyes of his so called producer.

Min yoongi.

He was snap out of his thoughts by hanuel's loud scream.

"Gumgum" the little boy yell aggressively slipping his hand out of tae's hold only to run and latch himself on yoongi's laps trying hard to climb the man which wasn't easy and yoongi chuckle before lifting him up and made him sits on his laps , Taehyung and hoseok are watching surprised.

"Told you that sound like bumbum little one , and ain't you a little smart thing? Recognize me even after a year? See you all grown up" hoseok and Taehyung are extra suprised at the way yoongi was speaking to hanuel like long lost friends.

"Gumgum hannie missed you" the boy pout resting his cheeks against yoongi's chest and the said male smile softly only to pat the boy's hair before tightening his hold around the boy , he then pinch the little one cheeks.

"Oh really ? I missed you too , see you speaking so clearly I remembered you can't even pronounce your name , you're growing too fast my cute panda" yoongi and hanuel was left in their world , totally forget about the two humans in the room until hoseok decided to fake cough to catch yoongi's attention.

"O-h you know hanuel?" Hobi questions and yoongi shrugs nonchalantly.

"Yeah , always saw him at a daycare besides my house in Spain , I think when he was around two? Becomes friends until he suddenly disappear one day and I learnt that his parents return back to home country , I'm surprised he recognizes me tho" Taehyung felt stupid in hundred thousand way , he doesn't even know what to say.

Yoongi has been so close to them and they didn't even realize ? What the fuckery fuck was that ?, His son has made friends with his own very old hyung and he doesn't even found out.

He remembered how hanuel is always happy to go to daycare when him and jimin will be at their work but he assumed he might like other children there and never realized it was his own hyung , he is more than shocked.

He also find it funny , how they're all trying their best to run away from each other then only to end up just at each other's side , it's really crazy how humans plans work against them sometimes.

"Oh I guess this will be easy then , this is Kim Taehyung , and his son Kim J. Hanuel" hobi said pointing to Taehyung who was trying hard to resist the urge to just pick hanuel up and run far away but really , he find that thought absurd now , no matter how far he run , he's always going to find himself entangled with these humans.

Yoongi raise his head to meet his gaze for the very first time and tilted his neck amusingly.

"The J. In your son's name sound amazing but I wonder why you can't just pronounce it full , I mean J is just a letter . What's the full pronunciation?" If there's someone Taehyung knows he wasn't ready to meet at all then it'll be min yoongi and Kim seokjin, those two humans won't pass him by and let it go freely , they'll wants some explanation from and will come straight and clean.

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