Chapter 9

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He Jiang: “How do you know I’m here? Did you put a locator in my car?”

Shang Jing’s eyelids blinked lightly. This excuse is really good, but unfortunately it can’t be used. He said, “I was passing by and saw your car entering. I was curious to follow up to see what happened? Is it illegal for me to come here?”

He Jiang suddenly remembered what Xiaobei said, Shang Jing had seen the piano, and that piano shop was not far across. After graduating from the Department of Music, it is normal to go back to China to find a job and want to buy a musical instrument.

But it’s not normal to follow him when you see him.

Does Shangjing know what these actions mean? Still want to play “I can accompany you in a relationship but I don’t like you”?

It’s not uncommon for him to experience the thing of love once.

He Jiang didn’t want to guess any more, he admitted that he was a little bit annoyed by Shang Jing’s small actions, and asked honestly, “Shang Jing, do you like me?”

“Ah?” Shang Jing was caught off guard by the question, his mouth was slightly open and he couldn’t close it.

He used to like He Jiang so much that he had no self-respect, but now he doesn’t lick it anymore, and his love is lost along with his memory. Although the dog-licking attribute occasionally haunts, it has been reborn as a whole.

Shang Jing pursed his lips, should he not hesitate to say that he likes it at this time?

But in such a sacred place as a hospital, Shang Jing always suspected that if he lied, he would become a dog licker.


He Jiang laughed self-deprecatingly, did he still have to wait for Shang Jing’s answer? This reaction was the same as three years ago.

He Jiang changed the subject: “Do you want to buy a piano?”

Shang Jingshun got off the donkey: “Think, do you want to buy me one?”

After he went back that day, he regretted it a little. He should have bought a piano and put it at home to practice. He didn’t practice hand training for three days. This was his way of making a living after his divorce.

But somehow, with his assistant Xiao Bei, Shang Jing was embarrassed to ask him to reimburse him, which was weird. But when He Jiang asked him if he wanted a piano, he really wanted it.

It’s obviously all He Jiang’s money, right?

Shang Jing thought about it for a while, and found the reason in a flash. The assistant paid the bill as if he was cared for, and He Jiang asked in person, just like giving his wife! It turns out that his ideological realm has improved again.

He Jiang chuckled lightly and said, “Why send you?”

Shang Jing thought without hesitation: “Why didn’t you buy it? Because I was distracted just now? Of course I like you…”

Shang Jing paused, and suddenly realized the seriousness. A macho man like He Jiang would definitely not allow a virtuous wife to have her own ideas, so he added unskillfully, “Husband.”

He Jiang clenched his fingers: “You can say anything now.”

Now it’s for a piano, and in the past it was for some inexplicable reasons that he was too embarrassed to mention again, to please him from time to time.

He’s been fooled, and almost got fooled a second time.

Yang Yue asked him why he broke up. The reason was too ridiculous. He Jiang couldn’t say it.

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