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Struggling to snap out of the thousands of voices in his head words after Jungkook's sudden move , Taehyung trail after the chuckling male who seem to enjoy whatever reaction he has just got out of him by a single move.

Taehyung knows what's coming next , it's obvious Jungkook won't leave him alone with just a single apology , jeongguk was right . Sorry can't solve all problems.

If it does , then why is he still angry with his mother after so many years.

He's really hypocrite for thinking the Jeon's will forgive him when he has hold hatred against someone from the very beginning till date , none of those humans has done something wrong or out of their willingly mind. But rather they were equally blinded.

Blinded by love.

Love is that sweetening to ears words but dangerous at the same time , the best weakness and the bestest strength.

The pretty idol felt stupid for thinking he'd have the happy ending , hoping somewhere maybe he deserves it after everything he had went through but once again , who's going to take blame for all the hearts he has broken?.

Him , just him.

Jungkook is on the mission to make him realise nothing goes for free , this is a world , where whatever you dish out is coming right back at you. You can't plant potatoes and harvest yam , impossible.

Life is easy , but living it isn't .

Taehyung snap out of his long thoughts when he heard loud giggling of hanuel and that's when he finally notice they're now standing outside again , watching hanuel and his papa run in circle around the car parked.

He look towards hanuel , a smile make it way to his face before his gace fall on jeongguk who was staring at hanuel like the boy is his whole world , it makes Taehyung breath out.

If his life span ever give up on holding him on , he can always rest peacefully in peace knowing hanuel will get everything he ever wish for in life. He can't live the life him personally has lived , he have to have a good life and become a great person in the coming Future.

Even in his absent , hanuel have to be Great.

There he goes again with the suicide thoughts again , just when he thinks he can live a normal life , there goes his past coming inform of dirty and scary nightmare to scare him off , hasn't he lost enough?.

What else has he got to loose ?, Then it hits him like a bomb. He had really got nothing to loose , aside from his life.

God , why does he even exist in the first place ?.

Everything about his life was against his will , the little happy life he manage to have before his nightmare begins can't make up for a single day pain in his life , he was born out of his will , lives in hell out of his will.

He wants to pay the world back by what he has been given but then he forgot along the line , everyone gets what they pay out. As you lay your bed so you lie on it.

He's tired again , he wants everything and everyone gone. Doesn't he deserves a little happiness , the one he has when he hold hanuel in his arms for the very first time is gradually drowning in vain now.

His life has always been like that , short happy moments and life time nightmare. He wants to live , he wants to die , he wants happiness and hope he deserves the dreadful fate he got for whatever he has done.

His thoughts are disorganized just like his existence , yes. He's going crazy in his own mind.

He look up when he felt a small hand cupping his face, he smile gently seeing hanuel who was in Jeongguk's hold staring at him worriedly, he might be busy running in his mind that he doesn't even notice his son was right infront of him.

"Dada sad? But hannie isn't going with Papa anymore , why dada sad ? Hannie bad?" The idol instantly shakes his head furiously and take hanuel from gguk's hand , the said male was also staring at tae with a raised brow before questioning glancing at Jungkook who shrugs his shoulder.

"Han , my han is a very good boy and dada just have a little headache my love , why don't you want to go with Papa anymore? Dada is really not sad" hanuel pout bringing his little thumb to wipe the pretty male tears and Taehyung had to bite back the loud sob that almost left his throat.

He wasn't supposed to be crying pathetically infront of hanuel like this , he shouldn't make his baby sad because of the result of his own past sins.

"Dada why crying ?" Taehyung instantly use his free hand to wipe his rolling tears , and a fake smile invade his face.

"Something enter dada eyes baby , look dada is fine now" he smile through his teary eyes when hanuel messily peck his lips before hugging his neck tightly and starts mumbling about how much he loves his dada, Taehyung was crying a silent cry.

"Uh-m , I was able to convince him that I'll come tomorrow but are you okay?" Gguk ask calmly and Taehyung nod his head which earned Jungkook another suspicious look from gguk , the younger jeon twins just shrugs his shoulder as he has done done anything wrong.

"T-thank you" Taehyung mumble out with his trembling voice and his hold on hanuel's tighten when the boy suddenly lean back wanting to catch the sight of his papa again.

"Papa , good night" hanuel wave at gguk who smile widely and step forward closer to Taehyung to kiss hanuel's forehead , the boy giggle at that.

"Dada kiss too , dada sad and kiss make dada Happy" gguk stare at a frozen Taehyung before he leaves a short peck on his cheeks too and hanuel cheers loudly clapping his little hands together to show he's content with the act.

"Be a good boy to dada okay ? Love you" Jungkook just smile staring at hanuel who was nodding his head furiously at his father's words.

He look towards Jungkook who was leaning against his car and smile widely at him before waving his little hand towards kook who smile back and wave at the little boy too.

"Bye bye , papa 2" the Jeon's twins couldn't hold their laughter with hanuel's words , the boy basically believes they're two same people who lives separately in two body?. That's cute tho.

"Of course buddy , take care and Taehyung good night to you too" Taehyung nods not daring to open his mouth to say anything but rather just follow hanuel's acts and starts waving at the twins as they get into their car , the dada and son duo keep waving until the Jeon's twins car disappear away from their sight.

"Time for bed my little moonlight"

Hanuel smiles widely at that causing Taehyung to Chuckle amusingly, and finally walk back into their house.


Sorry for mistakes

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