Chapter 26

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No one at the scene cared about this WeChat prompt sound.

No one knew who Business View was messaging.

In the middle of the night, He Jiang wanted to take her boyfriend who lost his memory back to sleep and asked, “Who are you asking?”

“Ask someone who knows the truth. Teacher Cen, I know who your mysterious girlfriend is. You can’t deny it.”

Don’t think about breaking up here and deceiving Xiaozhuang with the old cadre.

God, mysterious girlfriend?

Zhuang Qin’s eyes were slightly confused from the beginning, and suddenly he was awakened by Lei. He slowly took two steps back, took out his mobile phone and glanced at it.

“What’s your last name?”

Zhuang Qin’s mind went blank, completely forgetting his surname.

Shang Jing turned slightly, blocking He Jiang’s vision of his phone. The group said yes, this group cannot be exposed, especially the group name, how shameful.

The other party didn’t reply, and Shang Jing was a little anxious. He was still online just now, and he sent another message: “Urgent, I will help you get justice.”

Ding dong, Zhuang Qin’s cell phone rang again.

One was a coincidence, and when the second sounded, everyone’s eyes turned to Zhuang Qin.

Shang Jing is asking Zhuang Jin?

That’s right, Shang Jing lost his memory and didn’t know a few people at all. There were only three people who overlapped in his and Cen Feinuo’s social circles, He Jiang, Zhuang Jin, and Yang Yue.

Eliminate the wrong answer, and what remains is the correct answer.

So, Zhuang Qin told Shang Jing that Cen Feinuo had a mysterious girlfriend? Why did Zhuang Qin say this?

Cen Fino looked at Zhuang Qin in disbelief: “Is Shang Jing sending you a message?”

Zhuang Qin’s eyes were in a panic, his face was red and his ears were red, his fingers holding the phone were pale, and he almost forced tears: “I, I…”

Shang Jing: “Of course not!”

He Jiang looked at Shang Jing in a complicated mood. He didn’t expect that Xiao Zuojing’s acting skills were really good, and Zhuang Qin, his accomplice, was short of painting, and Shang Jing could still say no.

Cen Feinuo took a step closer to Zhuang Qu, bowed slightly, and looked at Zhuang Qu’s drooping eyes: “Why is your face so bad?”

The shadow was approaching, Zhuang Qin took a step back, and the phone fell to the ground in a hurry. The screen was turned up, and a chat interface was displayed impressively.

[He Jiang’s wife]: @Cen Fino Mysterious Girlfriend, what’s your surname?

[He Jiang’s wife]: Urgent, I will help you get justice.

Shang Jing saw it for the first time, and the wire in his mind was connected with a snap.

Zhuang Qin is the mysterious girlfriend in the group!

But Zhuang Qin was not Cen Feinuo’s girlfriend, that is to say, Zhuang Qin pretended to be Cen Feinuo’s mysterious girlfriend and mixed into the group of charming wives.

He accidentally exposed Zhuang Qin to the male **** he had a crush on.

Shang Jing’s face turned pale, and he quickly turned off the screen.

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