Chapter 10

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He Jiang drank two more sips of mineral water, and knew that it would be like this.

He Jiang returned to his original heart. At first, he thought that if the business scene does not blow up the kitchen, it would be fine. After doing some mental building like this, he was relieved.

He was relieved, and Shang Jing was going to explode!

To insult his cooking is to insult his personality! He cooks the food so carefully, does not act as a demon, does not poison, carefully arranges the dishes, and waits before and after, so he has to come to such an evaluation?

“What do dogs not eat?”

“It’s just that your tongue is precious, and you look down on the food made by our little people? Then don’t eat at home!” Shang Jing pulled out his chair angrily, grabbed the knife and fork from his hand and pinched it in his hand, “You don’t eat it. I eat by myself, we are not the same people, and we will eat our own in the future.”

Shang Jing was so angry that he didn’t even have an appetite. He just mechanically cut the beef piece by piece with a knife. His movements were rough and his eyes were sharp, as if it was He Jiang’s heart.

Obviously, he had eaten boiled dumplings well before, so why should he be treated like this when he cooks?

Change the way to drive him away, right?

Shang Jing looked at the mashed foie gras on the white porcelain plate, like his broken self-esteem, which He Jiang spat worthless into the trash can.

“Heaven will bring great wealth to people in this country, and they must first suffer their minds and their bodies.” Shang Jing recited two sentences silently, temporarily swallowing the bad breath.

He Jiang asked him to move, but he refused to move. He Jiang said that dogs would not eat this stuff, so he wanted to finish it.

He Jiang saw that Shang Jing had the tendency to eat a whole table of disgusting things to fight against him, and stretched out his hand to hold down his knife and fork, “Don’t eat it.”

Aunt Huang had been raised with a high salary for so long, and he didn’t want Shang Jing to eat any bad food.

If he vomits and loses every ounce of his complexion, where can he pay for it?

Shang Jing said coldly: “You worry about me, I have to finish it.”

He Jiang didn’t talk nonsense with him, pulled out the trash can, and emptied the dishes.

“I order takeout.”

When the first set was poured, Shang Jing held the knife and fork in both hands and did not react. At the moment when everything was poured out, Shang Jing’s head exploded with a “hum”.

When he was reading the diary, he just resented himself for licking the dog, but he didn’t really feel that He Jiang dumped the food he cooked.

He now finally understands how it feels.

The anger was chaotic in the internal organs and did not know where to rush, because the grievances that had to bow their heads because of being under the fence surged up together, like wildfire seeing the wind, growing wildly.

I wanted to cry but couldn’t cry, my eyes were red. Shang Jing bit He Jiang’s wrist fiercely like a trapped beast.

“Hey…” He Jiang tensed his arm muscles, subconsciously wanting to withdraw, but looked down and saw the knife and fork in Shang Jing’s hand that was constantly clenching because of anger, and the tears that couldn’t be contained by closing his eyelids, but he didn’t move.

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