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Taehyung sighs shaking his head at hanuel who was sitting on the floor with his small arms folded on his chest, he was back facing Taehyung who look back at his phone screen.

"He's still angry" he informed shortly to gguk who hummed but feeling bad for breaking hanuel's promise and travel out of the country for a week now , he's getting ready to fly back after seven days of being away but no matter how much him and Taehyung has tried, hanuel refused to speak with him and keep crying about how his papa has broke his promise.

The sudden outburst of the past issues has made some of them forgot they've got normal lives and their works to take care off , jeongguk finally hung up the call when the announcement for his flight was heard.

Taehyung sighs eyeing hanuel who was now playing game on his tab with a big fat pout on his face.

"Papa is coming " he said but get ignore instead and he decided to let the boy be until gguk come and apologize to his son by himself, he was glad to be able to ignore Jungkook for the rest of the day the last time the twins had visited and thankfully, the younger jeon twin seem to be busy with work and he hasn't come to his house since gguk left the country.

It was around 7pm in the evening when the twins arrive at his house and of course Jungkook come with his twin brother , Taehyung take a deep breath as he step aside for the two males to enter his house.

hanuel was casually laying on his chest on the couch and pretend not to see gguk when the said male walk ahead to stand infront of him.

"Buddy papa is really sorry" gguk mumble lifting the boy that starts thrashing in his hold , Tae just get back to the couch and silently watch gguk trying to beg hanuel.

"P-papa lied! Run away from hanuel and break the formise" the boy cry hitting gguk's chest with his little fist causing the said male to sighs out sadly , he should've really come and bid his bye to Taehyung and hanuel before leaving the country , but he can't also predict he'd have to leave as he was called emergency and have to book flight in minutes.

Either way , the damage is already done , he just to have to convince his son not to be angry with him.

"I'm very sorry baby, you know papa have to work to get my little buddy some gifts and I come back with plenty, they're inside the car outside so won't you forgive papa now?" Gguk dramatically bash his lashes at hanuel making a sad face and the boy only pout then embalm his face into his father's neck , he has stop crying just constant sniffing here and there until it totally went silent.

After some minutes of just sitting in silence, Taehyung finally speak up.

"He has fall asleep , I don't know how he got addicted to you so well but he couldn't sleep well for the past week because he go to sleep late and wake early expecting you" jeongguk feel more bad at that , he mentally promise himself never to repeat the same act again.

"I'll tug him into bed , I'm coming" gguk informed and Tae nods as he watch the older Jeon twin disappear upstairs , he smiles softly before looking down at his laps. Then he feels it again , the sudden tension whenever he was left along with Jungkook.

He instantly stand up and was going to walk into the kitchen when Jungkook stand up instantly grabbing his wrist gently and make him stop before turning him around with his shoulder , Taehyung stare up at him blankly waiting for him to say whatever he plan to say but he decided not to show any reaction when Jungkook smiles widely at him.

"Do you have idea how much I fucking miss you ? And you're planning to run away from me now , that's not a good act baby, but forget that ? How have you been?" Taehyung gulp edibly when he felt Jungkook arms slowly getting wrapped around his waist .

He was pull closer until he have to place his palm against Jungkook's chest to leave some space for their breath not to invade , what the fuck is this human bunny up to again?.

"Jung-kook" he stutter trying hard to keep his breath in place when the said male lean forward to him only to push his face against his neck , his hot breath fanning tae's collarbone which send shivers down the idol spine , God why didn't he run when he has got the chance.

Even tho he had told jimin not to worry that he's going to give Jungkook chance to take his revenge to end whatever is between them but right at the moment he can't help but wonder maybe his idea was just a dumb way of thinking , what even makes him think he can take another breaking to his already fucked up life?.

He can't do this , he won't be able to stand on his feet ever again if another situation went down with his life , he just wants to sing and love his son and live a little bit happy and all that seem too much to ask for the moment he step his feet back into Korea.

Once again , he can't help but laugh at how funny his life situation is turning out , he had went away years ago to escape everything and here he's , paying for his sins once again. But really , what right does he possess to feel this way ?.

He was snap out of his thoughts when the hold around his waist get more tightened and he guess Jungkook most have guess he's getting lost in his thoughts once again , but again when was he never lost in his thoughts?.

He take a deep breath , giving himself thousands of motivation in his head and decided to just do this once and all and let everything stop.

But he really doesn't get chance to stabilize his mind when he felt a soft lips roughly get link with his , his eyes went wide in shock but he was left with no choice but to close his eyes when he notice Jungkook eyes are shut off.

without much thinking , he respond back wrapping his arms around Jungkook neck and he heard the said male letting out a relief Breath into the kiss but Taehyung pull away when he finally remembered something, jeongguk was just steps away from them!.

Jungkook seem irritated with his action with the way he raise his brow questioning at him.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung fidgeting with his shirt sleeve but when he look up to meet Jungkook's gaze , he was left with no other choice than to tell the male the truth.

"Gguk is up , we can't do that now" he mumbled out looking down at his feet but stare up confusedly when Jungkook chuckle looking amused at his words.

But he really didn't get chance to question Jungkook further when he felt another body heat engulfing him from behind, a deep chuckle close to his ears.

"What about me babe?"

And maybe Taehyung might or might not have pass out.


Sorry for mistakes

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👀👀👀👀 Drop all your theories about what's going on , I want to check something 😘😘

( Guys don't feel sad about the Grammy if you're because our boys own the show and ate with no shit left behind , I swear I got body chill watching their performance 💜💜💜💜)

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