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Taehyung chuckle amusingly glancing at hanuel who have his chubby face pressed against his car mirror, he can't help but cooed loudly at his cute baby.

He was driving towards the twins mansion and he had learned that they lives with namjoon and seokjin , he can't help but also get nervous internally as that'll be the first time he'll be meeting the two males after years ago.

He doesn't know what to expect from them as reaction but at the same time he can't help but tell himself not to worry much about it and just enjoy his day while hanuel enjoy his father's company, he'd have reject the proposal of bringing hanuel to Jeon's house if the little boy didn't have an hour tantrum about it.

Left with no other choices , that's why Taehyung found himself on his way to Jeon's house.

"Dada see big bunny!" Taehyung glance at where his baby was pointing and shakes his head when he sees the boy was talking about people who are wearing bunny costume to perform by the road side.

"It's amused seeing another bunny admiring a bunny" Taehyung grumble out and laugh gently when he sees hanuel confused face , his words are probably to mashed for his baby to understand.

"Are you happy to see papa ?" Taehyung ask softly when he finally pull up infront of the Jeon's mansion, he didn't expect less knowing the twins position but can't as well help but get jeolous.

He wanted to build a mansion like this for his little bear , hopefully soon.

His smile didn't leave his face as he watch hanuel nod his head vigorously causing his bangs to bounce gently making him look cuter than he's , Taehyung really wonder how a little boy can look so cute without even trying much.

He alighted from his car before getting hanuel down too , he didn't even get to text the twins he's there when he saw Jungkook walking out of their house with a smile on his face.

Hanuel immediately scream out happily running towards the male who is copy of his father.

"O-h my little buddy finally here , welcome to our abode" Jungkook smiles widely at hanuel as he pick the little boy up , the boy also give a smile which resembles his own before he messily land a little peck on the older male cheeks.

Jungkook chuckle as he balance hanuel on his hips before facing Taehyung who was already staring at him.

"Hey Tae" Jungkook greeted softly and the idol reply back before following Jungkook into the house.

The twins has stopped their sudden act after Taehyung breakdown that has happened a month ago , they understand approaching the male so suddenly might triggers something from the idol and decided to take everything slowly.

"Gguk , baby Han is here" Jungkook call out immediately they enter the large living room , Everything in the room scream wealth and Taehyung felt like a stranger to such life again.

He gently take a seat on the couch when Jungkook motion him to do so.

"On my God! It's really Taehyung, can I have your autograph please" Taehyung awkwardly turn towards where the dramatic voice comes from and smile tightly when he sees namjoon walking towards him with Jin and gguk trailing behind him.

He bow slightly not knowing how he was suppose to acts work the older male.

"Don't make him feel uncomfortable Joon" Jin stated calmly as he walk ahead and take a seat opposite where Taehyung was sited , hanuel has wiggle out of Jungkook's hold and run towards gguk who already has his arms open widely for the boy.

"Papa!" Hanuel giggles loudly when Jeongguk blow air to his hair before he peck his father's cheeks , Jin and namjoon just watched amusingly as they haven't meet with hannie since the day they found out he was indeed gguk's child.

"Papa house ugly , hannie room more beautiful" Taehyung pressed his lips into thin line as hannie was just a minutes faster than him , if it was the old Taehyung- he'd have state his distaste the very moment he stepped into the house. He hates dull colours with passion and here is the luxurious house designed in all grey. He wants to puke and mentally pat hanuel's head for speaking up on his behalf.

"I know me and Han will get together, I mentioned the same thing but it was me against these three Buffaloes and I lost the argument" Taehyung chuckle silently at seokjin done face and the other three offended face of getting compare to buffalos.

"Uh-m what color do you think papa should try ?" Gguk ask smiling at hanuel who put his finger under his jaw and make a long thinking face before clapping his hands together excitely after some moments, which gguk has also take the opportunity to take a seat Besides Taehyung.

"Papa try hanuel's room colour" gguk and Jungkook scrunch their nose up disgustingly as they have been to the boy's room , but Jin and namjoon only stare between them confusedly.


What's his room color again? Yellow?" Jungkook ask and hanuel pout shaking his head.

"No ! It's blowu and chrimmy colour" hanuel whines and they all exchange look among each trying to connect the dots to understand the boy's words but ended up on nothing.

Namjoon turn to Taehyung.

"Translation please" the idol laugh softly before turning to hanuel who was resting his head against gguk's chest , he shifted a bit on seat and remove the pacifier from hanuel's mouth.

"They don't understand love , why don't you spell it out to Papa's friends?" Hanuel frown staring at namjoon and Jin who are also looking at him.

"It's b-l-u-e and c-r-e-a-m-y or are you suffering from stupidphobia?" Taehyung cough awkwardly as he quickly push hanuel's pacifier back into his mouth , others have their mouth wide open.

"I can tell he spend too much time with yoongi, you're lucky you look so cute or I'd have smack your bumbum" Jin threatened with a pointed finger at hanuel who push himself much into gguk's chest and the said male glare at Jin who scoffs loudly.

"You can't spoil him the way I spoiled you brats you rabbit" Taehyung press his lips into thin line at that , isn't hanuel already spoiled?.

"Don't mind the mean uncle , you're Papa's baby bunny right?" hanuel pout at gguk's words before shaking his head.

"No! I am dada's babybear and I am going to change the world" the boy stated causing Taehyung to laugh gently before ruffling the little boy's hair.

"Of course and your dada is the big bear? Wanna hear a little secret? Your dada is such a cuddly bear" gguk pretend like he's whispering his words into hanuel's ears but others can also hear him making Taehyung look down at his laps.

Namjoon and Jin exchange look among each other.

Are they missing out something?.


Sorry for mistakes

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